Filler 7: AU: where there's a Party, there will always be drama

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A/n: This will be a continuation of the Christmas chapter in a way.

Y/n p.o.v

Itachi Uciha, he wasn't one for parties but his girlfriend Izumi, she threw the best ones. She was the highest paid model in the world, her manager also happens to be my mom. I'm still sixteen, turning seventeen in two months but I know how to get in.

It was gonna be at Itachi's place in California since he is currently shooting a movie there with Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru. As for me and Shikamaru, we dated for about three months and broke up mid way shooting 'Love in Remis'. He was gonna go shoot a movie in Canada and then Cali while I was gonna be in Japan and New York, and he doesn't believe in long distance. Critics loved the movie we made so much and our performance was impeccable, people still thought we were together until three weeks after the premiere, it was Kankuro's birthday and he had his party on a yacht, paparazzi caught Shikamaru and Temari kissing and getting extremely cozy with each other. I saw the news while I was on set with Robin and Selena doing an interview.

I was currently in my parents' Las Vegas apartment with the girls. All of us finally had a week off at the same time. Tomorrow we all leave at 8am for Paris fashion week, Sakura and Hinata have to model for Fendi, Tenten and Ino get Valentino, Selena and Hayasaka and Cat plus me, we have Dior. And at night all of us do the Chanel show. Mostly all of them have started off as Models, and people literally just want me because I look just like my mom. Since Tenten's character literally gets no scream time, the swing Menma sits on gets more than her, she has been modeling more than all of us, I started off acting and Modeling for my moms high end line as a kid, but I had to get better since there has been a demand for me to show up. Other than that I just prefer to admire from the seats and cheer on my friends.

It was 9pm. It would be like a 4-hour drive to Itachi's place but about an hour in a plane plus thirty minutes in a car.

"Let me call Robbie. His dad can probably hook us up" Hayasaka said. "Or you'll just go sleep with Robert," Cat yelled from the bathroom. We all started to laugh, Hayasaka and Rob had been dating for about two years now, they're like that high school couple you know are gonna stay together.

*later that night*

The car pulled up in front of the house. It was 11pm, you knew there was a party going on from about a mile away. I got out of the car and walked right up to the door. Security was there, "Hello may I come in, I'm Uchiha's little sister" I said and they let me through with the rest of the girls. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs were playing on the speakers, specifically heads roll off A-Trak Remix was playing and that's all you heard.

The place was full on the inside but walked a little further in. Tenten opened the screen door and it was a full on pool party outside. Alcohol and any kind of drink with or without was being served at the bar.

"Twelve o'clock" Sakura semi yelled in my ear since the music was so loud. I looked and there was Shikamaru with some girl, next to him was Kiba playing beer pong with Robin. Naruto and Sasuke were dancing on a table. I looked at Hinata, she'd never seen Party animal Naruto, he had made sure she'd never seen him like this. "Oh fuck it, we're partying, Ignore Shikamaru and the boys" Ino yelled as she bought us shots of idk what. "What is this?" Hinata asked. "Pink" Ino said as we all took it, it didn't taste so bad but it tasted pink?

I felt someone tap my shoulder and it was Daisuke, he was the son of the richest man in Japan. "Hey! Nice seeing ya here in Cali" "Yeah, let me guess, your brother is still trying to get Izumi back?" I turned around and the girls had disappeared. So I focused more on Daisuke. "Yeah, but you and I both know Izumi and Itachi won't break up anytime soon" and what happened next was something I didn't expect. Daisuke lifted me up and pinned me against the wall. As if on instinct when Shikamaru would do that, I wrapped my legs around him. But this felt wrong, "Let's teach the dumb mother fucker to never dump you again, he was looking over at you as if he owned you" and I decided to throw logic away and I nodded. Daisuke went in for the kiss.

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