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Beomgyu was really lucky to have friends like Taehyun and Beomgyu.

Sure, they could be a bitch at times ( they were always bitches what was Beomgyu thinking? ) but at the end of the day, he knew they loved him and he loved them back just as much.

"Beomgyu! Bring over the blankets!!" Yeonjun screamed.

"Yes Hyung!" Beomgyu replied, grabbing the blankets from the cupboard and running over to the room Yeonjun was in.

The bell rang, and Yeonjun rushed down, hoping it was Soobin. But Yeonjun was late in reaching to the door, and he saw his mother greeting Soobin.

"Good evening, I'm Soobin, Yeonjun's boyfriend." Soobin smiled at her, and extended his hand for a shake hand.

His mother raised an eye at Soobin, and then turned back to see a really flustered Yeonjun.

"What's all this about, Yeonjun?" She asked teasingly.

"I was just going to tell you—" Yeonjun began but was cut off by Soobin gasping really loud.

"Hyung you didn't tell her yet?? I'm so sorry I ruined it all, I'm sorry—"Soobin bowed down and apologized repeatedly.

"No,no, it's good you told me, Soobin. Yeonjun is such a coward, he would have never told me." She smiled. She leaned back a little whispered, "How'd you manage to find such a handsome boy?" to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun just blushed even more.

"Yeonjun hyung is very handsome himself, Ma'am." Soobin defended.

"Ma'am?? Oh god never call me that again! Call me eomma like the others do. I won't mind. Also, don't make the poor kids feel like third wheels. They'll get mad." She chuckled.

"Eomma that's it! Soobin just come up, Beomgyu is waiting." Yeonjun grabbed his hand and lead him upstairs.

"Enjoy boys!" Yeonjun's mother wished, waving the spatula in her hand.

"Stop!" Yeonjun screamed back.

She laughed at her son and went back into the kitchen.


"Hello Soobin hyung!" Beomgyu welcomed, and Soobin greeted him, sitting down next to Yeonjun.

"Which one today, Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asked, wrapping his hand around Soobin.

"I really don't know.Soobin hyung, what about you choose a movie till the time Taehyun and Huening come?" He suggested.

"Yeah, sure."

They searched for a good movie and finally settled on a one called forty seven meters down.

"Hey, it's eight thirty, Taehyun and Huening should have been here by now, right?" Yeonjun asked.

"Yeah, they should've. Let me call them up." Beomgyu said reaching our for his phone.

He quickly called Taehyun up, and waited for him to pick up the phone.

"Hey Taehyun? We've been waiting for the both of you! Where are you??" Beomgyu said once Taehyun picked up the phone.

"Oh I'm sorry, Beomgyu we forgot to tell you, we won't be able to come today, we're sorry.Continue without us today."

"But the movie night—"

Taehyun had ended the call already. Beomgyu looked at his phone, confused and then at Yeonjun.

"Well?" Yeonjun asked. "I'm beating them up when they reach here for being extremely late."

"You'll beat them only if they come, right? They aren't coming. They asked us to go on and not wait for them." Beomgyu spoke bitterly.

They had decided in the afternoon, and the two had said yes, then why didn't they come? Were they together? Or was it just a coincidence that both of them didn't come?

"Hey Beomgyu, it's fine come here." Yeonjun said, asking Beomgyu to sit on the same couch as him and Soobin.

"No hyung, I'll sit on this one—"

"Beomgyu. He said come here."Soobin said, and Beomgyu flinched slightly, never actually have heard Soobin raising his voice.

Beomgyu nodded and obeyed, and walked over to the couch on which Yeonjun and Soobin were seated.

Yeonjun switched on the movie, and watched, occasionally stealing worried glances with Soobin.

Yeonjun wasn't dumb; Taehyun and Huening didn't come became they were too busy with themselves. Didn't have time to spend with their friends.

This somehow made Yeonjun mad. Yeonjun didn't show, but even he saw that Beomgyu wasn't actually watching the movie.

He was just blankly staring at the screen, and his mind was elsewhere.

Beomgyu felt betrayed. There was not a single time they had missed a movie night. And then when they finally decide to miss it, there was a hundred percent chance that they were together.

Did that mean that movie nights had become boring for them? Or that they just wanted to spend time without having Beomgyu around?

"Beomgyu-ah. What are you doing?" Yeonjun asked, when he saw Beomgyu blankly staring at his fingers.

"Nothing hyung."

Soobin peeked over Yeonjun and saw Beomgyu.

"Leave him be, Junnie hyung." Soobin said softly into Yeonjun's ear.


"He'll be fine, hyung. It's Beomgyu. He'll be back to his normal self soon." Soobin said reassuringly.

Yeonjun just hoped that what Soobin said would come true.

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