[ t w e n t y ]

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Beomgyu didn't stop. He was now standing in front of the mirror above the sink.

He was puking out all the food that Yeonjun had cooked for him earlier before leaving.

Along with that, the white petals kept coming. Beomgyu's head hurt so much. He didn't want all of this.

Why couldn't Taehyun just love him the way he wanted him to?

Weakly, leaning on every object that came his way, Beomgyu made his way back to the bed, and sat down.

He was now breathing really heavily, because the flowers in his lungs disabled him to breathe properly.

What was this Hanahaki disease afterall? Why hasn't he ever heard of it?

Beomgyu reached for his phone which was on the other side of the bed.

He typed in 'hanahaki' into the web search.

He read an article about it carefully.

The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love where the patient's throat will fill up with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals, (sometimes even the flowers). One of the only ways for the disease to 'disappear' is if, the said person returns the feeling (it can't be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love).
Another cure would be taking the patient to the doctor for a lung surgery. Although, if this is done, then the patient will forget all memories made with their love.
If the patient wishes not to forget the person and the person shows no obvious signs of love, then the patient naturally dies from lack of oxygen.

Many people have suffered this disease, as doctor Kim Jiwoo says, but they always hesitate in contacting the hospital.
The main reason, she explains, is that the patient loves the person too much for them to let go. Around 80% of the people who have suffered this disease, have died due to lack of oxygen. She offers her condolences to them.

Beomgyu read all of this in shock. Yeonjun didn't tell him that he'd forget Taehyun after this!

Beomgyu's head started to hurt at all the thinking. He wasn't going to go to the hospital and that was for sure.

He wasn't going to forget Taehyun like he was nothing in his life. Taehyun would always be a part of Beomgyu's life, even if the younger didn't care about his existence.

He closed his eyes and tried to recall all the memories he made with Taehyun.

From meeting him for the first time in school; to having sleepovers at his house, Beomgyu remembered it all.

There was no way he was forgetting all of that. Even if meant dying due to lack of oxygen.

Suddenly, the same pain shot up his throat, and he began coughing harshly. This time however, it felt like something bigger was coming; it definitely wasn't just a petal, it was something more, something bigger-

Beomgyu looked at what had just come out of his mouth.

A whole flower. A whole white flower, which would have looked so much more prettier if it was on a plant, not on Beomgyu's palm, covered in his own blood.

Beomgyu continued coughing, pitying himself on his condition. A few more petals fell from between his lips.

He threw the bloody petals in the dustbin next to his bed which had all the flower petals in them.

He decided to tell Yeonjun that he wouldn't meet the doctor.


"Alright, class is dismissed for today!" Mr.Lee said, as students began to get up and leave the class. "No wait!" He said, and all the students stopped wherever they were standing.

"Any botany students in here?" He asked.

A few along with Soobin and Yeonjun nodded.

"Alright, stay back in class, I suppose Ms. Choi has something to tell all of you." He said, and left the class.

In sometime, the class was almost empty, with only Soobin, Yeonjun and three others.

"I wonder what's up with Ms. Choi again." Yeji giggled.

"She's been missing for almost all the classes this week!" Chaeryoung said, and Yeji agreed.

"Hey what's up,hyung?" Soobin asked. He's been observing Yeonjun since morning, and he's guessed it's about Beomgyu.

But Yeonjun's seems to be really worried, and if it's because Beomgyu is sick, then it's unhealthy for both of them.

"It's Beomgyu..." Yeonjun sighed.

"Is he better now?"

"Worse infact. Beomgyu has hanahaki. He's been puking and coughing out petals since last night. It's really bad. I'm gonna go find a doctor later today." Yeonjun explained.

"Hanahaki?! How, when? Oh my god, Yeonjun! I wanna meet him!" Soobin panicked. "But wait- has he agreed to go to the doctor?"

Yeonjun sighed again,"That's the issue, Soobin. He doesn't know how this works. He doesn't know he'll forget Taehyun. If he finds out, then he'll never agree to go to the doctor. I'm not going to tell him and get it cured as soon as possible."

"My god, that's terrible." Soobin whispered the last part.

He pulled Yeonjun closer to him, as in to give him comfort, because he knew he'd need it the most right now.

"Good afternoon class!" Ms. Choi said as she entered the class.

"I've got a small announcement to make, alright? We're going to Daegu tomorrow, so make sure that you don't miss tomorrow's class. It's going to affect your complete grade, so if you ever want to pass college, you better be there on time tomorrow, is that understood?"

The girls at the back let out a 'yes ma'am'

"Alright then, see you guys tomorrow!" She said leaving the class.

"But - Beomgyu and Daegu? I can't do this!" Yeonjin said, frustrated.

"Hyung, we can go talk to the principal. I bet he'll understand your situation!" Soobin said, hopeful about this.

"But what if he doesn't?" Yeonjun panicked." I can't leave Beomgyu alone, and I want to pass -"

"The only thing we can do is try, Yeonjunnie."


"I'm afraid that it's not possible for me to do that, Mr.Choi." said the principal, Mr.Kim, said after listening to his story.

"But sir, my brother is really sick and—"

"I'm sure your parents can take care of him just as well." He spoke calmly.

"There's no one else at home, Sir! It's only me, and my brother—"

"I'm sorry Mr.Choi, you have to figure this out by yourselves." He said, and getting up from his chair, he walked out of the room.

"What am I going to do now, Soobin?" Yeonjun asked, hugging the younger tightly.

"We'll have to talk to Beomgyu, and that's the best we can do."said Soobin.

Yeonjun nodded and left the room, hating his life at this point.


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