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"Say ahh!" HueningKai said, bringing the spoon upto Taehyun's mouth.

"Huening-ah, I can't eat anymore." Taehyun whined, his tummy full from all the food Huening had been feeding him.

"Hyung just one more bite."

"No Kai, I can't eat anymore."

"Fine then, rejecting this bite of food is like rejecting my love, I'll just eat it mys—"

And Taehyun leaned forward and ate up the contents of the spoon.

"Happy now?" Taehyun managed to say, with his mouth full of food.

"You're so cute,hyung." HueningKai said ruffling the elder's hair.

"You're cuter, Huening - ah." Taehyun said after finishing to chew.

"Don't argue with me,hyung. You're the cutest." Huening said.

"Whatever makes you happy." Taehyun smiled at him and pinched his cheeks.

Beomgyu was sitting at the same table as them. The two males were so absorbed in each other, that if Beomgyu even got up and left, they wouldn't notice.

Beomgyu played with his chopstick, loosing his appetite looking at the two being so mushy with each other.

Though he would have absolutely loved to be the one displaying affection to Taehyun, looking at HueningKai do it just made him feel sick.

Why couldn't Taehyun have fallen for Beomgyu instead of HueningKai?

Beomgyu was so much more better than Huening!

For starters, Beomgyu was extremely good looking, maybe Huening came a second. Beomgyu's cheeks were definitely more pinch worthy than Huening's. He barely had any flesh to pinch! Beomgyu's eyes were something in which anyone could get lost. Huening's would just be lifeless unless Taehyun was around. Huening was a giant, and they looked so funny together! If maybe Taehyun liked Beomgyu, they would look like a cuter couple, because of the negligible difference in their heights.

To sum it up, Beomgyu was definitely better for Taehyun.

But a pity it was that Taehyun couldn't see it. A pity it was that Beomgyu would die loving a person who never paid any attention to him.

Beomgyu couldn't take of their mushiness anymore and quietly got up from the table and left.

He was right, they didn't even notice that Beomgyu had left, they were too busy tickling each other and giggling.

Beomgyu sighed for the nth time as he walked over to the tree in the corner of their football field, the one where he and his friends would always meet.

Not anymore though.

He dropped his bag on the ground and sat down,looking up at the tree.

It just made him feel jealous.

There were so many times that Beomgyu just wanted to shove HueningKai god knows where and just kiss Taehyun hard.

So HueningKai knew never to mess with what was his.

But it was all just an imagination, wasn't it? Taehyun was never his and will never be. If ever, he'd be HueningKai's, and Beomgyu would literally rot in a corner.

His jealous and murderous thoughts about Huening were interrupted by a few giggles he heard.

From the other side of the tree.

He leaned over to the other side, and saw Yeonjun and Soobin cutely giggling and pecking each other's cheeks.

Beomgyu felt like ruining their moment, because he was too jealous to watch anyone be happy.

But because it was his brother, he let it be, and feeling worse, turned back.

"Beomgyu-ah." Yeonjun said from behind.

"No no hyung, go on I didn't mean to inter—"

"It's fine, Beomgyu." Soobin spoke up." Why aren't you with your friends?"

"They err— I um—"

"Are they being too flirty with each other again?" Soobin suggested.


"Yeonjun told me everything, Beomgyu." Soobin spoke calmly.

Beomgyu glared deeply at his brother. Yeonjun merely shrugged.

"I didn't mean to, Beom. He knew something was up with me and I eventually had to tell him." Yeonjun looked down. "But you don't have to stay with them, you know. Come with us." Yeonjun offered, looking at Soobin nod.

"Yeah Beomgyu come with us." Soobin encouraged.

Beomgyu didn't want sympathetic actions from anyone. Especially not from his brother and his boyfriend.

"No it's okay. I just got rid of being a third wheel, I don't want to be one anymore." Beomgyu spat. He was really mad at Yeonjun telling his problems to Soobin and now this.

"Alright Soobin, let's go get ice cream,okay?" Yeonjun pretended to leave along with Soobin.

Beomgyu turned back at them. It was either ice cream plus being a third wheel or sitting and wondering about how pathetically in love he was with Taehyun.

He would do anything to forget the latter and so he huffed, and called out," I'm coming hyung!", grabbed his bag and ran behind the couple.

"I told you he'd come." Yeonjun whispered to Soobin as Beomgyu came running behind.

Soobin smiled at Yeonjun.

"Soobin you'll have to stop smiling like this, it makes my heart weak." Yeonjun flirted.

"Shhh Yeonjun, Beomgyu doesn't want to be a third wheel." Soobin reminded.

"Ugh guys, if you're done, can we just go get the ice cream?" Beomgyu made a disgusted face at the two.

The elders nodded and headed off for ice cream, and Yeonjun was glad that Beomgyu didn't have Taehyun on his mind.

Well atleast, for now.


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