Chapter 36: Is this a break up?

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Y/n p.o.v

I had avoided Shikamaru all day long. I think it was more me trying to find a reason to tell him how I felt but that was very much overshadowed by reality. I had said my goodbyes to everyone, I seemed slightly seamed distant according to Kiba.

I was walking back home and I decided to take the long way back. I was passing by ‘that’ hill, where 8 years ago I had met Shika. I went up the hill and sat under the tree, looking at the sunset. I had a few ideas on what I would do for the next two and half years. One year would be spent training with Uncle and Naruto, while the last year and a half would be me by myself, doing solo missions and training.  I had a feeling I might end up going to snake man but on my terms. I needed answers to a few things and it seams like no one here is going to tell me anything or even knows.

I looked up at the sky, taking a deep breath. I felt the wind pick up and a few leaf’s flew by me, it seamed as if they were dancing, the colors in the sky looked like a nice back drop, the scene in front of me could have been a painting.

“Hey Princess” I looked to my side, there was Shikamaru, he looked tired, probably finished his afternoon training with Asuma. “Um Hi Shika”. He sat next to me. In a book, like the ones my sister reads and the ones I wish to, this would be the part where the two main leads would confess and have a moment.

“Hey Y/n, do you like anyone? I think maybe being with someone might not be so bad after all so that theory of yours, me having a girlfriend in future might be right” He had on a smile, it was a bright one.

But this is not a book, it's reality. And life doesn't work like this.

I scoffed at his comment, “Oh gosh no. Shikamaru what got in to you? Haha, love, nope, never, I don’t like or ever will fall in love with some one here. I may love it here but it’s not my place here. I belong in the royal world. This place, I love it but Love is temporary. I leave in 3 ½ years once I get back. Nothing is permanent or eternal in this life or world. So, love to me seams like a waste of time and effort. Plus, its not even a certain if a person will reciprocate those feelings” I felt my heart shatter in that moment, I want to yell out ‘yes I do, I like you a lot’ but it would never work out plus I knew he was developing a thing for Temari, whether he realized it or not, you could see the chemistry. I was not going to mess it up for them.

Shikamaru sheepishly laughed and looked away “Your right, what got in to me. I have been hanging out with Ino way too much then”. His voice was different, his tone went down. “I leave tomorrow morning, I uh-” what the hell do I even say to him, I’m on the verge of crying but “I hope you don’t miss me too much.” I got up and so did he, we didn’t meet each other gaze. “I won’t, it will be quitter with out you but I have my work as Chunin cut out for me, I am late to dinner. So, Good bye Y/n” And he ran off.

I felt my knees give out and I sat on the grass. Feeling miserable and alone.

I then felt two small arms hug me, it was Tori. “I know you're sad that you didn’t tell him but you have me and I love you a lot, I’ll miss you.” I pulled her closer to me “Love you too angel cakes. I’m okay, plus it's not like he would have liked me back. I am fine with it trust me. My goal is to protect you and you only alright” she smiled at me and nodded. We both got up and took the long way back to Aunt Tsuna’s apartment.

As we walked back Tori spoke up breaking the silence, “You can say you’ll never love but never say never, I remember mom saying that when I said I would never like green tea, and now look at me, I love it a lot”

I pinched her cheek “Tori, I know what I said, and my resolve is strong, I already have my path carved out for me, there is no escaping it..... plus, your seven what the heck do you know about stuff” I told her, she jabbed her elbow in to my ribcage and I stopped pinching her cheeks, “You’d be surprised elder sister, when it comes to love, love always wins in the end. Its human nature, at least that’s what my book taught me” She skipped off in front of me singing one of dumb love songs

But if you feel like I feel

Please let me know that its real

Your just too good to be true

Can’t take my eyes off of you

She can’t be right, she's seven. Its just in my head, in conclusion, love gets ya killed or it makes you stupid. Everything will work out and this. I will get over it. It’s pathetic of me to get like this because of some guy

Deep in my heart, it was saying, he is not just some guy, it's Shikamaru.

But I took a deep breath and decided to ignore that feeling and I plan to get rid of it and lock it away forever 

A/n: Hi my lovely readers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for the views, comments and votes ❤❤

Also song Tori sang is this one

Old school but I love it a lot


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