[ t w e n t y f i v e ]

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HueningKai was in his room, packing up for France.

His family was permanently shifting to Paris, due to his father's business. He was the CEO of some really big company, but Huening really didn't care.

Hell, Huening doesn't even know what company his father owns. He just knows that he's the CEO. That's it.

His father has some really good friend who lives in Paris, and has asked for a partnership. His father being the business oriented person he was, directly agreed and blabbered something about great profit to their company over dinner.

And just like that, the entire family was suddenly to shift to Paris.

At first, when his father told him a month ago, Huening was sure that his father was just being too exicted, and that they actually wouldn't shift.

But when two weeks ago, the Visas began to be made, Hueningkai was sure that they were going to shift.

And then came along Taehyun. Taehyun, was a nice friend. A really good one indeed. But romantic feelings for him? No.

Huening had only been interested in one guy before, and it was just a silly crush. Nothing major.

He's always had a weird relationship with Taehyun. They were flirty with each other from the starting, but Huening never actually thought about it.

He's always called Taehyun 'baby' for fun, and Taehyun always blushes, and Huening thought that it was just on impulse, but no, turned out that Taehyun actually had feelings for him.

When Taehyun confessed to him, Kai's mind went blank for a while. Poor boy hasn't ever done this before, and he doesn't know what to do.

And whatever it was, it wasn't going to last for more than two weeks. So why not give it a try?

Huening said yes to Taehyun. And that's when he realised how relationships actually work. You're supposed to be touchy feely around your partner.

So Kai did just that, and didn't realise how much he loved it. Not the dating part, but the part where the intimacy was made.

Now the thing was, how would Huening explain all of this to Taehyun? That he's going away, and never coming back? That there's a hundred percent chance of him getting married to his father's friend's daughter, after an year or so?

He'd have to think throughly about this.

Taehyun had never been so smiley before. His life was absolutely perfect; he was a straight (gay) A student, he has the cutest boyfriend in this world, and he's got the looks too.

What else would a person need?

Yeah, his parents' opinion on him being gay.

Taehyun couldn't bear the thought of hiding anything from his parents. He's already gone almost a week and he's feeling restless, like he's committing a crime he shouldn't be.

He has decided. He's gonna speak to them in the calmest manner ever, and they're going to understand, right? Anyway, there's nothing wrong in being gay, so he shouldn't freak out much.

"Eomma!" Taehyun called out. "Appa?"

"Hyunie I'm in my bedroom, come here!"Came his mother's reply.

Taehyun wiped the sweat of his palms on his pants, and went to his parents' room.

"Ah, mom I had to talk to you." Taehyun said slowly, and gradually saw his mother's eyes widening.

"Yeah, sit down. Tell me." She said, looking at her husband who was standing behind Taehyun and listening to this.

He sat down too, and the three family members sat in silence, until Taehyun began speaking.

"Eomma, appa, I'm gay." Taehyun said softly, almost like a whisper.

He was too, too scared to even breathe at the moment, let alone even look at his parents' faces.

His mother looked at his father and then back at Taehyun.

"You're gay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry-"

"Why are you sorry? What's wrong with being gay?" His father questioned.

Taehyun looked up at his father in disbelief. Is his father supporting him?

"I j-just thought that you guys were h-homophobic." Taehyun said looking at his father and then at his mother and then back into his lap.

"Ew why would we be? I'm glad that you told me atleast. I'm happy you aren't like the people in the dramas, you know they never tell their parents." His mother chuckled.

Taehyun laughed too.


"So you guys are okay with me being gay?" Taehyun reconfirmed.

"Yeah yeah, it's no problem." His father turned back towards Taehyun. He smirked and turned back. "Wait, top or bottom?"

Taehyun widened his eyes. What the hell was wrong with his father?

"A-Appa, please."

"No even I want to know!" His mother said,looking at Taehyun expectingly.


"We,? You have a boyfriend? Who is he? How is he? Is he nice? Since when? Why didn't you tell me before hyunie?!" His mother shrieked.

Taehyun mentally facepalmed himself.

"It's K-Kai..." He spoke shyly.

"Kai? As in HueningKai? Our Huening?" His father asked, and Taehyun nodded slowly.

"Oh my god that so cute." His mother said, pretending to faint.

"Minji, look at him- he's blushing!" His father squealed.

Oh my god, Taehyun's family was definitely the craziest. But yes, Taehyun was blushing red now, hiding his face inside in hands.

"Oh my god, they're so cute!" His mother said and knowingly hugged her husband.


short ;(

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