[ e i g h t e e n ]

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"Yeonjun hyung?" Beomgyu said, as he tried getting up from the bed. There was no one in his room, and it looked dark outside. 

When no one responded, he let out a frustrated sigh, and fell down back on the bed.

Memories from the morning came back to him.

What was that? Huening was kissing those lips Beomgyu has been wanting to feel since forever.

And what after that? Did he faint?

Yes, he fainted because he was sick, and yet he was stubborn enough to go to college.

If I had listened to Yeonjun hyung, and would have stayed at home, I wouldn't have to see the horrendous scene nor would I have fainted he thought.

Soobin and Yeonjun walked into the room with long faces, and their faces instantly lit up on seeing Beomgyu awake.

"Beomgyu! You're awake! Gosh, you scared me so much, I thought you died!" Yeonjun exclaimed, hugging Beomgyu tightly.

"Hyung, c-can't breathe, l-let go." Beomgyu choked.

Yeonjun instantly left him, and Beomgyu took in a deep breath.

"What happened to me hyung?" Beomgyu asked, slightly tilting his head.

"You were ill, didn't take medicine and went to college. You were weak and you overworked yourself, so fainting was the least that could happen to you. Do you feel okay?" Yeonjun explained.

Beomgyu held his head. Felt heavy.

His throat hurt really bad too, and he was having difficulty in breathing. But that's just because of the fever,right?

"I'm good. Feeling better." Beomgyu lied.

"Are you sure?" Soobin asked.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll be fine." Beomgyu reassured.

Yeonjun smiled and said,"I'll be back in a bit."

Beomgyu nodded and Yeonjun lead Soobin outside the room.

"He doesn't look fine, take care of him, okay Yeonjun? I've told my mom is be home for dinner, so I've got to go. If you need anything, just call me up, alright?"

"Thanks Bin." Yeonjun leaned forward and hugged him tight. Soobin smiled wide.

Yeonjun lead Soobin to the front door, and sighed as he locked it again. His mother wasn't returning for the night. So he'll be the one taking care of Beomgyu.

He reached back into the room and found Beomgyu coughing continuously. Yeonjun panicked, because not moments ago, Beomgyu said he was fine and suddenly he's having coughing fits.

"Hyung w-water." Beomgyu managed to choke out between his coughs.

Yeonjun ran to the other side of the room and quickly filled a galss for Beomgyu. 

Beomgyu's face was completely red from all the coughing. He managed to somehow force the water down his throat.

"H-Hyung, it hurts." Beomgyu said while his hand was on his chest, preventing himself from coughing hard.

"What hurts, Beomgyu?" Yeonjun said, wanting to know the exact place where his brother was hurting.

"Everywhere! I-I feel like I'm going to puke out my organs!" Beomgyu said, putting his right hand on his mouth.

Yeonjun instantly rushed Beomgyu to the washroom just in time for him to began puking.

Beomgyu was seated in front of the toilet, puking out anything and everything he had eaten in the day. Yeonjun looked helpless.

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