[ f i v e ]

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Kai pulled Taehyun behind a bookshelf. 

"Woah! Easy there baby." Taehyun teased. Nick names like such were common between the two males. It wasn't like they were dating anyway. 

But Taehyun would be lying if he said he didn't have a huge crush on Huening. From his smile to his stupid plushies, he loved it all.

When he came out as gay, he thought that Huening would start hating him. He had figured out that he liked boys when he was sixteen, but didn't want to be labelled a freak.

He waited and waited, and then finally a few days after his seventeenth birthday, he decided to come out, atleast to his friends.

The biggest shock that hit him was that shortly after the words left his mouth, HueningKai too told them that he was gay.

Since that day, he has never seen a happier day, and took it as a hint to be more openly affectionate with Kai.

And now they were in the most awkward position, behind the bookshelves, Taehyun's chest pressed against Kai's due to the lack of space.

Taehyun blushed deep red as he realised the position they were in.

"Now's not the time for cheesy nicknames, hyung. Look." Kai said, turning himself around so that they were standing one behind the other with Kai's back touching Taehyun's chest.

Taehyun had to bend to his right side to look and he saw a boy reading a book.

"Yah! What's your plan?" Taehyun asked.

"Simple. Go sit next to him. Find out which book he is reading. Pretend to read for sometime. And then you'll call out to me from behind the shelves, okay?" He explained.

HueningKai didn't even wait for an answer and left, leaving Taehyun confused.

HueningKai picked up some random book from the shelf, and went and sat down next to the taller boy.

Their eyes met, and the older smiled at him.

"Choi Soobin." He said while smiling, his dimples on complete display.

"HueningKai." He said as he sat down next to him.

"I've never seen you before here. Are you new?" Soobin asked, not looking up from his book.

Before HueningKai could answer, he quickly took a glance at the name of the book.

Death on the Nile.

So it wasn't a course book. It was a story book. Either Yeonjun was too busy looking at Soobin's face that he didn't notice the book or he was just dumb.

"I'm not new. I'm just not a third year." HueningKai said.

"Oh? Then what are you doing in this library?"Soobin questioned.

Seeing if you're fit for Yeonjun hyung.

"Ah, our library was too crowded. So I came here." Kai lied.

"Oh okay." Soobin said, and went back to reading his book.

Taehyun, who was watching all of this, also saw Kai scratching the back of his head and came to his rescue.

"Hey Huening! Come over here!" Taehyun shouted, revealing himself from behind the tall bookshelf.

"Taehyun!" Kai shouted back with fake enthusiasm. "Bye Soobin. See you around!"

"See you." Soobin mumbled, disappearing back into the book.


Beomgyu tapped his foot in frustration. 

How much longer were Taehyun and Kai going to take?

Beomgyu left a tap on his houlder from behind.

Ahh, finally they were here.

 He turned back to see Yeonjun.

Oh no, he was done for today. 

"What the hell, Beomgyu? What were those clowns doing near Soobin? You told them didn't you? Ugh, I hate you so much right now." Yeonjun stomped his foot.

"Ah hyung! I asked them to keep it to themselves but they wouldn't listen to me, and went behind Soobin hyung! They haven't even come back yet!" Beomgyu complained.

"I saw them coming from the back." Yeonjun said. "Ah there, look."

Beomgyu turned back and the guys were being giggly with each other as the walked towards Beomgyu and Yeonjun.

They froze after seeing Yeonjun, and only wanted to turn back and run away.

"Well? What have to found about Soobin?" Yeonjun questioned.

"He isn't a nerd hyung! He was reading some book called The Dead Nile! I don't think nerds read Dead Nile." Kai said.

"Death on the Nile, Huening, not Dead Nile." Beomgyu corrected." Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie."

"Wait so he isn't a nerd? Aww that just made him sound sexier." Yeonjun pouted. "But nevermind, I'm still going to get him, watch me y'all! The guy with the deep dimples is mine!"

"Well good luck getting him then, Yeonjun hyung." Taehyun said.

"Hah! Soobin here I come!"

"Soobin is actually pretty handsome and charming." Kai reamarked, after Yeonjun left.

"If Yeonjun hyung ever hears you say, you know that he is going to murder you, right?" Beomgyu asked.

The youngest could only laugh.


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