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Yeonjun had asked Beomgyu to keep mum, and not say a word about Soobin to anyone.

Beomgyu being the betraying brother he was, went and told Taehyun and Kai all about his brother's obsession.

"I haven't really seen a third year who is always in libraries. I don't know who your brother is talking about. Haven't heard the name either."Kai said after hearing Beomgyu describe him.

"I think I've seen him though." Taehyun started." Does he have dimples?"

"I-err- Yeonjun hyung didn't say about dimples. Only a mesmerizing smile."Beomgyu recalled.

"Let's find him." Kai said, standing up.

"What the hell, Kai? Are we gonna spy on some guy because Yeonjun hyung likes him?" Taehyun asked.

"Actually. Let's go find him. Taehyun you coming?" Beomgyu agreed with Kai and asked Taehyun.

"No way. That's just dumb."

"Hyung! C'mon you're no fun! Come with us, for me?" Huening pouted.

Taehyun cracked a small smile at him and looked back at Beomgyu," Fine but only because you asked me to, okay Huening?"

For some reason, this felt like a stab to Beomgyu's chest. Why did Taehyun act so lovey dovey towards Huening?

Beomgyu pretended to be disgusted by his friends, while he was actually a tad bit jealous.

Why did Taehyun always pay more attention to Huening?

Now that he thought of it, Taehyun was always more close to Kai than himself. He was always on his best behavior for him and never, ever refused anything that Kai suggested. Even if it was a stupid idea.

Now, now, suddenly Beomgyu felt insecure of himself. Why couldn't he be Taehyun's favourite? Why does it have to be Kai?

Taehyun was nice too him also, but maybe it was more of a brotherly love. They were best friends, so why did Beomgyu have a problem?

Why did Taehyun's actions hurt Beomgyu so much? It wasn't supposed to, because Beomgyu was the mood maker, he wasn't allowed to be glum or deep in thought.

He was always supposed to be cheerful. Then why wasn't he able to be like he had to?

"Beomgyu? Are you gonna come??" Kai asked.

"Oh-Oh, yeah let's go. The third year library is on the other side of canteen. Let's go." Beomgyu said, pointing towards the library.

The other males didn't notice this, because they were too busy talking about something Beomgyu didn't care about and didn't want to know, but Beomgyu definitely didn't like the close interaction between the two.

It just made him feel unwanted. Which, maybe he was to the both of them when they were alone. Alone with each other.

They've been friends since they were twelve, Beomgyu has known them for seven years now. They were all best friends, for as long as Beomgyu can remember.

Around when they were sixteen, Beomgyu came out as bisexual, and the two were always by his side, making him feel better about himself.

Taehyun turned seventeen, and the other two males came out as gay. That didn't stop them from being friends with each other. They were just the way they were before.

And only now does Beomgyu feel like they have been opening flirting since forever, not only in one aspect, from their contact names to them acting as Beomgyu's parents. Beomgyu feels like he has been rejected by his own friends.

Huening is the youngest, so he should be the child, not Beomgyu. Why are Taehyun and Huening paired together when it should be Beomgyu in his place?

"Hey Beomgyu that's Yeonjun hyung, right?" Taehyun asked patting Beomgyu on his shoulder.

Beomgyu turned his head towards where Taehyun and Kai were looking, and stared.

That indeed was Yeonjun, ad he was standing behind the shelf of books like a creep, staring at some boy whose back was facing towards the younger males.

"Yeah, what is he doing?" Beomgyu asked, feeling embarrassed because of his stupid brother's actions.

"Let's go talk to him." Kai said, pulling on Taehyun's sleeve.

"To the boy?" Taehyun asked.

"Yes yes yes! Please please let's go! Beomgyu ask him to go!" Kai jumped.

"No no, it's okay, you don't need to ask Beomgyu to tell me, Kai. We can go. Only if Beomgyu doesn't mind though." Taehyun said.

Another stab to the chest.

"Yeah, you can go. But what are you going to do there?" Beomgyu asked.

"Oh, you'll see hyung." Kai said dragging Taehyun along with him.

And Beomgyu's jealously was sky rocketing.


why am i updating daily? answer : i really dont know why

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