[ t h i r t y f o u r ]

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Taehyun pulled away, and looked at Beomgyu, still holding him in place with his hand. 

"Was that good enough for you, hyung?" Taehyun asked slowly, and Beomgyu nodded, and threw his head onto Taehyun's shoulder in embarrassment. 

"Aww, is baby embarrassed?" Taehyun teased, combing Beomgyu's hair with his fingers and Beomgyu doesn't answer.

Beomgyu's breath hitched. Baby? Okay, thing were going a little too fast, and Beomgyu wasn't ready for this. Of course, he wasn't opposing this, but how was Taehyun throwing the word around so casually? 

"Don't call me baby." Beomgyu whispered. "Not just yet."

"Okay anything you want."Taehyun said, blushing at the fact that Beomgyu used the word 'yet'.

The two blushing males hugged each other tighter, and Beomgyu felt somewhat safe and protected in Taehyun's arms. 

"What are we hyung?" Taehyun whispered softly in Beomgyu's ear.

"I-I don't know." Beomgyu spoke back.

"Then will you be mine?" Taehyun asked slowly and hopefully, closing his eyes.

Beomgyu gasped. No one has ever asked him anything like this before and Beomgyu doesn't know how this works.

"I'm not sure..." Beomgyu said softly. "I don't know how this works, no one has ever done this before-"

"Wait, so you're telling me that no one has ever asked you out?" Taehyun asked dumbfounded.

Beomgyu nodded.

"Then it's all the very more better! I won't have to worry about any ex of yours coming back to take you. I claim you mine now." Taehyun said possessively, grabbing Beomgyu's hands.

"I didn't say that I'm yours yet."Beomgyu chuckled and Taehyun pouted.

"I'll make you happy, Beomgyu. Please just give me a chance?"

Beomgyu looked up at Taehyun. "Alright." He said slowly, making Taehyun's face light up.

"Really?" Taehyun confirmed. "You're my boyfriend now?"

"I guess so." Beomgyu looked down at his feet.

Taehyun scanned Beomgyu's face. "Don't look so sad about it, Hyung! Don't you want to be my boyfriend?"

Beomgyu panicked. No, no, after all of this, he wasn't leaving until Taehyun was his boyfriend.

"No! I'm really happy, just confused?" Beomgyu said, but it came out more like a question. "Like, I don't know what to do now that you're my boyfriend."

"Oh don't worry about that,"Taehyun smiled. "Just follow me and do what feels right."

Beomgyu smiled."It feels right to kiss you. Can I?"

"I told you, you don't have to ask to do something that feels right to you." Taehyun said and then slowly captured Beomgyu's lips with his own.

It was a slow kiss, just two pairs of lips moving along each other.

Beomgyu smiled, with a red tint on his face, pulled away and looked at Taehyun. 

"You're so shy, hyung." Taehyun stated.

"D-Don't tease me l-like that, Tyunnie." Beomgyu felt more comfortable using the nickname now. "I can call you Tyunnie, right?"

Taehyun nodded and whispered in his ear,"You're a cutie."

Beomgyu just blushed more.


Beomgyu wiped off his shoes on the door mat and entered his house with a large smile on his face.

"Yeonjun hyung!", he screamed out of habit, and then remembered that he wasn't supposed to talk to him because he was angry.

"Beomgyu come up right now!"Came Yeonjun's voice, but Beomgyu just stuck a tongue out listening to Yeonjun, despite knowing that he can't hear him.

Because Beomgyu is supposedly mad at Yeonjun (he really can't be mad at anyone for long), he ignored his voice and plopped on the sofa.

"Can't you hear me you ungrateful swine-"Yeonjun's voice comes and then it suddenly gets muffled.

Beomgyu looks up in the direction of his room and then frowns. 

"Beomgyu, can you please come up?" came a voice which Beomgyu clearly recognised as Soobin's.

Sigh, he was sure it was something about them feeding him trash about Taehyun. He ignored the both of them, until he heard loud stomping noises, which were clearly Yeonjun's angry feet taking out all his anger on the poor stairs.

 "Can't you learn-"Yeonjun began to scream, but Soobin shut his mouth.

"Beomgyu, stop ignoring Yeonjun. Yeonjun stop getting angry."Soobin said and let go of his hand around Yeonjun's mouth.

"If it's some trash you're feeding me about Taehyun, then please, I have no interest."Beomgyu said without even loooking back. Yeonjun clenched in jaw in anger and gave Soobin a look. "God knows, what makes you guys hate him so much."

"You want to know,huh?"Yeonjun asked, and Soobin didn't even bother stopping him now. If he didn't let this happen, Yeonjun would get angrier. And an angry Yeonjun was a scary Yeonjun. 

"Must be something stupid,"Beomgyu mumbled.

"Alright, I'll tell you the stupid the reason we hate Taehyun."


finally, the purpose of this book has been fulfilled

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