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tw// MENTIONS of self harm

Beomgyu can't say that he isn't angry. For the second time.

The three of them were doing just fine until like two weeks ago, but suddenly Taehyun and Huening decide to be unusually distant from Beomgyu.

Okay, if they suddenly realised that Beomgyu is annoying and that they don't want to be friends with him anymore, just come and say it to his face!

It's going to be really rude, sure, but how they're ignoring Beomgyu, isn't that already rude?

Beomgyu doesn't want to come out of his room, and this time Taehyun and Huening aren't even making the effort to talk to him.

Wow, guess they really hate him that much.

But what Beomgyu can't control is the constant bugging of Yeonjun. He has no other choice but to silk in his room all day, and Yeonjun shares the room with him.

No no, it's not like they're poor or whatever, there are two extra empty rooms in the house, and Beomgyu chose to share a room with Yeonjun.

And Yeonjun being the caring brother he was, naturally agreed.

Now Beomgyu thinks that he should have had a room all to himself. So Yeonjun can't annoy him when he's sulking.

"Go away Yeonjun hyung." Beomgyu mumbled while hugging his octopus plushie harder, but Yeonjun just ignored his statement and after the small knock, entered the room.

"This room belongs to me too, I can do whatever I want, Beom." Yeonjun said, putting his bag down on the table.

Beomgyu huffs at his stubborn brother and knows what's going to happen next, so he turns his face towards the headboard of the bed, and is staring deeply at the brown.

"There are so many more rooms, hyung. Why don't you go there?" Beomgyu asked, while bring his knees to his chests and hugging it tightly.

"Why don't you go there?" Yeonjun asked

"Because I like our room." He said slowly.

"Bingo! I like it too. I'm not going anywhere." Yeonjun declared stubbornly.

Beomgyu let out a small frustrated sigh, and looked back at the headboard of the bed. Wow, what an interesting thing to look at.

"Beomgyu you haven't left the house in two days." said Yeonjun slowly.

"And so what about that?" Beomgyu snapped.

"You've never stayed home for that long." He stated.

That's true, Yeonjun's statement. Beomgyu had always been the type of person who was outgoing, and fun and hated, depised to stay at home.

And right now, the said man was behaving the complete opposite of what he was supposed to be.

Beomgyu's mind wandered to the same topic Yeonjun had been trying to keep him away from — Taehyun. He recalled his soft features, his small laughs, his bright eyes. Has Taehyun never liked Beomgyu? Even as a friend?

I really don't get why they're acting like this.

"Beom, what are you thinking about?" Yeonjun asked.

"Nothing." He answered back stubbornly.

"Well alright, if you're done thinking about nothing, by the time I'm back, I don't want to see you in this room okay?" Yeonjun asked.

Beomgyu didn't reply. He didn't even listen to what he had to say.

Yeonjun tried his best, and left the room, and once again Beomgyu was alone in the room.

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