Chapter 22: First Kiss

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Y/n p.o.v

It was around 5:45 pm and I was heading home, I went to buy the list Shizune gave me. I was back to normal, Tsunade should be home by now with Shizune so I should get home quick since I have half of the veggies were going to use to make curry tonight. As I walked the sun was setting and there was a nice breeze. I stopped for a second and closed my eyes, feeling how my hair danced in the wind.

"Hey Y/n" I opened my eyes and turned around. It was Shikamaru and his dad. And then that feeling I got came back, my heart rate got faster and my hands felt clammy. Then I felt two strong arms hugging me and I realized it was Shikamaru. I dropped the bags and hugged back. His head now rested on my shoulder and he held me tight "Never again, gosh damnit Princess you scared me" I smiled and hugged him tighter "I'm all better now, nothing to worry about Shika" and after a few seconds we let go.

His eyes were watery but just before he could say anything someone cleared their throat and his eyes widened and he stepped to the side, Shikaku had a smirk on his face and he looked happy? "Good to have you back" and Shikaku looked around and then he gave me a hug, I giggled a little "Aww you such a softie at heart but we don't want to ruin your tough guy image" I said and he grunted, He then looked at his son then back at me and then at the bags on the floor.

"Hmm Shikamaru, go walk Y/n back home, it's going to get dark soon, don't worry about your Mother. I'll deal with her. Also remember what we talked about" and with that the older Pineapple head went back the other way and went home. "Wait don't you have training with your dad?" Shikamaru snapped out of his thoughts "Nah its fine, let me take the bags". Then I realized were alone, no team mates, no sister, no Uncles, no sensei's, no ANBU tailing me, and no guards. An occasion like this was rare, but very much appreciated.

I looked over to Shikamaru and he seemed to be lost in thought, and so we started to walk back to my place. "So, the last part your dad said, was it any important ninja stuff?" he slightly jumped at the mention of that "No it was just stupid old guy stuff, nothing important at all" I then patted his hack "Your tense let loose, its bad for your back" he snickered, "Says you, you're the literal queen of being tense" I smirked at his comeback, he then eyed me "huh for once you aren't tense" I nodded.

It was silent for a few seconds until "How are you feeling?" he asked me, and he sounded concerned. "I'm all better like I said earlier. My aunt is a medical nin and she came to Konoha today." "That's good, is she where you learned medical ninjutsu?" I nodded "Yeah she's been teaching me for the past two years but now that she's here, she wants to start more intense training". "What's she like?" I rolled my eyes "Well think of it like this, I had total freedom when Lord Third was alive. That's how overprotective she is" I said. "Well, when you put it like that she might as well be a Witch" and that made me crack up. "Oh, and thanks for the flowers." His face had a slight pink tint, he scratched the back of his head "Oh, it was nothing" "I love them and Thanks for coming by, it means a lot to me". Shikamaru then caught me up on what he was doing, like what missions he went on this week and any news within our friend group until he asked this.

"How many more years do I have with y- Uh I mean How many years do you have left to stay in Konoha?"

I sighed "Well I'm here for another few months and then a few days before Naruto's birthday I leave with my Uncle to train for two and a half years, then I'm back when I'm 15½ then I leave 3 months before my 18th birthday so that's almost three years, I have three years to be here in Konoha and then I leave to take my birth right" Shikamaru nodded and then there was a look in his eyes, I couldn't read it. He was walking next to me but his mind was in another land far away. "Hey don't worry Shika, I'm not going out with out a bang" he then looked back at me "Yeah I know. Guess I'm being over dramatic" and he laughed, that was rare, and then I felt it, my face felt hotter suddenly. He looked at me and then looked away and so did I.

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