[ t w e n t y n i n e ]

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Taehyun ran into the hospital, stopping at the reception to catch his breath.

The receptionist lazily looked up Taehyun. "Welcome to Artemis-"

"Choi Beomgyu. Where is he?" Taehyun cut her off with urgency in his voice.

"I'm afraid he isn't letting any visitors come at the moment. Maybe if you tell me your name-"

"Kang Taehyun." he said quickly.

She nodded, and went back to typing something on her computer. Taehyun tapped his foot on the ground in frustration.

"Choi Soobin is going to be here in a moment-"

"TAEHYUN!" Soobin screamed.

Taehyun turned back to see Soobin, and ran towards him. "B-Beomgyu?"

"He doesn't remember you any more. I'm sorry, Taehyun. You can still meet him if you'd like. But please, don't mess with Yeonjun right now. Beomgyu is happy, and Yeonjun won't like it if something goes wrong now." Soobin said sympathetically.

Taehyun nodded lightly, trying to keep his own tears in. He didn't love Beomgyu how he loved him, but he was his best friend afterall. Beomgyu has always been there for him, but all he's given him in return is pain and a heartbreak. Taehyun really doesn't want Beomgyu to forget him, but looks like the worst is already done.

"Taehyun-ah. Don't cry." Soobin patted his back.

Taehyun didn't even realise, but the tears just formed involunteringly. The thought of never spending the days they've had before together, just makes him crack up. It's all because of him, Beomgyu has suffered so much.

He's not here for the sympathy, but he's here to meet Beomgyu. He quickly wipes off the tears, and Soobin pats him again, and leads him to the recovery room outside the operation theatre.

He peeks in and Soobin motions him to wait outside. Through the small circular window on the door, Taehyun sees that Beomgyu is seated on the bed, and is laughing along with Yeonjun. Beomgyu is never going to laugh with Taehyun again, and he needs to get used to this fact.

He sees Soobin walk upto Yeonjun and he whispers something in his ear. Taehyun assumes that it's about his presence.

Yeonjun stands up with a jolt, and Beomgyu looked up at him with a confused look.

"Who's Taehyun?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun's heart just crumbled. He never thought that there would ever be a day when he'd have to hear Beomgyu say his name with such confusion.

"He's a friend of mine. Do you mind if he visits you?" Soobin asked. 

"No, it's okay. He can come." Beomgyu says , smiling at Soobin.

Soobin came out and told Taehyun," You can meet him. Keep in mind; Beomgyu thinks he fell down the stairs and hurt his head, that's why he's here. Don't look or talk to Yeonjun." Soobin explained.

Taehyun nodded, and quickly went inside the room. Usually Beomgyu would see Taehyun and hug him really tight, but he's lost all his memories with Taehyun, and he doesn't remember anything.

"Hello Beomgyu, I'm Soobin hyung's friend. Taehyun. Kang Taehyun." Taehyun shakily put out his hand for Beomgyu to shake.

Beomgyu gladly excepted, and shook it tightly. "I'm Choi Beomgyu. Thank you for visiting me!"

Taehyun smiled at him. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly, My head still hurts, and I really don't remember how I fell down, maybe because it was bad. But apart from that, I really don't know what else I've forgotten. My memory is still very much intact." Beomgyu laughed.

My memory is still very much intact. Funny, then Beomgyu, why don't you remember me?

"Hey, I think I've seen you before somewhere. Have we met before?" Beomgyu asks slowly, and Yeonjun raises an eyebrow. Yongsun said that he won't remember Taehyun at any cost.

"I don't think we've met before, but I've seen you around in my college. Ah, we go to the same college! That's why your face looked familiar." Taehyun lied. Was Beomgyu really going to recall his true identity?

"Ah right, I felt like I'd heard your name anyway."Beomgyu smiled. He looked at yeonjun and asked," Hyung, where's Huening?"

"He's gone to Paris." Taehyun said, and then covered his mouth. 

Beomgyu looked at him in a confused manner and raised an eyebrow. "How do you know Huening?" 

"I- erm- he's in my history class, and my math class! Yeah, my history and my math class. I met him today, he said he's going to France."Taehyun explained. Phew, what a close save.

Yeonjun looked at Taehyun questioningly. Taehyun could feel the stare from Yeonjun and wanted to meet his gaze, but then remembered Soobin's warning and looked away, gulping harshly.

"Wow, so he'll tell anyone in his class, but not his best friend?"sighed Beomgyu dramatically." No offence to you though."

Taehyun let out a forced chuckle. 

The air in the room was hot and thick. Taehyun knew if he stayed in the room for even a second more, Yeonjun would be coming for his throat.

"I'll be leaving now, Beomgyu. Take care, and here, have my number. Call me up if you need help with anything."Taehyun walked forward towards Beomgyu's bed.

"I'm sure he doesn't need it, right Beomgyu?"Yeonjun interrupted.

"Oh hyung, he's so nice, why are you being so mean? I'm sorry Taehyun-ssi, Yeonjun hyung is being unnecessarily mean to you." Beomgyu pushed his lower lip out as he said so.

Taehyun laughed as he felt Yeonjun shoot daggers with his eyes."Yeah take it down, my number is blah blah blah blah blah."Taehyun gave him is phone number and saw Beomgyu frown as he typed it in.

"What's wrong?"Taehyun asked.

"I already have your number saved."Beomgyu said as he frowned. "And it's saved as 'Taehyunnie' with a heart." as continued as he lifted up the phone as showed it to Taehyun.

Taehyun tensed up. Why hadn't he thought of this before? He mentally facepalmed himself.

"Ahh that was me! I thought that Beomgyu might need Taehyun's number, so I put it in! He's my best best friend, so I'm used to saving his number like that ahahah, sorry Beomgyu." Soobin chuckled nervously.

Beomgyu frowned, pouting a little. Whatever Soobin just said made no sense whatsoever.What was wrong with all of them? Why were they acting so weird?

"Ahahah, Beomgyu see you in college, Bye!"Taehyun ran out of the room.

 Yeonjun heaved a sigh of relief, and sat down instantly, and smiled at Soobin who saved them with the most weird excuse.

"Yeonjun hyung?"Beomgyu asked.


"Taehyun's gorgeous,right? Looks really pretty. Just my type."Beomgyu said, blushing a little. "I'd like to get to know him better."

Yeonjun shared and worried glance with Soobin. Oh no, not again. There's no way Yeonjun is going to let this happen again.

"Yeah, really pretty. But I don't think he's your type, Beomgyu. He isn't a good man." Soobin lied.

"But he's your best friend, right? He wouldn't be your best friend if he wasn't a good man, Soobin hyung."

The tallest had fucked up, bad. "Ahaha, I meant he's bad at relationships. Yeah, bad at relationships." Soobin faked laughed for the millionth time. Beomgyu was a really hard person to deal with.

"Well, we can change that..." Beomgyu smiled to himself.


*sigh* flrtyniki - 

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