Chapter 72: The Ninja Princess

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A/n: sort of filler but you'll like the ending 🙃

Y/n p.o.v

Aunt Tsuna woke up while I was gone. I was so happy to see her and to have her back as Hokage. But we have new problems now. War, so 'Madara' or Tobi, declared war, so yeah that's new. I canceled all my Royal plans. I did go back to the motherland for a week and I got a letter from each nation, so the ninja nations stay on their side and the royals on there's but now, not so much. See we all have one common enemy but now, Vox has his own littler army and has declared war on all royal nations and Konoha and Suna.

So I now have to deal with two wars, they might possibly become one. Robin and Selena left to try to get information. I have a feeling Vox is working with Madara. My eye's, are unpredictable and a rival to the Uchiha. I knew I had to unlock the final phase of my eyes. But I have no time for intense training.

"Y/n, are you ready?" I stood up from my chair and looked at Kiba who stood at the door in full Lunar armor. I had to speak to the head of each royal nation. I was dressed differently, not my usual but I didn't mind it.

I walked out of my room and in the hallway, I looked to the side and we were in Emerald City, kids running around, the market was busy, life was normal as is. The doors opened, Catherines Uncle King Kane, Silver's dad King Zander, Robert's dad King Richard, Takashi's dad King Tamaki, King Michiru, and King Uel. Next to them were their army commanders and behind them their advisors. All men. A room full of prideful men.

We were only missing the Sultan and Emperor, but both leaders had faith in me and my choice and they said they would sign off on anything I see fit.

Kiba led me to my chair. I noticed Shikamaru was one of the guard's in the room. I sat down. "Good afternoon, I thank you King's for taking time out of your schedule to come here and discuss the matter at hand, but before we get into this. I'd like to introduce my new Commander of the Lunar army and head Advisor. The doors opened again and Stella came in wearing a full uniform for once, next to her was Kendall.

King Uel banged his fist on the table, "A woman! First Tsarina sends this child and now two more. The old Queen had gone crazy", King Richard sighed "What does a child know about war. It's ridiculous! And a kid giving a kid advice", King Uel continued "There little girls". I took a deep breath. King Tamaki gave me a smile "I hate fate in the young princess. She knows a style of fighting we aren't familiar with" at least he was on my side, "My King, don't be too nice, your Step-Mother would like her as a bride" I heard his advisor whisper. I bit my tongue to not snap back at Uel and Richard. "Now we have no time to waste my fellow King's. Princess, I believe all of us have read the briefing, what do you suggest?" Zander said and looked at me.

I opened up my folder "Now we all have a common enemy here, Vox and his new army. From what we know so far, his army consists of all our worst criminals, plus rogue ninja. I suspect him and 'Madara' a masked man from the Akatsuki, a terrorist group who will be in war with the Shinobi nations, are working together. I am a key to that fight, now I believe all of you are familiar with my eyes and the basis on how it works. I am a rival and a possible equal to his ocular powers. So it'd make sense for them to not want me there since I can assist and fight" Kane spoke up, "So have you fully unlocked your eyes?"I was embarrassed but kept my head held high. "Not exactly, I'm 75% there" I responded, "Well you have advanced a lot" Michiru said, "There is still 25% to improve" Richard said in a slightly condescending tone, although he was Robert's dad, they're nothing alike. "If you were a man, you'd have perfected it" Uel said, "King Riker had it figured out at thirteen" Uel's advisor said and Richard slightly chuckled. I was being made fun of, I looked at Stella since I didn't feel like causing world war 4 between the Royals. Stella opened her folder and laid out a huge map, "Now there will be two fights in about 2½ months. One on ninja territory and" Stella looked at me, I hated knowing this information. "One here. In Costa Luna, specifically, the northeast side, they will be coming from ninja theory. So what we purpose and ask" Stella looked at me and I placed a paper in the center of the table. "A united Army" I was careless since in a flash Shikamaru stood in front of me on the table as Uel had a sword pointed at me. "Uel, what has gotten into you!" Kane said as he took his sword out and pointed it at Uel. "Mori!" Tamaki yelled at his general "Uel, I suggest not to be hostile towards our lovely Ninja Princess" Kyoya, Tamaki's advisor said as he wrote something down on his clipboard. "This little child wants to take over our nations, She is exactly like her great grandfather King Albert the third. I will never fall for that trickery! She want's decisive with her good looks!" Uel yelled, "We're all just gonna trust some child" he continued. "A half born to be more exact. Her mother was a glorified assassin, she had the looks to be a whore" Richard said, before I could even yell and kick his ass "I suggest to keep your mouth shut. The queen was a dear friend of mine, unlike your forced friendship with Riker, we got along splendidly with or without press" Zander said. I stood up, and started to walk around the table to Uel, "Princess sit down" Shikamaru said, I ignored him and Kiba walked next to me. "Will you sit your ass down and let the Princess finish" Tamaki said, Uel got annoyed and so he pushed Tamaki off his chair and his crown fell.

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