[ t h i r t y f i ve ]

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Beomgyu blinked at Yeonjun, and then shifted his attention back on the television.

What could it be, huh? Something about how Taehyun called Yeonjun a bitch or how Taehyun did something wrong and blamed it on Yeonjun?

Or the cliché story in which Yeonjun and Taehyun were best friends but then Taehyun left Yeonjun for someone and yadayadayada.

"Look at me, Beomgyu." Yeonjun said, pulling his by his chin to face him.

"Ouch- what are you doing? You're hurting me." Beomgyu winced.

"Look and me and listen to me, okay?" Yeonjun spoke in a harsh voice, which made Beomgyu flinch.

He nodded involuntary, finding himself obeying Yeonjun even though he doesn't want to.

"Do you know what the hanahaki disease means?" Yeonjun asked, and Beomgyu thought for a good ten seconds and then shook his head.

"I want you to search up what the hanahaki disease is." Yeonjun said, and once again, Beomgyu found himself obeying, as he grabbed his phone and began to search what he was asked to.

"Read out what's written, Beomgyu."

Beomgyu nods and begans to read,

"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love where the patient's throat will fill up with flower, they will then proceed to throw, and cough up the petals, or sometimes even the flowers. One of the only ways for the disease to disappear is if, the said person returns the feeling

Note: It can't be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love.

Another cure would be taking the patient to the doctor for a lung surgery. Although, if this is done, then the patient will forget all memories made with their love.

If the patient wishes not to forget the person and the person shows no obvious signs of love, then the patient naturally dies from lack of oxygen." Beomgyu finished reading and looks at Yeonjun.

"What about this, hyung?" Beomgyu asks. "Sounds like something fake to me."

"Would you believe me if I told you that you had hanahaki?" Yeonjun spoke softl.

Beomgyu stared at him and then at Soobin. "Me? H-How-"

"You had hanahaki, Beomgyu."Yeonjun said, and Beomgyu raised an eyebrow. "It was all because you loved him too much, and he never loved you."

"I just don't want you near him," Yeonjun stopped to look at Beomgyu's expression and then continued, "maybe he's just got bad intentions to hurt you over and over again, but I can't see you suffer like this, right?"

Beomgyu still stared. Not moving an inch. He turned to Soobin. "What bullshit is Yeonjun hyung making up?"

"If he was making up bullshit, Beomgyu, I wouldn't be here and supporting him. He's saying the truth, Beomgyu. It's because of Taehyun that you'd had hanahaki." Soobin spoke and then it all made sense to Beomgyu.

From his phone number being saved as 'Taehyunnie <3' to why Taehyun kept waving off the topic whenever Beomgyu told him that he's seen him before. To how Taehyun knew that Beomgyu was elder than him, it was never about Jinsung. To how Beomgyu called Taehyun 'Tyunnie', mind you, Beomgyu doesn't make up nicknames for a person who he's just met.

How Beomgyu always felt a sort of a connection with Taehyun. Like he's known him for ages. Indeed, according to what Yeonjun and Soobin have told him, he's known Taehyun for a long time, and has loved him for longer.

It all makes sense now, Beomgyu thinks and he can't understand what he's feeling at the moment.

Sadness? Confused? Betrayal? Being played with?, Yeah all of that.

Beomgyu closed his eyes for a spilt second, and flashes of blood along with white flowers on the floor, and feeling the burn in throat comes back to him. He doesn't know what's happening; whether it's just an illusion, or that Yeonjun's talk just brought back old memories, and he's really confused.

"I just need to know that you don't feel anything for him now, right?" Yeonjun asked, and Beomgyu doesn't understand where to go and hide his face.How is he supposed to tell Yeonjun the truth.


"Beomgyu, don't lie to me, please. Just tell me, I won't say a thing." Yeonjun spoke, in a tone that was much different and softer than he had used before.

"Um, he's a really nice person to me. And he's really pretty too. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." Beomgyu said, not meeting his brother's gaze.

"It's alright, we can do something about that, right?" Yeonjun said, looking at Soobin and then back at Beomgyu. "Just stay away from him and find another girl, there are millions who'd like yo-"

"Hyung, stop." Beomgyu said, and Yeonjun looked up at him. "He kissed me. And I kissed him back. And not once, not twice but three times. He asked me out hyung, said he'd k-keep me h-happy-"

Yeonjun held his head in frustration. "He just feels sympathetic for you, Gyu."

"Hyung, can I just think about this?" Beomgyu asked. "It's all going over my head, and I-I-"

Yeonjun nodded and Beomgyu walked up the stairs to his room, and shut the door tight.

"He's taking his better than I expected, Hyung." Soobin said and sat down. "But promise me, that if Beomgyu and Taehyun are really happy, then you won't say a thing to him. You'd let them be." Soobin asked, and put out his pinky finger, waiting for Yeonjun to promise him.

Yeonjun sighed and wrapped his pink around Soobin's and the younger let out a content sigh.


Beomgyu sat down on his bed, completely drained of all emotion.

But no, he wasn't going to assume shit and go yell at Taehyun before knowing his side of the story. He's got the brains unlike the girls from cliché movies who are just going to go and yell at their boyfriend for no reason and ruin their relationship because of a petty thing.

But still somewhere, deep down, Beomgyu feels happy. Happy that he went through all of this. Atleast at the end, he's got Taehyun.

Atleast, he's going to talk about this to Taehyun, and then again, he's old enough to make his own decisions.


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