[ t w e n t y f o u r ]

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Yeonjun stared out of the window of the train. Even though he was supposed to be listening to some instruction Mrs. Choi was giving them, he had only Beomgyu on his mind. 

"Mr.Choi, I believe what I'm saying right now is more important than what is outside the window." Mrs. Choi squeaked, and all the students turned their attention towards Yeonjun.

Yeonjun sighed as he looked away from the window, at his botany teacher, who now stood with her hand on her hips. "Well Mr.Choi? Whatever is so interesting outside the window?"

Yeonjun didn't even want to bother answering her questions. He's got better things to do than to explain to his botany teacher what he's thinking about.

He mumbled an apology, and she looked back at the students with a triumphant look.

"Well where did I leave again? Ah right - about the flower specimens..."

Because he was forbidden to look out of the window, he decided to stare at his feet instead. His hands were itching to just grab his phone and call up Beomgyu and ask him how he was doing, but there was a hundred percent chance that Beomgyu was sleeping, and he'd disturb him. Or even worse, annoy Mrs.Choi even more so she confiscates his phone.

He felt Soobin's gaze on him, who was sitting right in front of him. He placed his hand on Yeonjun's and smiled at him, trying to tell him that Beomgyu would be fine.

Yeonjun smiled back, but both of them knew that it was completely fake.

This was the most helpless Yeonjun had been in ages, and he hated it.


"Ahhh!" Cried Beomgyu for the nth time, standing in the bathroom, trying best to cough out something from his throat.

This time, something poked him in the throat, which made the entire deal more painful that it already was.

He's tried everything; drinking water, patting himself on the back, and even tried to do a headstand on the bed.

But nothing seems to be working. Stupid flowers.

Beomgyu patted his own back harder, wishing for the flowers to come out.

He gave up, and walked out of the washroom in a defeated manner. Just then he felt it come, and so he ran back in just in time for the entire flower to come out again.

He touched the flower, and he was scared.

It had a bit of the stem and it had thorns on them. Oh, so that's what was poking his throat.

Ugh, why was love so painful?

For the first time since all of this began, Beomgyu wished that he really hadn't loved Taehyun afterall. If all he was going to get was misery, then no, love wasn't worth it.

Beomgyu hated everything. He really wants to take the surgery and get over with this entire deal, but no, forgetting Taehyun is too painful.

Taehyun has always been a part of Beomgyu's life, as his crush and his best friend. Life would feel really wrong without Taehyun.

Even if it meant coughing out flowers, which would look prettier in a garden.

Honestly, Beomgyu has let out so many flowers now, he's sure that they could make a flower bed.

A flower bed of white flowers, with Beomgyu's blood.

Maybe, just maybe, Beomgyu should call up the doctor Yeonjun asked him to.

Beomgyu hates soup, and that's for sure.

At the moment, he's seated at the dining table all alone, trying to gulp down the tomato soup he's supposed to be drinking.

Apparently, tomato soup is supposed to bring him some relief, but no he just hates it.

One reason being, he hates tomatoes. Utterly hates them. He just can't bear to have it.

The other reason being, his throat already burns due to all the flower puking, and the tomato soup, which is again warm in temperature, hurts his throat.

But he's promised Yeonjun that he'll do anything to get better without the surgery, and he has to stick to it.

So the poor boy is painfully gulping down the soup, spoon by spoon.

Once the male has endured all the pain of drinking his least favourite soup, he leaves the bowl in the sink, keeping them due for some other time when he was feeling better.

Leaning on everything that came his way, he made his way up back to his bedroom.

He sees that his phone is beeping continuously, and remembers that he left it on silent. He grabbs it and plops on the bed, receiving the call.


"Beomgyu what the fuck? I've called you atleast ten times now! Are you okay? Do you want me to come back?? Fuck, Soobin call up Dr .Yongsun " Yeonjun screamed urgently from through the phone.

"NO! Hyung I'm fine! My phone was on silent and I was in the kitchen! There's nothing to -" Beomgyu began coughing furiously, and fuck,it just had to happen when Yeonjun was on phone with him.

"Dammit, Beomgyu?"

"I'm okay, h-hyung." Beomgyu said. "I'll call you back in 2 m-minutes hyung. Don't w-worry." And saying so, Beomgyu cut the call.

Beomgyu went over to the sink and puked out a few more petals. Wow, only petals this time, but they looked like they were of a fully grown flower.

He huffed into annoyance as he tossed them in one of the dustbins that Yeonjun placed around the room.

He called Yeonjun once more,and only a single ring later, Yeonjun picked up.

"Yah! What happened?"

"No, it's nothing hyung. How's your botany thing coming out?" Beomgyu tried to shift the topic to anything but himself. Yeonjun was already worrying so much, Beomgyu could sense it through the phone.

"It's good. We're learning about stupid flowers that's it."

Beomgyu remained silent. He really didn't have to do anything with flowers. Not anymore in his life. But again, Beomgyu was the one who asked, and it was a botany assignment, so what else was he expecting from Yeonjun?

"Oh. I'm sorry Beomgyu."

"No it's okay hyung. Take care, okay? Don't worry out Soobin hyung too much."

"I should be saying this to you Beommie. Please call me if anything happens. Actually,no. Call up Dr. Yongsun, okay?"

"I will, hyung. I love you so much." Beomgyu didn't know why he said this. Maybe because he just felt like saying this to Yeonjun. He's never appreciated Yeonjun as much he deserves.

"Stop saying things like that Beomgyu-ah. It scares me."

Beomgyu laughed. His hyung was nice and joking in times like this. Again, proved, that Yeonjun is the best brother.

"Good night hyung."

"Good night Beommie. Sleep well."

Beomgyu hummed in response and ended the call.

He chuckled.

Sleep well.

It went over and over in his head. He'd only sleep well if he slept, right?


double update, cause my pathetically lazy ass missed a few days,,

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