[ t w e n t y t w o ]

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"Beomgyu! I'm home!" Yeonjun said in the most cheerful tone he could manage.

He wasn't really happy about whatever was going on, but no there was no way he was going to break down in front of Beomgyu.

He's the one supposed to be the strong one right now, and he's supposed to comfort Beomgyu.

When he received no answer from Beomgyu, he got worried and quickly ran up the stairs.

He saw Beomgyu sleeping rather soundly, and Yeonjun had mo intentions of waking up the younger while he was sleeping so well.

He needed it. Yeonjun walked over to the bed, and peeked into the dustbin on its right side.

It was full of white petals covered in a red substance. Among them, he spotted two full flowers and he could only imagine how hard it would have been for the younger to force them out of his mouth.

Yeonjun sighed and packed his bag for the next day. This was going to be one terrible week for both Yeonjun and Beomgyu.

Yeonjun felt so guilty for having to leave his brother when he needed it the most. He should be awarded the 'Worst Brother Award'.

Yeonjun's eyes filled with pity and sympathy for the younger. He wished that Taehyun never existed. 


"Hyung?" Beomgyu mumbled, as he saw Yeonjun grab his things into a bag.

"You're up? How are you feeling?" Yeonjun asked, not sparing a glance to the younger.

"Better, I guess. Where are you going? I actually had to talk to you." Beomgyu said.

"Tell me?" Yeonjun asked, directing his attention towards Beomgyu now.

"I don't want to go to the hospital." Beomgyu said. "You didn't tell me that I'd forget Taehyun. I don't want to forget him, hyung."

"Beomgyu...Who told you that?" Yeonjun asked. 

Great. Now the only way Beomgyu was going to be healed, was blocked because Beomgyu now knew that he was going to forget Taehyun after the surgery.

"I kind of researched on hanahaki. I don't want to forget Taehyun. Even though he doesn't love me, I love him and I don't want to forget the feeling."

It actually made sense. If Yeonjun placed himself in Beomgyu's position, he wouldn't want to forget either. but that was the only way they had.

"Beomgyu, I don't want to see you die like this. Please, just agree to it." Yeonjun pleaded.

"I'm sorry hyung. I can't do this." Beomgyu sighed. 

The two sat in complete silence, until Beomgyu began to cough again. Yeonjun brought his hand and rubbed it gently on Beomgyu's back.

Four more petals.

Beomgyu stopped coughing for now, and Yeonjun sat next to him.

"Hey Beomgyu?"

Beomgyu nodded and looked at him.

"Soobin and I have to go to Daegu today.It's a botany assignment, and I really can't help it. I tried to convince the principal but he said that it would affect my grades really bad. I've seen a doctor for you, she's really nice. Just agree to it, and she'll do your surgery really well." Yeonjun offered, looking extremely guilty because he couldn't stay with his brother.

"When will you be back hyung?"Beomgyu asked.

"In two days."

"I can stay on my own,hyung. I promise I'll be okay. But give me the doctor's number. If something really goes bad I'll contact her and leave for the hospital at once. But I don't want to live in the hospital for two whole days." Beomgyu said softly.

"No." Yeonjun deadpanned. "Beomgyu you can't stay alone for two whole days-"

"Hyung, I promise I'll be okay-" and he began coughing again.

Why was Beomgyu trying to convince Yeonjun that he was fine? He was far from fine. His throat burned, his head felt heavy, and honestly his mind was the worst.

He is supposed to forget Taehyun and hate him for all the pain he's caused him, but instead Beomgyu loves him just as much as he did before. Though he did wish that Taehyun loved him and this pain would disappear.

"You aren't fine, Beomgyu -ah." Yeonjun said, ingnoring his phone ringing in the distance.

"Y-Your *cough* p-phone." Beomgyu managed to choke out, and pushed Yeonjun away from him, as in to send him away to receive the phone call.

Yeonjun sighed as he picked up the phone, not even bothering to look at the call receiver.

"Good morning baby, how is Beomgyu?"

Yeonjun removed the phone off his ear, and looked at the contact name.  Soobin.

"Yeah he's better i guess." Yeonjun lied.

"Don't lie, I can hear him coughing. I'm waiting for you, we'll drop Beomgyu at the hospital first. Then we can leave for college."

"Soobin, about that," Yeonjun scratched the back of his neck."Beomgyu refused to go to the doctor."


"Apparently he searched about hanahaki and found out that he'd forget Taehyun. He doesnt want to forget him."

"So now what?"

"He says he can stay at home all alone."


"I know, Bin. But that's the only option we have now." Yeonjun sighed.


"Are you outside the house?"


"I'm coming in two." Yeonjun said, looking over his shoulder at Beomgyu who was coughing.

"Beomgyu, I'll be leaving now. Please take care of yourself. Call me up if anything,okay?" Yeonjun kneeled down near Beomgyu and held his hand.

"I will hyung. *cough*, Go now, and don't worry too much a-about me." Beomgyu assured, and gently pushed away Yeonjun's hands.

With one last look at Beomgyu's pathetic condition, Yeonjun left the house, leaving half of his mind behind. 


"Good morning hyunie hyung!" Huening chirped, and attempted to press a small kiss on Taehyun's cheeks.

But instead, Taehyun turned to look back at Huening, and Kai ended up pecking his lips.

Both of them blushed, and Taehyun lightly mumbled a 'good morning'.

"It's been four days we saw Beomgyu hyung. Where is he?" Taehyun wondered.

"Let him be hyung- Oh! Look at that! Cotton Candy! Can we go there please?" Kai asked, making puppy eyes at Taehyun.

The older had no intentions of refusing the younger's proposal but the puppy eyes made him soft.

Gosh, what had he done to get such a cute boyfriend?

"Okay." Taehyun said, and Kai ran and jumped away to the college gate, where a man was selling different colours of cotton candy.

Taehyun followed the younger, and mean while admired the back profile  of his gorgeous boyfriend.

Wow, he looked as pretty as he did as from the front!

Taehyun couldn't believe how lucky he had got with HueningKai.

But he had no idea what Huening was going to bring to him.


i hate angst.

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