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Taehyun and HueningKai sighed. Beomgyu looked like he was really mad.

They couldn't find anyway how they could convince him to come back.

"Should we call him up again?" HueningKai suggested.

"I've tried three times since morning, Kai. He won't pick up." Taehyun breathed.

HueningKai pulled out his phone out of his pocket.He dialed a number.

"He wont pick up, Huening-ah." Taehyun said as Huening put the phone upto his ear.

Huening ignored him, and then spoke into the phone.

"Good morning, Yeonjun hyung."

"What do you want Huening?"

"I want to talk to Beomgyu hyung, and he isn't picking up the phone. Can I talk to him?"

"If Beomgyu isn't picking up the phone, then he must not want to talk to you, Huening."

"I really need to talk to him,hyung. It's urgent."

"Why don't you just go back to Taehyun,huh? I bet it's nothing more important than staying with Taehyun." Yeonjun spat.

"This is exactly what I want to talk about,hyung. If Beomgyu hyung wants to continue to be a small kid and not talk to us, let him be. If he stops being salty, tell him that we're waiting under the tree at the park for him. That is only if he wants to clear things between us." and saying thus, Huening cut the phone.

"Huening!That's not how you behave with someone who is elder than you!" Taehyun scolded.

"Why is Beomgyu hyung being so salty? He can't control who I want to talk to. If I want to talk to you, I will talk to you! Why does he have to get angry for that?" Kai spat.

"Huening, he is right for being mad at us--" Taehyun began, but he stopped speaking when Huening leaned closer to him.

His breath hitched, his crush was inches away from him. He had been dreaming about this since forever, but now all he felt was awkward.

"Don't you want to spend time with me,hyung?" Huening asked, staring deeply into Taehyun's bright eyes.

Taehyun gulped harshly. This was not how this was supposed to go.

"Tell me hyung. Look at me." Huening said, pulling Taehyun's chin to meet his eyes.

"Why aren't you speaking,hyung?Do you prefer Beomgyu hyung over me? Don't you love me anymore?" Huening asked.

Love. Why was Huening throwing around this word so casually and carelessly? Of course Taehyun loved him, beyond bounds, in fact. But the way Huening always took this as a joke, Taehyun felt stupid. Stupid for falling in love with someone who would never love him back.

Taehyun didn't move nor did he answer Huening.

HueningKai moved away from Taehyun and the elder could finally breathe again.

"I'm sorry hyung, was I a bit too close?" Huening apologized.

No pabo, you were too far, I was just busy thinking.

"No no, it's alright, Huening, you don't need to apologize." Taehyun assured. He wished he had cherished the moment instead of working his brain at the wrong point.

"No hyung, I made you uncomfortable I really didn't mean to." Huening looked genuinely sorry and had a small,cute pout on his face.

How Taehyun wanted to kiss it away and replace it with a smile instead.

"Its's alright Kai, I promise." Taehyun said. Why was Huening apologizing so much?

"No hyung, I saw your fac--"

"Shut up, HueningKai." Taehyun snapped. "I said it wasn't a problem, didn't I? Then why are you saying sorry?"

"Hyung, y-you're too c-close." Huening gasped, as Taehyun pushed him against the nearest tree in the park.

"No Huening, I'm too far. I want to get closer, Kai. I want all of you. I just--"

"What are you saying, hyung?"

Did Taehyun just say all of that? Oh god, he was dead. But now that he had said it, there was no point hiding anything now.

"Huening, I like you. I always have." Taehyun said. He closed his eyes, waiting for rejection.

Instead, Huening stared at Taehyun. Did he actually hear right?

"Hyung, what?" Huening asked, dumbfounded.

"I said I like you, Huening. In a way that a friend shouldn't. I just couldn't help it, Kai, you're so pretty, have always been, so so pretty for me that I couldn't not fall in love with you. You made me feel so happy, I felt complete with you. I've never felt anything like it before. I feel so connected with you. I want it to be you, Huening-ah. I've always wanted it to be you." Taehyun breathed.

Rejection was something many of us feared, and so did Taehyun. He feared that now things would be terrible between them, and he'd loose Huening, even as a friend.

"When?H-How,hyung? W-Why didn't you tell me before?" Huening stammered.

"Maybe a year or so." Taehyun replied after thinking." I didn't want to ruin what we already had between us, but now I have and-"

"You haven't,hyung. We just upgraded to a new level."

"W-What do you mean by that?" Taehyun asked slowly.

"I've liked you too hyung. Always have. You just sat so gorgeous and brainy in front of me, who couldn't fall for you? I'm just making sure, this isn't a prank, right?" Huening whispered the last bit.

"No Kai. This isn't a prank. I really do like you." Taehyun repeated.

"Well then it's all good-"Kai said softly, pulling the elder into a hug."-baby."he whispered into his ear.

Red shot upto Taehyun's face and he covered it with his hands.

"You're gonna have to get used to such names, Hyung." HueningKai said teasingly.

Taehyun blushed a little more,and removed his hands from his face,"I guess so."

"Thank you hyung."Kai said genuinely.

"What for?" Taehyun asked, as he felt Huening's hands get into his hair. What a heavenly feeling.

"For having the courage to confess. I could never. And then I'd never be able to date my favourite hyung." He giggled.

Taehyun smiled at the younger. So cute.

He closed his eyes and murmured," Of course, honey."

The blush which settled on Kai's face went unnoticed by Taehyun.


this is supposed to be sad, not cute but i bursted a big uwu ;(

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