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A couple of days before Taegyu's second valentines day,

Taehyun's palms were sweaty. He stood in the jeweler's shop along with Soobin.

"What about these, Sir?" the employee at the shop asked retrieving a box of rings from under the table, where he'd found the treasure, and Taehyun shook his head, leading Soobin to sigh once more.

"Something nice, but not too fancy, do you get what I'm trying to say?" Taehyun said, and the employee shook his head and said, "I need you to be slightly more specific, Sir."

Taehyun stomped his foot in frustration. Why couldn't this man understand what type of a promise ring set Taehyun wants?

Soobin, who had been standing silently all this while, finally spoke up."Alright Taehyun, look, he's showing you what he's got, alright?" he said, looking at Taehyun, and then turned to the person attending them, "You too,okay. Look he's just frustrated and wants the right thing. Help him out calmly?"

He merely rolled his eyes, and ducked back under the table, in order to find something matching to Taehyun's taste.

"At this rate we'll never-"

"No complaining, Taehyun." Soobin ordered and the younger shut up immediately.

The duo has been standing in the store for the past two hours, and have failed to choose a beautiful yet simple set of promise rings for the taegyu couple.

The employee came back from under the table, and said, "This is the last we've got. It's out of your budget, but I think it's something you'd like."

Taehyun's face lit up as these words left the man's mouth and peeked into the box curiously.

The man opened the box, and the moment Taehyun's gaze fell on it, he knew it was the one.

It was sleek silver, with a pretty simple design, but it screamed 'Beomgyu'. Taehyun gulped and looked at Soobin, and nodded and the older finally smiled, happy that their visit was a success.

"H-How much exactly would this cost?" Taehyun asked, his eyes never leaving the set of rings.

"Around six hundred thousand won." The man answered, after checking the price tag.

Taehyun came with a fixed budget of four hundred thousand won. But what he likes is way out of his budget. Yet, he's still going to buy it, because no amount of money could ever match up to the smile and happiness on Beomgyu's face when he's going to see it.

It's perfect, and Taehyun knows Beomgyu is going to love it.

They pay for it, and as they leave the shop along with the rings, Taehyun looks up at Soobin.

"Thank you for staying with me, hyung." Taehyun genuinely said.

"No problem, I just stood there with you anyway." Soobin smiled, and Taehyun looked at the bag in his hand.

"I bet Beomgyu is going to love this." Taehyun said proudly.

"He'll love anything you give him, Taehyun."


It's there.

It's D-Day.

Taehyun's going to give Beomgyu the promise rings he bought for them, and he'll finally get to see the expression he's been dying to see for a week.

His phone rings, and it's just very early in the morning, and he wonders who it could be.

Beomgyu, of course.

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