[ t h i r t y t h r e e ]

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Beomgyu stood still with a light blush on his face. Did Taehyun just kiss him and then run away?

Beomgyu tilted his head in the direction he has seen Taehyun run. He wasn't there.

Instead, the boy who shouted 'spider' was standing there, and staring at Beomgyu.

The fact that he had seen Taehyun and Beomgyu kiss, made him blush even more and he buried his face in his hands.

He heard the other boy chuckle and he heard the footsteps fade away. The red tint on Beomgyu's face was perfectly noticeable, and he was glad that no one was around to see it.

He brought his index finger to his lips, and lightly touched it, remembering the feeling of Taehyun's lips on his own. Though it was more of a long peck, Beomgyu felt particularly satisfied with it. He blushed once again at the thought of Taehyun, and then he smacked his own head.

Ugh, since when did Beomgyu become such a hopeless romantic fool? He looked around to see people walk into the college, and so he looked at the time.

He briefly glanced at his watch, and walked up to his first class of the day.


Taehyun stopped outside the college campus, hoping that Beomgyu wouldn't follow him.

The guard who stood at the gate looked at Taehyun suspiciously, and then asked."Where do you think you're going, kid?"

Taehyun looked in his direction to acknowledge his presence. Oh, there was someone standing here.

"No where."Taehyun mumbled, and then peeked into the campus through the fence in the gate.

Beomgyu wasn't there where he left him before, on the ground.

And then Taehyun remembers, that Beomgyu had a class.

Suddenly, he feels dumb for running away just like that. He should have stayed there, and maybe kissed him more.

The kiss. Though it was short as heck, Taehyun could still feel Beomgyu's lips on his own. Taehyun just wanted to run back to him and kiss him so hard.

  Does that mean that Taehyun actually likes Beomgyu? Maybe if this question was asked to him two weeks ago, he'd definitely scrunch up his face and say, 'No!', but now he wasn't sure that his answer would remain the same.

He doesn't want to be away from Beomgyu at all, and he feels like he has to protect him at all costs.

Considering the fact that Beomgyu still likes him (hopefully as the new Taehyun), will it be okay for them to be together?

If it meant being around Beomgyu all day, Taehyun was down for it. 

But what would Yeonjun say? Was Taehyun really worth for Beomgyu to go against his brother? Would Beomgyu even like Taehyun in the same way?

Taehyun closed his eyes. The first image that popped into his mind was Beomgyu smiling. Those cute eyes, his lips formed in a curve, his dimples poking out, it was too much for Taehyun to handle.

Did Beomgyu not know what dangerous things his innocent smile did to Taehyun's heart?

Taehyun felt like all his organs were doing summersaults in his body. Beomgyu has really effected him much. Taehyun wonders why he's never looked at a whole ass Beomgyu in front of him.

If Taehyun had looked at the piece of art in front of him, Beomgyu and him would have already had been a couple, and he'd be busy with him right now. And Beomgyu would have never even had to forget him.

It's all my fault, Taehyun thought.

Taehyun looked around once again, before entering the campus once more.


Beomgyu sat in his history class, staring blankly at his teacher. He was blabbering something but Beomgyu was busy thinking about what had happened not less than an hour ago.

Beomgyu won't lie, whatever it was, it felt good. And he wouldn't be lying if he said he wanted more of it.

It's not wrong of him to think that way, right?

Does Beomgyu, perhaps like Taehyun?

Of course he did, because if he didn't then he'd push Taehyun off. But he didn't think of pushing him off even once. Instead he only wanted it to last longer.

But what would Taehyun say if he confessed to him? Won't he get weirded out that Beomgyu was gay?

But again, wasn't Taehyun the one who kissed him? Beomgyu will have to talk to Taehyun about this, or else he'd go crazy.


"Taehyun!Taehyun,stop!Wait for me!"Beomgyu screamed, and ran behind Taehyun.

The younger stopped and turned back, and looked at Beomgyu. his heart began racing again; and he was sure Beomgyu was here to slap him because of morning.

"Taehyun, I wanted t-"

"I'm sorry, hyung!"Taehyun apologised. "I didn't mean to kiss you without your permission! Don't go away, I'm sorry!" Taehyun said, desperately trying to convince Beomgyu.

Beomgyu looked at him, and stared.

Did Beomgyu say anything the kiss? No. Then why was Taehyun over reacting so much?

"No, Taehyun." Beomgyu said."There's actually something else I wanted to ask from you."Beomgyu said shyly, scratching the back of his neck.

Taehyun breathed a sigh of relief. Beomgyu looked so cute when he was shy.

"Yes, tell me hyung?"

"Um, I-, don't find this weird, okay?"Beomgyu made him promise.

Taehyun nodded quickly. Why was Beomgyu creating  so much of a suspense? Taehyun hated this.

"Erm- I-"Beomgyu breathed. "Can you kiss me again?" He asked slowly, and then became shy and looked down, not meeting Taehyun's gaze. He was trying to hide his blush, but Taehyun had already seen it.

Taehyun almost choked. Him?Kiss? Beomgyu? Again?

Beomgyu asked him to kiss him again, and Taehyun was malfunctioning, he didn't know if he heard Beomgyu right-

"Um, I'm sorry I made this weird-" Beomgyu tried to defend himself.

"You want me to kiss you again?" Taehyun asked.

Beomgyu shyly nodded. "If you don't mind-ngh" Taehyun shut Beomgyu up by grabbing him by the waist and pulling him closer, and leaning in to touch their lips together.

Beomgyu's lips were really cold, but Taehyun didn't mind and he was determined to warm them up with his own.

Beomgyu's legs grew weak at the simple touch of Taehyun's warm lips.

Wow, how Beomgyu wished this would last forever.


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