[ t h i r t e e n ]

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"Why did Yeonjun hyung look so worried?" Huening asked, while patting Taehyun's head.

"I don't know. Whatever it is I bet he can handle it." Taehyun said, throwing around the dried leaves on grass.

"Hyung I think we should pay more attention to Beomgyu hyung. Just because we're dating, doesn't mean that we can let him feel left out, okay? Today is about Beomgyu hyung, not us." Huening said." Look there he is, be nice to him, okay? Also, move a little away from me, I don't want him to find out."

It wasn't like if two men sat together in a little touchy feely manner, they would be labelled as dating. Then why did Huening make such a big deal out of it?

Taehyun was in no mood to argue, and so he scooted away from Kai, and leaned on the bark of the tree instead.

"Here is your packet of cheetos, Kai. Hey Taehyun, last time I saw you really liked these fruit tapes. I saw them so I got it for you!" Beomgyu chirped and sat down, while passing the treat over to his friend. 

Taehyun was shocked. He didn't tell anyone, but he really liked fruit tapes. Beomgyu was the one to notice it. How'd he get it? Maybe Beomgyu just had a hunch for these things.

Taehyun smiled at Beomgyu and mumbled a small "thank you."

Beomgyu just smiled back at them. He felt like his usual,cheerful self. He didn't want to feel jealous at all. It was the worst feeling ever.

"Hey Beomgyu, how is it going with Yeonjun hyung and Soobin hyung?" Huening asked.

"Oh my they're completely into PDA! The other day Yeonjun hyung asked me if it was okay he brought Soobin to our usual friday movie nights. I refused immediately, because I knew those two would be extra with each other just to make the three of us feel single." Beomgyu chuckled.

But Taehyun and Huening didn't laugh. They just looked at each other darkly.

"Hey, what's wrong? I know the both of you act like a couple all the time but that won't be enough for Yeonjun hyung and Soobin hyung to get pissed off. They'll be better at it." Beomgyu let out a small laugh.

When he realised the other two weren't laughing, he awkwardly stopped laughing. Why were they acting like they knew something which Beomgyu didn't?

"But actually, they should totally come to the movie nights, what say Kai? Yeonjun hyung used to come on a regular basis anyway, and if they don't have any plans, they can definitely join us today, right?" Taehyun suggested.

"It really doesn't matter if we let them or not. Yeonjun hyung is definitely going to show up with Soobin hyung. It's not like he doesn't know where we go everytime." Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

The four boys have had this tradition since Beomgyu had been sixteen, a movie night every friday. This was something that couldn't be avoided at all. Even when they had their exams going on, they never skipped Movie nights. They would cut on their sleep time but never a comprise with the timings of the movie.

They always met up at the small movie theatre Beomgyu's house had. Now that Yeonjun had Soobin, he was definitely coming too. Not like Beomgyu was complaining anyway. Soobin was a really person fun to hangout with. He just had fun being mean to his hyung and annoying him.

"I told my mom I'll be back home soon. So guys, my place at 8?" Beomgyu confirmed.

The younger males nodded and got up from their very comfortable position. They stretched as they got up.

HueningKai and Taehyun said goodbyes to Beomgyu, and walked towards their houses, the left side. Beomgyu walked towards the right, meeting with Yeonjun and Soobin.

"Hyung, you coming home?"Beomgyu asked.

"Wait what's the time-- oh shit, I'm dead Eomma is going to kill me!"Yeonjun panicked.

Soobin giggled and pressed a quick kiss to Yeonjun's lips. "Meet me later."

"Of course,baby." Yeonjun smiled and blushed.

"Ew are you guys done?" Beomgyu asked, over reacting by closing his eyes with his palm.

Yeonjun pushed his hand away from his eyes. "We gotta run home,Beom."Yeonjun said.

"I'll win, you'll see!"Beomgyu ran away.

"Hey that's not fair! You got a headstart!" Yeonjun complained.

"Don't be whiny hyung, now run! I don't want you losing." Soobin reminded.

"Oh damn, you're right!" Yeonjun said, slapping himself on the head.

"Don't lose!"Soobin called out.

But Yeonjun had already taken off like a rocket.


i really hate how my laptop doesn't capitalize the first words of sentences and that i have to do it manually :(                                                                                                                                                            (you can tell by my author notes how lazy i am to capitalize all the words smh) 

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