[ n i n e t e e n ]

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"What's this hyung?"Beomgyu asked, pointing to the three white petals on his palm.

Yeonjun still wasn't moving. Did he see it right? Were those petals which came out of Beomgyu's mouth? No, no, no this couldn't be happening, Beomgyu didn't have hanaha-

"Hyung? Why are petals coming out of my mouth? I didn't eat a plan--" Beomgyu began speaking, but was cut off by another series of coughing fits.

He coughed out five more white petals, but this time they were covered in his blood.

Beomgyu's throat began burning. What the hell was all of this!? Beomgyu was coughing out flower petals?

Not going to lie, Beomgyu would love a flower bouquet of white flowers with petals as pretty as such, but how on earth was he puking out flowers?

He swore to god that he hadn't swallowed a plant.


"Beomgyu listen to me, alright?" yeonjun said in a tone Beomgyu never knew existed. It sounded like Beomgyu was in trouble and he was going to get scolded for it.

"I don't want you to panick at all, okay? Hear me out calmly first." Yeonjun said. 

Beomgyu didn't know anything about hanahaki.  Yeonjun knew the younger was clueless. If he knew, he'd be freaking out right now.

Yeonjun had to be really really calm while explaining this to Beomgyu.

"Hyung, tell me what's wrong, I'm really scared now."

"You're sick Beomgyu. Really really sick—"


Yeonjun raised an eyebrow. "I think I told you to hear me out first, Beomgyu. Let me finish talking."

Beomgyu nodded, and looked at Yeonjun hopefully.

Yeonjun sighed again before he began,"You've got something called the Hanahaki disease."

Beomgyu still looked confused.

"What happens is that when you really love somebody, and that person doesn't love you back, and instead loves somebody else, you get hanahaki. Your lungs to grow small flowers, Beomgyu. It's nothing to worry, we'll just take you to the doctor and everything will be fine again." Yeonjun assured him.

There was no way Yeonjun was going to tell him that he would forget Taehyun after the surgery. If Beomgyu found that out, he would never ever agree for the surgery, because Yeonjun knew the younger was so much in love, he wouldn't let it go.

It was best for Beomgyu to never know.

Beomgyu still looked like he was trying to process the new information given to him.

"So what you're telling me is that, my lungs are growing flowers, because I love Taehyun?" Beomgyu asked, confused.

"Yeah. Also, you aren't leaving the house in any circumstances, you get that?" Yeonjun asked sterly. "You're really weak, and I don't want you getting up from the bed, unless you need to use the washroom, okay?"

Beomgyu is really confused at this point. First Yeonjun says it's nothing to worry about, and then he says that Beomgyu is really weak?

Whats even happening with Beomgyu's body?

"Alright hyung." Beomgyu mumbled softly, and laid down back on the bed.

He began coughing out almost instantly, and Yeonjun lightly patted his back.

"Argh—hyung, i-it feels s-stuck—" Beomgyu whined, trying his best to let the petals out of this mouth.

After one harsh slap on the back from Yeonjun, Beomgyu choked out two more petals.

Beomgyu looked at them in horror.

The petals he had coughed out before were really tiny, around almost the size of them when they were a bud.

But the two new petals looked way bigger than the previous ones, and had a slight shade of yellow.

After around half an hour of more coughing, and letting out around seventeen petals in total, Beomgyu went to sleep.


He woke up in the morning, and his coughing had just become worse.

Their mother wasn't home, because she along with Yeonjun were the only people who earned in the house.

Their father didn't live with them, he lived in London, because supposedly it had better opportunities than Seoul itself.

Their father was only home once an year for a week, and that too he wouldn't stop talking about how much London was better and how they should shift there.

But no never, were they ever going to shift, and they always just smiled at him as he went on and on about London.

Once he would reach London, he would once again forget all of them and lead his normal life. Everytime he came back home, it felt like he was a guest.

Occasionally, his mother, who worked as the secretary of a finance minister, would have to travel along with him to various places, and Yeonjun and Beomgyu were left alone at home.

Beomgyu coughed again, and another petal was out. He sighed as he placed it on the night stand, and got up for some water.

He instantly felt weak and fell to the floor, a small 'ouch' exiting his mouth.

Yeonjun heard the loud thud and ran to the room, only to find the younger on the floor in pain.

"Beomgyu-ah. I asked you not to get up, right?" Yeonjun said as he helped Beomgyu get up and made him lie down back on the bed.

"I wanted water, hyung. My throat burns." Beomgyu said.

Yeonjun hummed in response. It was obvious that his throat was burning, after all he was coughing up petals!

After Beomgyu finished his water, Yeonjun said, "Beomgyu, I'll be out today. But that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, okay? Stay on the bed and dont move at all. I'll be back by evening, and I'd have looked for a doctor." Yeonjun said. "Hopefully." He whispered, but Beomgyu didn't hear it.

"Take care, okay Beom?"

"I will, hyung."

white flowers are my favourite :) what about y'all? whats your favourite colour of flowers?

petals; taegyuWhere stories live. Discover now