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Beomgyu wriggled out of Yeonjun's grasp early in the morning.

He wakes up early on a daily basis, that's just how he is, but never knows what to do. Half of the world sleeps till at least 8 am, and our dear Beomgyu wakes up at 6.

Yeonjun blabbered something in his sleep, when Beomgyu pushed his hand over his head.

Beomgyu silently got out of his bed, attempting to go about his daily routine without waking his brother up .

He walked over to his table, in order to grab his bag for college,and instead saw a note written in a handwritting which was very much familiar to himself.

It was Yeonjun's.

It looked like a pretty funny attempt to impress someone. But who would Yeonjun want to impress?

The gears in Beomgyu's brain began to whirl, thinking about the possible people who Yeonjun could impress.

Yeonjun spent half his time at the college, and the other half at home. Where possibly could he meet this person?

Was this person a male or a female?

Yeonjun was bisexual, like himself, which just widened more options for Beomgyu to think of.

Though from his past you could say that Yeonjun preferred girls over boys, he had dated more girls than boys. He's turned a lot of guys gay, because of the good looks that run through the family, but only one or two of them actually clicked to Yeonjun.

When he had not a single person in mind, he decided to wake Yeonjun up and ask him by himself.

So he threw himself on the elder, and began shaking him violently. The best way to wake anyone up.

At once, Yeonjun's eyes opened, and he sat up violently, making his forehead hit Beomgyu's. Both the males rubbed their heads in pain.

"What the fuck, Beomgyu?"

"I should be the one asking you that." Beomgyu huffed, rubbing and patting his head gently.

Beomgyu got off Yeonjun and shoved the note into his face.

"What the fuck hyung? Who are you trying to impress?" Beomgyu asked.

Very unexpectedly, Yeonjun turned red.

Beomgyu stared at his brother who now had his face in his hands, failing an attempt to hide his face. He mumbled something which Beomgyu couldnt seem to catch.

"Ugh, get your face out of your hands." Beomgyu said, struggling to pull his hands away.


"Fine, I'm showing this to eomma."Beomgyu said, getting up from the bed.

The moment Yeonjun felt the bed rise, due to Beomgyu getting off it, Yeonjun revealed his face, which was still red, and Beomgyu smirked back. His simple stupid plan had worked.

"So, who is it hyung? Is she pretty?" Beomgyu assumed, because he was certain that only a girl could reduce his hyung into this puddle of goo.

"He's gorgeous."Yeonjun said, looking up the the ceiling dramatically.

"Oh okay. A guy huh? It has been long since you've liked a guy, hyung. Must be something then." Beomgyu remarked.

"He's such a nerd, Beomgyu. Doesn't ever look out of his books. He smiled at me once, and i cant seem to get it out of my head." Yeonjun sighed dreamily, looking god knows where, dreaming of his dream boy.

"A nerd? That's new."

"Yup. I don't know why but that just makes him 100 times more sexier, you get it?" Yeonjun asked, looking at Beomgyu.

"I- I don't actually. But whatever. Where'd you meet him?" Beomgyu was in full brother interrogation mode. But Yeonjun didn't seem to mind. He was perfectly fine with answering his questions.

"The library. I had never noticed him before. He's a 3rd year too. He's always had chemistry with me. How could I have never noticed?"


"If you make that stupid joke I swear to god I'll chop you head off." Yeonjun threatened.

"Ok ok. Name?"

"Choi Soobin." Yeonjun said carefully and dramatically, as if he was taking god's name.

"Same sur-"Beomgyu pointed out.

"I know I know! It's like we were meant to be."

"Can I see him today?" Beomgyu asked.

"No! If you'll see him, you'll fall in love! And I can't let you steal him!" Yeonjun gasped.

"No hyung-"

"You will not see him." He said punctuating every word carefully.

"Okay hyung, you're such a bore. I'm showing this note to eomma!" Beomgyu teased.

"I swear to Soobin, Beomgyu if you even think about it I will kill you." Yeonjun said, his eyes screaming red.

Beomgyu could only laugh.


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