[ s e v e n t e e n ]

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Beomgyu did fall ill.

Yeonjun's predictions came true, and the next morning when Beomgyu woke up, his head was hot from the fever.

"Beomgyu - ah, take this medicine and just go to sleep!" Yeonjun screamed.

"I'm not sleeping hyung! I'm going to college!" Beomgyu screamed back.

Funny, when Beomgyu was healthy, he didn't want to go to college. But the moment he was sick, all he wanted to do was go to college.

Now Yeonjun and Beomgyu was having an arguement over Beomgyu going to college or not.

"I'm fine! I'm going to college,hyung that's it!"

"Yeah you're fine with a high fever!" Yeonjun argued." You're not going anywhere!"

"I'm going to college do whatever you want!"

Deep breaths, Yeonjun deep breaths. Don't argue with Beomgyu, he's ill, he's sick, don't argue with him-

"Fine go wherever you want." Yeonjun said, his tone more soft than it was before.

"I'm going- Wait what?" Beomgyu looked confused as to why Yeonjun gave in so easily. " Whatever. I'm going." Beomgyu said grabbing his bag from the bed and making a hasty exit from the room.

Beomgyu had decided; he was going to ignore his friends all day long today and that's for sure. Unless they approach him first.

His mother looked at him in concern as he stomped his feet while going down the stairs.

"What's wrong, Gyu?" She asked. "You aren't going anywhere, you have a fever."

"Eomma, I have a really important class today. If I feel worse, I'll come home early, I promise." Beomgyu promised.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes mom." Beomgyu smiled at his mother, and left the house.

He plugged in his earphones, and walked in silence to his college.

When he entered through the gate, he looked around the campus. Taehyun and Huening were no where in sight.

That was good for him, and he walked slowly as not to be noticed. Beomgyu felt really ill, but the main reason he wanted to come to college was that he didn't want to make it look like he was avoiding Taehyun and Huening.

Sure, that was exactly what he was doing, but he didn't want to make it obvious and show it.

He walked into his history class, holding his head tight. His head hurt so much.

Gosh, he should have just stayed at home.

He sat down in the last row, not to gather much attention.

"Hey Beomgyu what's up?" Jinsung asked, sitting next to him.

Beomgyu didn't answer, but continued to bury his head in his lap.

"Hey Beomgyu, bro you good, right?" Jinsung asked, patting him on the shoulder.

"Yeah I'm good." Beomgyu mumbled.

Beomgyu was going to have a really bad time in college today.


By the time it was lunch, Beomgyu felt  more sick than before. His eyes must look weird, because people were eying him and whispering in each other's ears.

Beomgyu sat down at one of the tables, alone and eat only for the sake of his body.

He wasn't hungry at all. But he knew he'd faint somewhere here if he didn't  eat food. So he stuffed some food into his mouth.

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