Filler 2: Brothers and Baking

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A/n: It's been 42 days since I last updated. You would think that online school would be easier but no it's like all my teachers don't think I have a life, they give us so much work. Anyways here's a filler the next chapter will be up in a few hours, and it will be the last part of the chunin exams.  

Y/n p.o.v

It was a week before the Chunin exams and I was coming back from a C-rank mission, for this one I went by myself, this one was supposed to take three days but I did it in two, so I decided to kill time. I closed my eyes and infused my chakra into my bracelet and thought of Sasuke. "Hey Sis, I'm training" he said, only I can hear him in my head, "Sasu, I want to kill time, so where ya at?" "Fine but help me train, I have a feeling you know a thing or two about my opponent" "Yay" and so Sasuke willingly showed me his location "be there in an hour, tell sensei I said hi" and so I opened my eyes and ran off to where he was, on my way I passed by a lady selling tomatoes, I got Sasuke seven of them, and at the nearby shop I saw a strange cloaked figure that seemed familiar, I heard some kind of bird noise and I looked up and it was a crow, and once I looked back down the cloaked figure was gone but there was a letter at my foot.

Hey Y/n, it's been too long since I last saw you

or wrote to you, I want you to be very careful, a

powerful enemy will come for you, the person

you least expect. Please take care. Watch your back.

On another note, how is my blonde wild child doing?

How are you doing? Take care of Sasuke for me.

I miss all of you kittens.

The next time we meet, we will be enemies,

so be prepared to fight, it's okay don't hold back.


Big Brother Tachi


I smiled and ran off into the woods found the tallest tree, climbed up, and there I saw him 100 meters away, Itachi, and then he disappeared.

I ran for about an hour and there I saw him, Sasuke eating a sandwich. "Hey Sasu" I said as I walked to where he was sitting, I then sad down next to him "What do you have in that bag?" he asked me "Oh right, here you go. I got you a bunch of tomato's" I swear he smiled when I said that, he then opened up the brown bag next to him and took out the other half of his sandwich, "You can have it" "Thanks".

He then started to eat his tomato's "Hey Sasu?" he made that 'Hmmm' noise "Do you have a crush on someone, or kinda like someone?" "Not really, every girl we know has become one of my fangirls, heck even Shikamaru jokes around with being one of mine, speaking of him. Y/n, you spend a lot of time with him, do you and him have a thing?" way to turn the tables Sasuke for some odd reason I started to blush. "Ugh it's not like that! We're just best friends. And we are talking about you silly" "Right, Imōto I'm smarter than you, oh and, your blushing" I felt my face get hotter "SASU!" I yelled he just smirked while taking a bite out of his tomato, I cleared my throat "Anyway's if you had to pick a fangirl to be with who would it be?" he sighed "If they stopped obsessing over, they might be decent ninja, so I don't know who but I do know I need to restore my clan" I smirked "So then get them all pregnant and you'll have like 100 Uchiha baby's, a whole clan" he choked on his tomato. "Hahah I got you good" "Two can play that game, you need a hire to the throne, if you don't get a boyfriend by the time your 20, your crazy grandma is going to marry you off to Takashi."

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