[ e l e v e n ]

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Yeonjun couldn't make up his mind.

Should he tell Beomgyu that his friends called? Or should he let it be?

Beomgyu had been holding up better than Yeonjun had expected. He was distracting himself from anything that reminded him of Taehyun or his friends. Yeonjun must say, he was proud of Beomgyu.

Yeonjun was pretty worried at the same time. If Beomgyu was reminded of Taehyun, he would only hurt more.

But if Yeonjun didn't tell him that they called, then he could be the one breaking his brother's friendship.

Fuck it, I'm telling him.

"Hey Beomgyu?"Yeonjun called out."Your friends called."

Yeonjun didn't receive any answer, so he walked to find where his brother was.

"Where are you,Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asked.

Beomgyu didnt reply. Yeonjun asked his mother.

"Eomma, where is Beomgyu?"

"I don't know, he asked for the attic keys, and i gave it to him. It has been almost half an hour. He hasn't come. Can you check what he's doing up there?" she asked.

Yeonjun nodded and climbed up the stairs to he attic. It had been ages since he went up there. What would Beomgyu want in the attic?

He slowly opened the wooden door, and a creak sound was made. Beomgyu was sitting on the floor, and tons of books surrounded him.

As Yeonjun walked closer, books became more specific, they were photo albums.

Why was Beomgyu looking at photo albums?

"Hey Beomgyu what are you--"

"Go away,hyung." Beomgyu said bitterly.

"Why what ha--"

"I don't want to talk, hyung."

"But your friends called--"

"I don't care!- Wait what? They called?" Beomgyu turned back violently, looking hopefully at Yeonjun.

"They did, but - wait. Were you crying?" Yeonjun moved forward.

"No! No don't come here! What did they say?" Beomgyu turned his back towards Yeonjun once again, with urgency in his voice.

Yeonjun was terrified now. Beomgyu never hid anything from him. Never, ever. Then why was he behaving like this now?

"Beomgyu-ah,look at me." Yeonjun ordered.

"What did they say, hyung?" Beomgyu said, completely ignoring his hyung. Usually, Yeonjun would have got angry at him for being misbehaving.

But Yeonjun was plain concerned. Beomgyu wasn't going to give up this easy.

"They asked you to meet them in the park. But will you tell me what's going on--" Yeonjun pleaded.

"Thank you hyung." Beomgyu walked out of the attic, leaving the key among the books.

Yeonjun sighed as he saw Beomgyu walk out and he was helpless too, because he knew that if Beomgyu was set on something, he would stay with it. There was no way Beomgyu would tell Yeonjun what was going on.

Yeonjun sat down among the photo albums,scanning them briefly.

Oh. Now Yeonjun knew why Beomgyu was behaving like this. He was looking at the pictures he and his friends had clicked together.

There were so many of them, honestly. Around ten fat books, only filled with pictures of Beomgyu, Taehyun and HueningKai.

 If Yeonjun looked closer into the picture he could see that Taehyun's smile was of two types - one when he was near Huening, a natural and a large smile. The other type was the one in which he was posing for a picture.

He got how Beomgyu felt. He wanted Taehyun to smile around him like he did around Kai. Not a fake smile.

He wanted a smile that could bright up his life and make him feel like he was the one making Taehyun smile.

Beomgyu was really hopeless in love Yeonjun thought.

Sighing, he gathered up all the albums, and put them at the highest shelf, so that Beomgyu couldn't reach it and hurt himself more.


so i didn't want to break my daily upload streak so i posted whatever i had sorry—

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