[ t w e n t y s i x ]

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Yeonjun had a smile on his face. A number of reasons had caused the beautiful curve on his face.

One, because finally by evening, he would be back home, and Beomgyu would be with him. Even if he wasn't fine, if Beomgyu was next to him, Yeonjun would feel like the younger would feel a tad bit better.

Two, because Yeonjun had no idea about how beautiful Soobin sounded when he sang. Last night, in their room, when Soobin thought no one was around, he was singing one of his favourite songs; but he didn't expect Yeonjun to be listening to him.

After Yeonjun heard his angelic voice, he persuaded the taller to sing him to sleep. At first, Soobin refused hastily, but then after Yeonjun began to sulk, Soobin gave in.

Yeonjun really felt like he wouldn't be able to distract himself from Beomgyu if it weren't for Soobin.

Gosh, he was so grateful to him.

"Yeonjun-ah!" Soobin shouted from outside the washroom, where Yeonjun was, thinking about everything and smiling to himself. "Mrs.Choi is calling us out!"

"Ok, I'm coming!" Yeonjun recalled his actual purpose of coming into the washroom, washed his face and ran out.

"Yup, let's go!" Yeonjun exclaimed.

"Woah. You're in a good mood?" Soobin asked, raising his eyebrow.

"In the best. We're finally finishing this shit and going home back to Beomgyu. Who cares about flowers anyway?" Yeonjun said casually, flicking his wrist around.

Soobin just smiled at him. He hopes that nothing is messed up in Seoul.


"Alright, so sit down here, and wait for the other students to come because they're so disobedient and so lazy to come on time." Mrs. Choi said to Yeonjun and Soobin, as they entered the garden full of flowers and a table behind which Mrs.Choi stood.

On the table, Yeonjun saw a couple of flower samples; red, yellow, pink, orange and white.

White flowers.

And suddenly Yeonjun forgot his entire purpose of coming to Daegu. The white flowers on the table looked similar to the ones Beomgyu's lungs were growing and looking at it didn't make Yeonjun sad, not at all.

Instead it made him angry. Angry about how everything in the world just directs and tries to remind him about Beomgyu's vulnerable situation in Seoul, where he has left him all alone.

His phone beeped, and he silently cursed, hoping that his teacher didn't see it, he pulled it out of his pocket.

A message from Dr. Yongsun.

'i hope beomgyu is doing well on his own.'

Again, when he's trying to forget the younger and their problems, someone just has to remind him. But here, he can't complain because besides himself and Soobin, Dr. Yongsun is the only one who cares.

Not like Taehyun or Huening care anyway. They're the entire cause of this anyway.

He quickly typed in 'i'll be back by evening, and I'll call you' and he put the phone back into his pocket, eyeing the flowers in a disgusted manner.


Beomgyu woke up late. 

Which was a good thing, because he'll have to deal with less of his own coughing shit. He stretched on the bed, and slowly got up, looking around. He frowned.

His white bedsheets weren't white anymore, and instead, they had splashes of blood here and there.

The flowers, which were supposd to be white, were obviously red at places too, because of the presence of his blood.

He breathed heavily, lately his breathing had got irregular, and picked up the sheets and threw them in the corner, which had two more bloody ones.

Beomgyu went about his routine and came and sat down on the freshly made bed. His mind only goes; Taehyun, Taehyun and Taehyun, and he knows he shouldn't be doing this, but his mind refuses to think about anything else.

 He just wants to see Taehyun's face once more because he feels like he won't be able to live for any longer. He can feel his body giving up, and at this point, even if his body doesn't give up, he's mentally tired of this shit because he can't deal with this anymore.

The pain in his body feels like it's been there forever, and Beomgyu absolutely hates the feeling of it.

The soft sunlight which came in filtered through the curtains, would usually put a smile on his face, and give some motivation for him to start his day.

Now, all it reminds him how pathetic his condition is, and how he's trapped in his own house because he's puking out stupid flowers.

He feels it come again, the burn in his throat raging; he can feel the fire lit in his body. He walks again, lightly patting his own back, coughing out a few petals and a full flower from his mouth.

At this point, he doesn't care about all of this. He'll endure it if it's for Taehyun. Hell, he'll do anything for Taehyun.

And then there was a sparkle in his eyes. Taehyun; he doesn't know any of this? Maybe because he doesn't care, but Beomgyu isn't going to die without letting Taehyun know that he loves him. And he has to say it himself, no one else can. 

Maybe after he dies, the memory might haunt Taehyun, but Beomgyu doesn't care for that, he's plain selfish and he has to let Taehyun know that he loves him with all his heart, and always has.

Alright, he's going to visit Taehyun's house. He's going to go and confess to him and he doesn't give two fucks about HueingKai being there or not. 

He just knows that he has to do this.

So slowly, he walks out of his room, and slowly climbs down the stairs.

Another unwanted thought pops in his mind. Yeonjun. What if Yeonjun finds out that Beomgyu left the house without telling him? And won't he be angrier if he found out that it was Taehyun's house he was going to?

Beomgyu has found himself slipping in and out of consciousness, and he knows that he has to make it quick.

He leans on the nearest chair, and he feels his knees go weak. 

Oh no, not again.

He falls to the floor and clenching his chest hard, he begans to cough out violently, and there's no stopping. 

Flowers, petals, blood, spit; it's all pouring out of his mouth.

Beomgyu finds himself cursing helplessly, as he passes out on the floor.


i kNOW I DIED OKAY? so it's like i hurt my hand bad and oof, it's really tough to type with only one hand ;( also 'tis almost ending, only like six or seven chapters more! i have to finish this before 19th feb smh cause life hates me and i have EXAMS!

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