[ t w e l ve ]

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[just saying, the scenes will change real quick in this chapter]

Beomgyu ran out of the house screaming, "I'll be back soon!" And didn't even wait for his mother to answer.

His mother screamed back asking him where he was going, but Beomgyu had already left the house.

Though Beomgyu never showed it, he couldn't live without his friends. As much as he was angry at them at the moment, all he felt right was to run back to them again.

And so when Beomgyu heard that his friends had called up Yeonjun and asked him to come to the park, he was overjoyed.

Of course, he couldn't let Yeonjun know that he wanted to run back to his friends and was actually crying up in the attic after looking at the pictures.

So he didn't show his exictement around the older, but a smile spread on his face once his brother was no longer in sight.

Beomgyu was happy he had friends who had decided to make upto him even when he had been dumb for no apparent reason.


Yeonjun was cleaning up the attic at this point, because he had got in now, and wouldn't come back for ages again, so he thought of putting away somethings.

That's when he received a message from Soobin.

Yeonjun jumped over the stool, turned towards his left, kicked some boxes away, and tripping on some rope, fell down and grabbed his phone.

If Soobin texted him at 5:00 pm, Yeonjun would reply at 4:59pm.

That's exactly how whipped the blue haired man was for his boyfriend.

im bored yeonjunnie
can we meet up somewhere?

Yeonjun thought about it. He had his math and chemistry assignments to finish. Yet he was wasting time cleaning the attic. He couldn't possibly meet Soobin now.

meet me at the park

Sure enough, Yeonjun had work to do, but when it came to Soobin, he would always be first priority.

Not wanting to be late, he left the attic in a half cleaned and half messy condition.

"Mom! I'm going out, I'll be back in some time!" Yeonjun skipped out of the houses dreaming about Soobin.

Again, his mother shouted back asking him where he was going, but Yeonjun had already left the house.

Their mother sighed as she closed the gate of the house, wondering where both her son's disappeared off too.


"Taehyun! Huening!"Beomgyu shouted from across the park, waving his hands up in the air for his friends to see.

They waved back, and Beomgyu walked towards them, catching his breath after all the running from his house to the park.

Taehyun and HueningKai had decided not to let Beomgyu know that they were dating. They were already successful at making the elder angry by spending too much time with each other, and now if they told him that they were dating, Beomgyu would definitely get more mad.

They decided to wait for a few days, and let Beomgyu cool down before they revealed their dating to him.

The moment Beomgyu reached where Huening and Taehyun were sitting, Taehyun apologised to Beomgyu, " We're sorry for making you mad, hyung." Taehyun said, his head hung down. HueningKai's head was bowed down in a similar manner, but he stayed quiet.

Beomgyu was forgiving easy this time, because even he knew that he couldn't be angry at someone for long. And especially at his friends.

"Eh, it's fine. I'm hungry, I'll head over to the store there to buy some chips. What do y'all want?" Beomgyu offered.

Huening found this rather strange. Beomgyu hyung wasn't scolding them, and is offering them chips?

"Are you sure you aren't mad,hyung?" Taehyun reconfirmed.

"You'll make me mad by saying that over and over again, Taehyun- ah. Do you want chips or not?"

"Bring me Cheetos, please hyung?" Huening asked.

"Okay Cheetos for Huening, and you Taehyun?" Beomgyu asked.

"Me? No I'm fine. Come back soon, okay?" Taehyun said.

Beomgyu hummed and skipped over to the small store at the corner of the park, the one which was always crowded.


Yeonjun wandered around the park aimlessly.

Guess this is what happens when you get too exicted to meet your boyfriend and reach early.

Yeonjun kicked the stone again, the poor stone had fallen victim to Yeonjun's boredness. He continued to kick the stone,but instantly stopped when he heard some familiar noises.

"Stop,hyung, Beomgyu hyung will be here any moment." Huening giggled.

Taehyun who was trying to pull Kai closer to him pouted,"But we always sit this close, he won't find out Huening-ah."

"No hyung, we can't be this obvious—"

"You guys are dating??" Yeonjun blurted out, and then covered his mouth when he realised that he ruined their moment and wasn't supposed to speak.

"I—we —err Hyung, we can explain—" HueningKai stammered.

"What's there to explain, Kai? We're dating, is that a problem, Yeonjun hyung?" Taehyun asked, pulling Huening closer to him. This time the younger didn't argue, but instead scooted closer to his boyfriend.

"It's not that—"Yeonjun began. But wait, did Beomgyu know? "Does Beomgyu know?" Yeonjun asked, hoping that he didn't know.

"No, and we aren't telling him just yet, okay? Please don't tell him, he'll be mad at us than he already is." Taehyun pleaded.


"Hyung please. Just for us?" Taehyung said.

"Oooo what for who?" Soobin interrupted, throwing his hand around Yeonjun's neck.

"Soobin just a moment, okay?" Yeonjun said, to which Soobin just nodded confusedly. " Don't tell Beomgyu until I tell you to, got it?"

"But why?" Huening asked.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to know." Yeonjun bit his inner cheek. "Just handle the situation till I ask you to, please." Yeonjun said, leaving behind a very confused Taehyun and HueningKai.

"What's wrong,Jun?" Soobin asked.

"They're dating, Soobin. It's confirmed." Yeonjun breathed. " I don't know how he'll take this. I don't want him getting sick, y'know. I'm just really worried." Yeonjun didn't make eye contact with Soobin.

"Hey, hyung, it's alright,okay? Beomgyu won't get sick over this. He'll be fine." Soobin reassured.

Yeonjun just smiled at Soobin, but both of them knew that Yeonjun wasn't going to stop worrying at all.


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