[ n i n e ]

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Yeonjun saw how well Beomgyu and Soobin got along.

He was glad, really really happy, that Beomgyu didn't have Taehyun on his mind.

Get yourself a boyfriend who helps your brother. Ugh,Soobin was an angel.

Currently both of them were laughing about something, and their ice cream had been left to melt. The shopkeeper looked at them with wide eyes, and perhaps was mad at them for letting all the ice cream melt and go waste.

"Oh god, Soobin hyung, really?" Beomgyu asked, one of his hands on his stomach, and the other banging on the table.

"Yup. It was hilarious." Soobin agreed with him.

And that's when Yeonjun noticed the caring look in Soobin's eyes. How much even he wanted Beomgyu to be distracted. Soobin was trying his best, and it was working.

Fuck, Yeonjun will have to marry this man.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?"Soobin asked, rubbing his face.


"I'm going from here, hyung." Beomgyu said getting up.

"Aish no no, I'm sorry from his side. Yeonjun hyung is one idiot." Soobin giggled.

"Hey, I'm not an idiot!" Yeonjun defended.

"Soobin hyung, I don't know why you agreed to go out with this man, he definitely is one idiot." Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

Soobin didn't comment further, and just laughed at Beomgyu's statement.

Beomgyu's phone beeped, and he frowned.


"No phones when we're out for ice cream, Beomgyu." Yeonjun reminded him. 

Beomgyu ignored Yeonjun and got up with his phone.

"Beomgyu!" Soobin called out, but Beomgyu didn't pay any attention to the two men behind him.

"It's Taehyun." Soobin said to Yeonjun

"Oh no."


"Hey Huening?" Taehyun asked, looking around.


"Where is Beomgyu? He didn't say anything before he left, right?" Taehyun asked. Were they so into talking to each other that they didn't realise when Beomgyu left?

"I was talking to you, hyung, so I didn't notice." HueningKai said.

Oh god,yes.They were so busy talking to each other that none of them noticed when Beomgyu got fed up and left. They were the worst friends ever.

"Oh no Huening. Beomgyu must've felt so bad." Taehyun said when realisation hit him.

Was it really all worth? All the time he spent with Kai made him extremely happy, but was it really all worth? Would Kai ever even love him how much Taehyun did? And if not, would he even love him back a proportion of what Taehyun does? That alone would be so so much for Taehyun. It would make him so happy. But did he really want all that love, even if it meant sacrificing Beomgyu as a friend?

He had to be practical. If he ever confessed to HueningKai, naturally the outcomes would be two - either rejection, or that HueningKai and himself would start dating. If the former, Taehyun won't know what to do in life. Not to mention, it would be always awkward around each other. Which will result in their friendship breaking.

If the latter, then Taehyun would be happy beyond bounds. But that would mean loosing Beomgyu. Because Taehyun had to face it, that if Huening and himself starting dating, they'd naturally spend more time together and make Beomgyu feel left out.

But weren't they already doing that? Hadn't Beomgyu distanced enough from them?

Taehyun's mind drifted off to the times when they were around fourteen, when the three of them used to stay together all the time, and never in pairs. Maybe just after they actually began to understand love, their friendship began to break.

Why couldn't Taehyun keep both? Why couldn't he balance well between who he wants to be friends with and the one he wants to date?

Taehyun sighed as he pulled out his phone in order to find out Beomgyu's current location.

He called Beomgyu up. Four rings later, Taehyun was worried. Beomgyu usually picked up this quick. Was he really mad at them?

Seven rings later, Taehyun was sure that Beomgyu was really really angry at the two, and honestly he had every reason to be. They weren't the most considerate towards him.

When Taehyun was about to cut the phone he heard a small "Hello?"

"Oh my god Beomgyu! We're so sorry!! We didn't realise when you left! I'm sorry Beomgyu, please come back." Taehyun pleaded.

"No it's okay, Taehyun you guys can go on."

Taehyun could literally hear the sarcasm in his voice. But he was the one to blame. He would act the same way if he were in his place.

"We're sorry, Beomgyu. Come back please."

"Why don't you go back to Huening, huh? I don't think you need me if you have him."

"Beomgyu no-"

"Bye, Taehyun. I don't want to talk anymore."


Yeonjun was actually proud of Beomgyu.

He didn't think that Beomgyu would handle the situation this well. Honestly, he'd be disappointed if Beomgyu forgave Taehyun just yet. 

Beomgyu turned back to see Soobin and Yeonjun right behind him.

"Ahhhhhh." Beomgyu screamed.

Hearing Beomgyu scream, Yeonjun and Soobin began screaming too.

"Why the hell are you guys screaming?" The shopkeeper asked annoyedly, as people looked at the three men shouting loudly.

"Why are you shouting?" Beomgyu asked the two.

"Because you were shouting?" Yeonjun stated.

"I was screaming because you guys were so close to me! Were you making out behind me?"Beomgyu said.

Soobin blushed red at this, and Yeonjun didn't fail to notice it. Cute.

"No! We were just--"

"Stop trying to explain yourselves hyung." Beomgyu rolled his eyes for the millionth time that day.

They began to leave the ice cream shop when they heard a voice shout out to them from behind.

"Are you boys ever even going to pay for the ice cream you left to melt!?" 


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