[ t w e n t y s e v e n ]

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"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own, Yeonjunnie? I can stay the night, it won't be a problem." Soobin asked in a concerned manner, placing a hand on Yeonjun's shoulder.

"Nah, we'll be good, Bin. See you tomorrow, okay?"Yeonjun leaned in and pressed their lips together for a short while, and then smiled at Soobin before turning for his own house.

He jiggled the keys out of his pocket, and hopefully, opened the door. 

The house was silent, and Yeonjun assumed that Beomgyu was sleeping.

He walked slowly as in not to make any noise until his leg touched something unusual on the floor.

Beomgyu's body.

Yeonjun nearly screamed looking at Beomgyu's body on the floor, in the middle of flowers, and blood. A lot of blood.

Panicking, Yeonjun sat down next to the limp body, not caring about the blood getting up on his clothes and hands. He shook the boy gently, trying to wake him up.

Thankfully, he was breathing, and Yeonjun was wise enough to call up Dr. Yongsun.

"H-Hello Dr.-"

"What's wrong Yeonjun?"

"He's f-fainted. There's a l-lot of b-blood, I just came h-home, I d-dont know-" Yeonjun stuttered.

"Wait up, I'm sending the ambulance."

"Doctor h-he'll be f-fine, right-"

"Yeonjun, I can't say anything right now. Bring him here quickly."

Yeonjun nodded his head, despite knowing that she wouldn't be able to see it. The urgency in her voice made Yeonjun all the very scared.

He gently picked up the younger, he barely had any weight, maybe that was another reason for why he passed out so soon. Yeonjun made a mental note of feeding his brother more.

That is if he would continue to live.

Okay, Yeonjun stop thinking about all of this nonsense. Save Beomgyu!

He placed the younger on the sofa, and a cough was heard, and half a flower along with thorns came out of his mouth.

Yeonjun picked up the thorns and the flower and threw them away, not wanting to see them.

"H-hyung..." A weak whisper made Yeonjun turn his head back violently, and he rushed over to Beomgyu and held his hand.

"Oh Beomgyu! Hyung is so sorry." Yeonjun said, looking down as to hide his teary eyes from Beomgyu. He couldn't let him see them or else he'd become more weak. "Hyung will never leave you again, I'll stay here okay? Don't worry, it's all fine, it's almost over." Yeonjun tried to assure Beomgyu, but actually he was trying to convince himself that it's going to be okay.

"H-hurts.."Beomgyu said, his eyes still closed.

"Hurts,hm?" Yeonjun asked rubbing the back of the younger's palm. "We'll get it all back to normal,okay Beom?"

Beomgyu hummed out a reply, too tired to say anything. And then suddenly like he was charged with energy, he sat up, "Taehyun. I w-want to talk to T-Taehyun." Beomgyu requested.

Yeonjun's eyes went wide. Hell no, Beomgyu is not meeting Taehyun especially in a condition like this.

"No Beomgyu, we're going to the hospital - "

"I want to meet Taehyun." Beomgyu repeated, his breathing really fast now.


"Hyung! I feel like I'm dying. I won't last longer hyung, please I just want to tell him that I loved, him please-"

"Stop saying all this, Beomgyu - oh! The ambulance is here." Yeonun said, hearing the sirens outside the house.

The nurses entered the house and they carried Beomgyu into the ambulance. Yeonjun quickly grabbed his phone and wallet with his bloody hands, and ran and locked the house and went into the ambulance.

Beomgyu had begun coughing again, and more blood than flowers came out of his mouth.

"Hyung I want to meet Taehyun please-" Beomgyu requested again.

Yeonjun ignored his request and called up Soobin.

"Hello Yeonj-"

"Soob, we're going to the hospital. Beomgyu-"

"Got it. I'm coming."


Yeonjun cut the phone, and saw Beomgyu pass out again, mostly due to lack of blood.

Yeonjun wonders what he's done to deserve to see his brother die like this.


The stretcher was being pushed through the halls quickly, towards the operation theatre. 

Dr. Yongsun had been waiting for Beomgyu and Yeonjun in there.

Once Beomgyu had gone inside with Yongsun, Yeonjun sat down outside. 

Soobin came running through the corridor and stopped to take a breath where Yeonjun was sitting.

Looking at Yeonjun's blood covered clothes, Soobin raised his eyebrow.

"Hyung what-"

"I don't know. I came back home and found him passed out on the floor next to blood and flowers. I called up Yongsun and she said that s-she wasn't s-sure-"

"No. It's going to be fine, please don't cry-"

Yeonjun sobbed quietly in his hands. Why, why was it only Beomgyu who had to go through all of this?

If love was so painful, why did Beomgyu continue to love Taehyun? Even when he had been in the ambulance, the only thought in his mind was Taehyun.

Pathetic, really. Beomgyu was so into love that he didn't know that he was not only hurting himself, but also people around him.

But if Yeonjun broke down, then who would be there for Beomgyu? No, no, Yeonjun had to stay strong for Beomgyu atleast, he wasn't allowed to breakdown in times like these.

He swiftly wiped his tears off, and he could see Soobin smile.

Yongsun bursted out of the door and Yeonjun and Soobin looked at her hopefully.

"Yeonjun, he's unconscious. I really think we should get this over with."

Yeonjun nodded slightly. If Beomgyu found out that they've got the surgery done without informing him, he'd be furious. But on the other hand, it's going to bring him relief, even if it means forgetting Taehyun.

It's the best for him to forget Taehyun. He'll never find out that Yeonjun's got the surgery done, he's going to forget everything about hanahaki and Taehyun.

"Alright doc. Let's get it done."


if you're reading this, say hello to me :)

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