Chapter 59 Part 2: Love in Remis

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Y/n p.o.v

I had on my dress, I was already ready for the state dinner, we were allowed to dress modernly, for once. I was excited about that, since Marie will be crowned in three months, she is in charge of the dinner. I have no idea how she is so calm about all this when I had a moment just to speak with her. "You look good Princess" Shikamaru said as he came in.

 "You look good Princess" Shikamaru said as he came in

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"Thanks, sorry for throwing you in like that. But thank you for proving my point. Marie is now interested in sending some of her troops over for training with our new captain" I moved over to make more room on the couch for him, he sat down next to me, "It's a drag but whatever. More work but more connections and we make the leaf look good. Next thing you know your running a United Nations kind of thing" he said and I looked at him, "You know I was kind of thinking that. I hope that eventually all the shinobi nations get along. By the time I'm Queen, I'd like for our very two different worlds to mix, we have weapons and gadgets and technology that I have never seen back in the leaf or sand. Like Trains, I don't think you've seen one have you?" I asked him and he looked at me like I was crazy. "What the hell is a train?" I immediately got excited. I ran to the chest I had in my room, this was still my childhood room, nothing much changed on this boat. I digged and I found a toy train, "This is super old fashioned, like a century ago! But it essentially runs on diesel, now we are trying to do electricity but science is advancing. It basically moves by someone conducting it and people get on and it takes you to the stations where you get off, usually the next town or so. We have one main line and three county ones. In all royal nations we have this, we're trying to build a bridge that will connect us to Remis, it takes four hours by boat, and it should take three by train. I am technically overseeing the project, hence why I have more royal paperwork coming to Konoha more than ever. Marie and I are in charge of it since its joining both lands, it can make trade and travel easier for both sides. We also have airplanes. You'll see those when we go to Robert's nation. We could have taken a plane but Grandmama is getting a new one, the one we had was fine but I digress" I said and he was so intrigued by the toy train. "I feel like once I have the crown on, I'd want to share tech and research with Konoha, it would kind of make life easier in some ways, like if nations do decided to be nice and crap, there could be a train system with the nations except the land of water, we would have to construct a bigger ship for more passen-"

Shikamaru placed his hand on mine, "I'm rambling aren't I?" I said, a small smile appeared on his face, "Yes and no, you have excellent ideas and you want to make life more easy for people and it would help travel and trade and it benefits a lot of people. But as for the rest of the five great nations, we'll see" Shikamaru said. From the outside of my room I could hear one of the crew member's yelling "Land Ahoy"

*Forty minutes later*

"How the fuck am I late!!" I yelled as I ran in the palace with Lilac, Stella, Uncle Jiraiya, Naruto, and Shikamaru plus five of my other royal guards. "If you and Captain over here hadn't been talking in your room or doing gods know what! We wouldn't be late" I felt my face go red. "STELLA" I whisper yelled. "It's nothing to be ashamed about kid, so Shikamaru is she as feisty as her Aunt" Uncle said to Shikamaru, he seemed visibly uncomfortable while the old man just laughed, "Uncle, if we weren't in someone else's palace I'd kick your ass" I said and we stopped running since the ball entrance was only around the next hall. "I'd like it from Tsunade not you kid, you too much of my child, plus you have my taste in books" he said and I stiffened up at his comment "You really are Kakashi's student and my niece if you picked up on that much" he said and I turned around. "Oh look" I said pointing with a finger, "Bodyguard entrance and staff entrance, you can go there and go be a perv." and I then pointed with my fan and I accidentally threw one of the thin knives I had hidden there.

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