[ t h i r t y s i x ]

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Taehyun skipped to where Beomgyu was standing and staring at his phone.

Taehyun back hugged him tight, and heard a small gasp from the older's mouth at his sudden appearance.

"Good morning,hyung." Taehyun whispered, and pecked Beomgyu's cheek.

Beomgyu, as usual, blushed deep red and mumbled back a good morning.

"Slept well last night?" Taehyun asked, and then Beomgyu frowned.

Beomgyu scratched the back of his neck and then met the younger's gaze.

"Taehyun, about that-" Beomgyu cleared his throat, and Taehyun raised an eyebrow. "Yeonjun hyung told me a few things. I just wanted to know, okay? Don't get mad at me or yourself, promise me that." He spoke childishly, putting out his pinkie finger to make the younger promise him.

Taehyun knitted his brows together. What could it be? So just to please his boyfriend, he promised Beomgyu.

"Well, what is it?"

"Yeonjun hyung told me I had the Hanahaki disease. All because I loved you too much. I can't believe him, so tell me Taehyun, is that true? Did I really know you before, and know I've forgotten you?" Beomgyu's voice cracked, and Taehyun panicked.

Beomgyu wasn't supposed to know all of this, right? Why would Yeonjun hyung tell him all of this anyway? Does that mean Beomgyu remembers the old me too? Does he hate me now? Oh shit, is he going to breakup with me?

"Whats taking you so long to answer, Taehyun? You promised me, so answer my question now." Beomgyu spoke impatiently.

"I-erm-yeah. You did have it." Taehyun spoke. "And I made you suffer so much. BUT- I promise! It was all unintentionally! I didn't even know you had feelings for me! I never even thought of you that way! I'm sorry hyung, but that really doesn't change my feelings for you right now."

"How can I believe that you actually love me and are not doing this out of pity for me?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun sighed. He never knew he'd have to deal with a suspicious Beomgyu. "I do actually love you,hyung. If I had to be sympathetic, wouldn't I have done it before?" Taehyun asked.

Beomgyu thought about it. Yeah, what Taehyun said actually makes sense.

Yeonjun was hating on Taehyun for no reason whatsoever.

"Yeah." Beomgyu mumbled, and buried his face in Taehyun's neck as the younger patted his back. "But why didn't you tell me all of this before? About me being ill and everything?"

"C'mon Hyung, you know I wouldn't have. What if you began to hate me? I'd die." Taehyun joked, and Beomgyu laughed.

"Yeah, right that makes sense."Beomgyu chuckled.

Taehyun pulled up Beomgyu's chin and pressed a small kiss to the side of his lips, and Beomgyu melted into the touch.

"Thank you for believing me, hyung." Taehyun said.

Beomgyu nodded, and hugged Taehyun, not caring about the people shooting them weird looks. 

"Get going to class now." Beomgyu and shooed Taehyun away in order to hide his embarrassment.

"Bye hyung~"

"Bye Hyunie." Beomgyu laughed, as he turned away from his boyfriend and off to class.


"Soobinnie~"Yeonjun whined. 

"What do you want,hyung?" Soobin giggled, as he leaned in closer to his face, and then just when Yeonjun thought he was finally going to get what he wanted, Soobin moved away from his face which made the elder groan.

"You know it, Bin."

"Do I?" the younger tapped his chin in thought, and then looked at the older male who was examining him carefully and then giggled. "I don't actually."

"Come here and kiss me." Yeonjun said, sighing when Soobin shook his head.

"Gosh no! I can't kiss you! I've got a boyfriend who's prettier than you." Soobin giggled, and Yeonjun wanted to beat him up for giggling so much. Beat him up softly, of course.

"Prettier than me,huh?" Yeonjun asked, and Soobin nodded cutely.

"And how would he be prettier than me?" Yeonjun asked, slyly and Soobin held his chin in thought.

"He's got really pretty eyes, y'know. And his cheeks are the cutest." Soobin said in a proud tone, which made Yeonjun want to coo. "And oh! His lips are the best. My favourite actually. He's got the best abs-"

Yeonjun pushed Soobin against the wall. 

But Soobin didn't stop. "He calls me Soobinnie in the cutest way ever-"

"Gosh shut up, Soobin. You're making me blush." Yeonjun said, and Soobin resisted the urge to giggle once more.

"Why would you blush,huh? I'm praising my boyfriend, not you." Wow, Soobin had the guts.

"So I'm not your boyfriend,huh?" Yeonjun asked and Soobin rolled his eyes. "Mine is prettier. Gorgeous really-"

"I'll ask only once more. Am I not your boyfriend?" Yeonjun pressed his words, but Soobin still refused.

"Alright then." Yeonjun pouted and left Soobin pressed to the wall. He grabbed a chair and turned it towards the corner in the wall and sat down, sulking.

"Okay, I'll inform everyone that I'm single now. There are so many pretty girls in the campus, some even prettier than Soobinnie-"

Soobin slipped into Yeonjun's lap.

"No, I'm the prettiest," he pouted.

"But you've got a boyfriend, right? He's prettier than me, didn't you say so?" Yeonjun mocked him.

"Shut up and kiss me." Soobin ordered.

And who was Yeonjun to refuse his demand?

Yeonjun took his lips with his own, and Soobin sighed happily. Wow, what a happy feeling this was.

As they kissed happily, both the males couldn't feel more grateful for the other.


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