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"Hyung I like someone." Beomgyu finally spoke up.

He had been trying to tell this to someone for around two days now, and Yeonjun was the only one he could confide in.

Yeonjun turned his back, and was facing Beomgyu now who looked more sad than happy.

"Well, who is the lucky person?" Yeonjun said, trying to lift up his spirits.

Beomgyu had been the same, lifeless and dull for the past two days, and Yeonjun being the closest to Beomgyu felt like he deserved to know what was going on.

Beomgyu honestly loved Yeonjun beyond bounds. Though he never showed it, he was practically raised by Yeonjun even though their age gap was hardly existent.

But again, both their parents were working, and all Beomgyu had was Yeonjun.

Beomgyu had decided to let atleast Yeonjun know, and maybe he could help him through it, because there was no other option.

He had thought this through a lot, because Yeonjun had been really happy since Soobin said yes to him and had been spending majority of his time with his new boyfriend. He didn't want to give him an unnecessary worry of himself when he was so happy.

Beomgyu wasn't blaming him. On the other hand, he was really happy for Yeonjun, because this is the happiest he has even seen him. When Yeonjun isn't with Soobin ( which is only around eight hours a day while he is sleeping ) he is always lost, and Beomgyu assumes that his whipped elder brother is busy thinking about his new boyfriend.

But the timings were all wrong, and that Beomgyu had to realise only now that how deep he had fallen into this love nonsense.

Nonsense it was, because Beomgyu had less than two percent of chances of Taehyun liking him back.

Which was completely negligible.

"Beomgyu? You've been like this for the past two days! C'mon tell me what's going on!" Yeonjun begged.

Beomgyu took a deep breath.

Alright I'm doing this.

"Hyung I like Taehyun." Beomgyu finally said, and he didn't feel light at all.

Instead he suddenly felt like he shouldn't have said it. Now Yeonjun must think that Beomgyu was a freak to like his own best fr—

"Hey hey, calm down. Beomgyu, breathe." Yeonjun held his shoulders, keeping him steady.

Beomgyu didn't realise that he was freaking out externally, until Yeonjun held onto him.

Yeonjun's touch made him feel better. Everything about him made him feel better.

But if maybe Taehyun was here, then he would have been the best.

"Hyung I'm not a freak, I sw—" Beomgyu defended.

"Beomgyu,just calm down, alright? You aren't a freak, you don't control who you like. You're very brave for telling me, very very brave. Okay, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you known this?" Yeonjun tried to be as gentle as possible, because Beomgyu looked like he would break even if Yeonjun raised his volume.

"I figured about around two days ago. But I've liked him for around an year,hyung. I wasn't able to tell, but now I know.His smile, his cheeks, his bright eyes. I don't know, hyung, but I just want it to be him—" and just like that Beomgyu threw himself into Yeonjun's arms and began crying.

"Don't cry Beomgyu-ah. Why are you crying?" Yeonjun whispered soothingly while patting the younger's hair.

Yeonjun made no effort to make him stop crying because he knew that Beomgyu did feel all full of everything and at times, has even caught him crying in a corner.

Beomgyu cried out all of his emotions into his brother's lap, and finally, maybe just finally he was feeling a tad bit better.

But he didn't want to be better. Better without Taehyun.

He wanted Taehyun, and no one else. If it couldn't be Taehyun, then it would be no one else.

Beomgyu finally pulled his head back, and looked at Yeonjun.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"Taehyun likes HueningKai." Beomgyu said with a heavy heart, heaving a deep sigh.

"Oh. Are you sure though? Has he told you or something?" Yeonjun knows this feeling, he has felt like this before. In high school, there was this girl, but she already had a boyfriend. Yeonjun tried so hard to handle himself then.

But he soon figured out it was just a puppy crush, and that she was just one of the bitches which existed.

Beomgyu's case didn't look like it. Beomgyu looked deeply affected by this. It broke Yeonjun's heart to see Beomgyu so sad and dull like this.

But he was glad that Beomgyu shared it with him. Maybe Beomgyu felt a bit lighter.

"Are HueningKai and Taehyun dating, Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asked out of curiosity.

Because if that was the case, then Yeonjun would have to make sure to distance them, or else it could be really stressful for Beomgyu.

"I don't think so. But the day isn't far you know, when they'll come and announce to me that they are dating. I don't know how well I can take that, hyung." Beomgyu said sadly.

"Don't worry Beomgyu, hyung's always by your side, remember that, okay?" Yeonjun assured.

"Thank you hyung." Beomgyu said, hugging his brother tightly.

Yeonjun hugged the younger tighter.


soft sibling hours uwu

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