[ t h i r t y ]

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Huening's palms were sweaty. It's been two whole days since he's left Seoul, and he thinks that he shouldn't keep Taehyun hopeful for so long.

Huening has decided to do this over text. Because he knows, that listening to Taehyun's heartbroken voice over something he's done will not only break Taehyun, but will also haunt Kai for the rest of his life.

He still conisders Taehyun as his best friend, and it's going to hurt him too, but he can only try to imagine what Taehyun would go through.

He feels guilty, really guilty for having said yes. He thought it'd be simple to breakup and tell him that he actually had no interest in him.

But boy, this was tougher than he had expected.

Huening shakily opened his chat with Taehyun. He stared at the phone screen before he could actually type something.

taehyun i wanted to breakup|
um hyung i dont think we can do this|
i dont have feelings for you|
i'm sorry hyung|


Boy, maybe it was a coincidence that Taehyun just happened to be online, or maybe Taehyun was whipped to a different level. Huening just hoped it was the former, or else he'd feel guiltier.


Taehyun's phone beeped in on his table.

Oh, how he hoped it was Huening. He quickly crawled over the bed, and picked up the phone.



hey, i wanted to say something

yup tell me?

Taehyun wondered, was Huening telling him that he'd come back earlier than estimated?

Oh my, how Taehyun hoped that he'd say that. He was already feeling incomplete without the younger.

hyung i think we can't do this anymore

Taehyun stopped breathing. It wasn't what he was thinking, right? No, no, Huening wouldn't breakup with him ever, no never-

i never liked you hyung
i'm sorry

This was defintely a dream. No, Huening had kissed him a-and told him that he loved Taehyun he can't back off now, no that's not how it works-

why, what's wrong?
am i too clingy? is there something wrong with me?
tell me i'll change but, heck don't do this to me huening

you're really nice, hyung
but i dont think i have romantic feelings for you
i'm sorry

No. Just no. Taehyun wasn't believing any of this. Huening was playing a prank on him. There's no way Huening would break up with him, Taehyun loved him so much-

hyung,are you still there?

say sike please, i'll stop breathing

i'm serious, hyung
i've shifted to paris, i haven't come here for a trip
i'm really sorry

so i'll never see you again?

maybe if i come back in a couple of years
i'm really sorry hyung
should i call you?

i'm fine
i get it
all the best in life, huening

Taehyun didn't even wait for Huening to reply. He just tossed his phone away in anger, which landed on the floor and caused a huge crack.

Taehyun curled up into a ball on the bed.

What had just happened?

Did Huening really break up with Taehyun? The number of times they've shared heavenly kisses, warm hugs, calling each other baby, babe, honey darling, honey and what not. Was that all fake?

Apparently, yes. Huening said it himself, he's never had any feelings for Taehyun. Then why's he even say yes in the first place? Just to break Taehyun's heart?

He was a fool anyway to believe that someone like Huening would even like him. What was Taehyun even thinking while confessing? There are no happy endings. None.

It all ends in a heartbreak anyway.

Did Beomgyu feel the same way, knowing that Taehyun loved someone else?

Beomgyu. Oh my god, how terrible must have he felt.

Now Taehyun only sees two heartbroken men, two heartbroken men who are too dumb to fix it using the other's love.


not the best chapter to celebrate it, but happy taehyun day!
also, i wonder why a taegyu book which hardly has any yeonbin has a third rank in #yeonbin lmao, thanks <33

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