[ t w e n t y t h r e e ]

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Remember the days when you loved me? I don't remember them. Because there were never such days. 


"But dad-"

"No buts, Kai. This is the last week, do you get it?" he said in a stern voice, which made Huening flinch.

"Can't we leave earlier? I can't stay here with him for even a day more!"

"You dragged yourself into this mess, Huening. You deal with it. Besides, it's only for a week."


"I'll be hanging up now. I'm sure you can deal with this yourself."

Huening kicked the floor and punched the air in frustration. Why was his father always so stubborn?


"Hyunie hyuung!" Huening said, and Taehyun just turned back and nodded.

"I wanna do something. I'm bored."

"You're bored with me?" Taehyun teasingly asked.

"Noo hyung! Let's go somewhere."Kai suggested.

"We have bio next, Huening. Let's go somewhere after the classes end?" Taehyun asked.

"But that's boring. Let's skip and go somewhere." Kai said boredly.

Taehyun raised an eyebrow. There was no way he was skipping class. He was a straight A student, and he'd like to keep it that way.

"Huening, we can't skip class." Taehyun said.

"Why not?"

"Because it's wrong, Kai."

"But I'm bored." Huening pouted.

Taehyun was really weak for that pout. Sighing, he gave in.

"Where'd you want to go?" Taehyun asked.

"Let's go to my house! My parents aren't there anyway." Huening jumped in exictement.

"Okay." Taehyun said slowly.

The two males began leaving the college, the older of them hoping he wouldn't get in trouble for bunking class along with his boyfriend.


Beomgyu looked up at the ceiling. It was plain white. Wow, suddenly, white was his least favourite colour.

Everything in his life was horrible. He was puking out flowers constantly, and his throat hurt so fucking much. It felt like a fire was lit there.

He rested his hand on his chest, and tried to sturdy his breathing.

It was getting difficult for him to breathe hour by hour, all his valves were being blocked by the flowers which were growing inside.

He could feel the rapid growth of the flowers inside him. The rush of heat which ran throughout his body was really tough to be neglected.

He turned over to his left side, taking a small peek out of the window. In the immediate next house, his neighbours' children were playing tag, and they jumped and laughed happily.

What a life kids have.

Nothing to worry about, just dancing in their own spirit. No worries about studies, no worries about love.

Love, now at this point if Beomgyu had to define love, he only had one word for it.


Pain and pain,is what love has given him. Maybe a few happy times, when Taehyun hugged him, or any of those simple touches which may mean nothing to Taehyun, but the world to Beomgyu.

Why was he even in love in the first place?

He shouldn't have done all this, he should have just minded his own business. He could have done anything, and he chose falling in love.

It was one of the best but at the same time, the worst feelings for Beomgyu. Being around Taehyun made his heart happy, but his body weak.

Maybe it was all Beomgyu's fault. It isn't Taehyun's fault at all, the poor guy doesn't even know that Beomgyu likes him. Correction, loves him.

Now Beomgyu feels like Taehyun and Huening don't care anymore, because it has been five days since he's spoken to them, and they've made no effort to contact him.

They know where Beomgyu lives, they could easily barge into his house and demand an explanation for disappearing for so long.

But they never showed up. Again, it wasn't their fault at all. If he had a boyfriend too, maybe even he would end up neglecting them.

Funny, Beomgyu only wanted Taehyun as a boyfriend. 

Why doesn't anything ever go the way Beomgyu wants it to?

Beomgyu just hopes that he dies of puking out flowers soon because, dying is way better than living a life without Taehyun.


If you looked inside HueningKai's fancily decorated room, after looking at the bright walls and expensive artifacts, the next thing you would notice would be the two males making out furiously.

HueningKai's back was rested on the mattress, and Taehyun was on top of him. 

One of Taehyun's hands ran in Huening's hair and the other one gently cupped his face. Huening looked like a mess, and Taehyun was proud enough to say that it was because of him.

Taehyun gently brushed off the hair which fell on Huening's hair, and sat up. Taehyun was instantly pulled back by Huening, who pressed their lips together again.

Tarhyun gently took in the younger's bottom lip between his lips, and all those small reactions and acknowledgements coming from his side made Taehyun go crazy.

He heard Huening moan, and Taehyun backed off once again, to let him breathe. But the younger looked so fucked out, he dived back in, forcibly pushing his tongue inside the younger's mouth. 

Huening subconsciously slid his arms around Taehyun's neck and tried pulling him closer, if that was even possible, arching his body upwards as he did so.

Taehyun's tongue explored Huening's mouth, licking and tasting each corner. Huening responded eargerly, letting the older dominate him.

Taehyun left the younger's lips, and moved down lower, to the boy's milky pale neck. He sucked a mark there, and then another one on the other side.

Huening had his hand fisted in the older's hair, trying to make space between them non-existent. Fuck, he had never been kissed like this.

Even though his feelings for Taehyun were fake, he was all for the touches. Boy has his own needs. And who ever knew that Taehyun would be so good at this?

Taehyun gently cupped the younger's cute and puffy cheeks once again, and pecked his forehead, before collapsing right next to him.

Both tried catching up on all the air they had lost during their make out session. 

"Wow hyung," Huening gulped, "That was-"

"Sure a something huh?" Taehyun asked, and both chuckled together.

Taehyun pulled the younger closer to him, and felt complete. Wow, how perfect life felt for Taehyun.

"Kai?" Taehyun hummed.


"You know I love you, right?" Taehyun asked softly, rubbing circles on Huening's wrists.

"Mhm. I love you too,hyung." Huening lied.


lmao i cant stick to my updating schedules 

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