[ t w e n t y e i g h t ]

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Am I a story that's sad and true? I can feel the pain, can you?


HueningKai was walking back home along with Taehyun. He still hasn't told anything to Taehyun about going to France.

"Hyunie hyung?"


"I'm going to Paris tomorrow." he said slowly.

"Oh, all of a sudden? Anyway, when will you be back?" Taehyun asked.

Be back? How was Huening supposed to tell him that he was shifting to Paris permamently? Okay, if Taehyun thought that it was just a trip, then let it be, Huening would deal with it when he would be gone.

"Um, a week or so?" Huening said, but it came out as a question.

Taehyun tilted his head slightly in confusion and then nodded. Huening didn't like Taehyun in the first place. But he felt like he owed this to him.

So he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Taehyun's, perhaps for final time ever.


Taehyun was sulking on his bed, staring at the ivory wall in front of him.

HueningKai was free to go wherever he wanted, Taehyun wasn't going to be such a possessive boyfriend. But Taehyun was kind of sad, that Huening would be away for so long. He'd miss him so much.

Beomgyu, was the next thing that came to his mind. He felt like a pathetic friend to Beomgyu. How selfish he had been all this while, when he had Huening, Beomgyu didn't even cross his mind once.

Taehyun gathered up the courage to call up Beomgyu up on his phone and apologize for his and Huening's selfish behaviour.

He picked up his phone and called up Beomgyu. 

No one picked up. He tried again and again and again, but no one picked up the phone.

Beomgyu could be really angry at times, sure, but no he wouldn't ignore Taehyun's calls eight times in a row.

Taehyun began to feel worried about Beomgyu, and honestly he knows he has no right to be worried about him, because he has never cared, then why now?

Taehyun hurriedly called up Yeonjun, knowing that he's going to get scolded by the elder for ignoring Beomgyu.


It's only been ten minutes into the surgery, and Yeonjun is already hoping for it to be over.

Yongsun has asked Yeonjun to go home, because he'll only be able to meet a conscious Beomgyu in the morning.  

But no, it's seven pm and it's too long for him to wait till the morning. He's going to stay there all night, and hopefully he gets to meet Beomgyu sooner than estimated.

His phone rings, and he ignores it. Because he's got better things to think of than answer someone else's phone.

He feels Soobin shake him." Hyung, it's Taehyun."

Hearing that name sends a spark of anger through Yeonjun's body. He doesn't ever want to do anything with that name again. Even if he's at no fault. He's only caused depair and pain to Beomgyu, and Yeonjun doesn't want to talk to him.

"Hyung, you need to talk to him." Soobin whispers gently.

Soobin is right. He should talk to Taehyun and let him know how much Beomgyu has suffered because of him. He should know about Beomgyu's feelings for him.

But is Yeonjun in the right place to let Taehyun know? Shouldn't Beomgyu be telling him that?

But fuck, Yeonjun isn't even sure if Beomgyu's is gonna come back alive. And even if he does, he's never going to be able to tell Taehyun.

Yeonjun nods and and takes the phone from Soobin's hands.

"Hello hyung, I'm Taehyun-"

"Hello Taehyun. Why'd you call me?" Yeonjun tried his best to be calm, but even listening to his voice made him want to commit murder.

"I was wondering where Beomgyu was. I haven't seen him in ages."

"Funny, you only notice now, huh? Isn't spending time with Huening more important?" Yeonjun mocks.

"Hyung, just please tell me where he is. He isn't picking up my phone."

"How would he? He's in the operation theatre."

"He's in the what? Why, what happened? Oh my lord, tell me where, I'm coming!"

"He's got hanahaki." Yeonjun said casually.

"HANAHAKI? Since when? Oh my god. I'm coming. Name the hospital,hyung."

"There's no point, Taehyun-ah. He's forgotten you anyway."

"Forgotten me?Oh."

"It's okay Taehyun. You don't need to come."

"I-It can't be me, h-hyung-"

"Please, Taehyun. It's always been you. Beomgyu, that naive kid has never looked at anyone but you. He didn't want to get the surgery because he didn't want to forget you. He was forced into this." Yeonjun recalled all those times, when Beomgyu puked out those terrible flowers. "There's no point now. Beomgyu would be confused to see you, and I don't want to cause him anymore pain."

Yeonjun can hear nothing from the other line. He's guessing that Taehyun really doesn't care, and he hangs up the phone.

Yeonjun really wishes that morning comes soon and that he can meet Beomgyu.


Taehyun is breathing heavily. There's no way it's possible, he's caused Beomgyu so much pain-

Alright. He's still unable to process the fact that it's him who's caused Beomgyu to be on the verge of dying.

But really, Beomgyu likes Taehyun? And not only likes, loves him so much that he's got the hanahaki because of him. 

He's the cause of al of this. If maybe he'd liked Beomgyu, all of this would never have happened.

Now that Taehyun thinks of it, he's always thought of Beomgyu as an elder brother. Never ever in a romantic way.

Wow, that must really hurt Beomgyu. 

Taehyun still doesn't believe that it's true. He needs to see it for himself to know that it's true.

He closes his eyes and imagines Beomgyu in pain, letting out pretty flowers from his mouth. He flinches, and hopes that it wasn't as bad as that.

Beomgyu is pretty, gorgeous, really. But Taehyun has never once thought of Beomgyu like he thinks about Huening. Never.

Then why, why did Beomgyu love him so much? Why did Beomgyu refuse for the surgery?

Taehyun feels guilty, so so guilty. Being his best friend- no he should stop using that term, being his well - urm- wellwisher, Taehyun couldn't help him out when Beomgyu needed it the most.

Taehyun feels helpless. Yeonjun hyung hasn't even given him a location as to where he is.

He looks at his phone, and squints his eyes. A mesage from Soobin.

artemis world hospital, dont tell yeonjun i told you

Taehyun smiles. He knows where to go. And he's going to make things right.

Even if he doesn't feel the same for Beomgyu.


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