[ t h i r t y s e v e n ]

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"So my house today, five o'clock?" Taehyun asked hopefully.

Beomgyu nodded, "Yeah, I'll be there."

"I've texted you the address, did you get-"

"Yes, Hyunie, I know where you live." Beomgyu assured.

"And oh! You know what if you get lost or something-"

"I'm not getting lost, I'm a grown up man." Beomgyu laughed.

"-I'll come to pick you up. Yeah, I'll pick you up-"

"Alright,stop." Beomgyu said, grabbing Taehyun's shoulders. " I know where you live, I have a watch to know when it's five, I'm a grown up male, so I'm not going to get lost either. And assuming the fact that I don't get kidnapped nor is there an alien invasion, I'll make it to your house safely, Tyun."Beomgyu convinced.

"That's not very assuring, hyung." Taehyun pouted, and Beomgyu laughed.

"Jeez, I'm just joking, Tae." Beomgyu smiled. "I'll be there, alright?"

Taehyun nodded, and then looking around once; both left and right, he pecked the other's lips.

"See ya,hyung." Taehyun winked.

Beomgyu just laughed and turned towards his house, wondering how someone could be so cute.


"Where are you going, Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asked, peeking from behind the door.

Beomgyu groaned. He's already late because he spent around forty five minutes figuring out what to wear. He didn't want to over dress for Taehyun's parents to think of him weirdly nor didn't he want to wear pajamas for his parents to detest his fashion style.

"I'm going to a friend's house." Beomgyu said, and Yeonjun raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"And which friend?"

"Taehyun." Beomgyu said, while tying his shoelaces.

"More like boy-friend, huh?" Yeonjun laughed. "Anyway, you didn't ask for my permission to go to his house, y'know."

Beomgyu and Yeonjun had talked about this. About how Beomgyu really liked Taehyun's company. And because Yeonjun had promised Soobin not to break Beomgyu's relationship, he agreed.

Beomgyu promised Yeonjun that if Taehyun does something weird again, he'll let Yeonjun break his limbs (though Beomgyu is positive that nothing like that will ever happen again.)

"Hyung can I go?" Beomgyu asked annoyedly. Older siblings were the worst. 

"MmmH." Yeonjun pretended to think about it. "What if I say no?"

"I'm still going." Beomgyu stuck out a tongue at Yeonjun while he laughed.

"Alright alright, go." Yeonjun said. "But be careful, okay?"

Beomgyu merely nodded and ran out of the house in a hurry, messing up his hair on the way.


Beomgyu gulped. 

Should he ring the bell and step back? Or should he knock on the door and then bow down?Fuck, he's so confused as to how he should behave.

He stared at the door for some more time. Okay, he's going to ring the bell.

He moved forward and rang the bell, and quickly stepped back, looking at his feet. Wow, this was so awkward.

The door opened almost immediately, and Taehyun's small face peeked out. "Hello hyung. You're nine minutes late."

Beomgyu glanced down at his phone and realised that Taehyun was right. 

"So do I go back or something..." Beomgyu asked, and Taehyun giggled. He grabbed Beomgyu's hand and pulled him in. 

"Obviously not, hyung." Taehyun said, "My parents aren't home, so I guess it's just the both of us."

Wait, really? Beomgyu spent so much time thinking about Taehyun's parents, and then they weren't even there? Wow, a waste of time.

"What are you implying, Taehyun?" Beomgyu asked and Taehyun smirked.

"Whatever you think,hyung." Taehyun winked, and Beomgyu just laughed back.

"So actually, though." Beomgyu asked, "Do you have something in mind?"

"We could play a game..." Taehyun suggested.

"YES!"Beomgyu cheered, and Taehyun led Beomgyu to his room.

The room looked kind of familiar to Beomgyu, but he assumed that he's been in here before- well, before he fell sick.

Taehyun motioned him to sit down, and Beomgyu did, as Taehyun walked over to his stash of board games.

"Monopoly?" Taehyun asked, holding up the box.

"No ew,"

"Um,,okay Life?"

"That's literally the same thing so nope."

"Chinese Checkers."



"No ew, I don't know how to play chess."

"You don't know how to play chess?" Taehyun asked dumbfounded.

"No  I can't play chess." Beomgyu admitted and Taehyun laughed.

"Wow. Anyway, Scrabble!"Taehyun asked exictedly.

"Too much to think about."


"It's a dull game, y'know?" Beomgyu said, staring at the ceiling.

"How even- Anyway, the only thing I have now is snakes and ladders, ludo and bracelet making." Taehyun sighed.

"Ludo!" Beomgyu finally said, and Taehyun took out the box, glad that they finally settled on something.


"I HATE YOU TAEHYUN! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS WIN?!" Beomgyu whined, and threw himself on the bed.

"I think we should put the game away, hyung..." Taehyun suggested.

"NO! Not until I win."Beomgyu said.



"I hate you, Taehyun." Beomgyu mumbled, as he saw Taehyun roll the dice and saw the number six on top.

"No but you love me, hyung." Taehyun said, climbing over the board and lying down next to the older and pulling him by the waist.

"Yeah, I do. I love you, Tyun."

"I love ya too, hyung."


well this was kinda the end, only one more extra chapter :) thank you for staying till the very end!

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