Chapter 27

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Zelda and I arrived at the Ne 'ez Yohma Shrine inside the Domain within only a few moments of leaving Gerudo Town. We had plan already in mind, Zelda gave me a thumbs up and ran to find the medical room where Mipha was resting. I myself, ran to the throne to see my boyfriend and to tell our plan to Uncle Dorphean. I heard the voice before he came into sight. "Link! My pearl! Oh, how I've missed you!" Sidon brought me into a massive hug before kissing me lovingly and I obliged very happily. Uncle Dorphean cleared his throat and Sidon and I both parted before blushing and I walked over to Uncle Dorphean to give him a hug.

"Welcome back my boy! I'm glad to see you and the Princess are well after your journey." "Thanks Uncle Dorphean, Zelda is just down checking on Mipha in the medical room. But she and I have a plan we would like to discuss please." Uncle Dorphean chuckled before patting my shoulder. "There's no need to be so formal son, I'm sure what plan you and the Princess have will great for sure." I nodded and stepped back, standing beside Sidon and taking his hand smiling. Zelda came into the room with Mipha by her side who had seemed to recovered enough "Link!" I smiled, letting of Sidon's hand and smiling as Mipha enveloped me into a hug tightly. "I've missed you too Miph and I kept my promise."
I smiled as she looked at me. "I told I would take care of your brother if I ever saw him again and I would have fulfilled that promise now I believe."

She smiled and pushed my chest, "oh Link. I only asked you that because he was a child and now may I suggest he is something more to you." "Yes, he is my mate, dear sister I have missed you." I smiled as Sidon came up behind me and hugged Mipha. "Sidon, dear brother, how I've missed you too. I'm so glad you are alright and that you have chosen a most sensible mate that I know will be right for you." She turned to Uncle Dorphean and hugged him as he held her and I saw the tears of joy in his eyes as he laughed. "Oh, my girl. My baby daughter, I'm so glad Link found you and brought you back home. Yes, he and your brother have become very close since they met and joined together to stop the divine beast's rampage. But Link, Princess Zelda. Link tells that you have a plan you wish to discuss."

Zelda nodded and stepped forward as Mipha and Sidon stood to the right of Uncle Dorphean. "Well, King Dorphean. Link and I were thinking that the calamity that happened and that has cause this 100 year space got me thinking that we weren't well prepared for the battle ahead. Even with the help of the Sheikah technology and the Divine beast, we lost lives and we lost people dear to us. Friends, family and we could have prevented it if we were better prepared.

So, to make my point I believe that we can be stronger if we unite together so I have sent word to the rest of the elders and leaders across Hyrule that all who help Link in his quest is to meet us here at the Domain and from this point forward there will be two groups of Champions. The original Champions with their respective divine beasts and the new Champions we will call 'The Successors' by their side. Together we will be stronger and if the need to fight ever arises again, we will be ready. That is our plan." I smiled as Zelda finished and amazingly everyone was in agreement as soon as she finished speaking.

"That is a fantastic idea, Princess. Yes, together Hyrule can become stronger than ever!" Sidon smiled as everyone nodded and praised Zelda and I for our idea. "Well, the rest of The Successors will be here soon so we best get ready to await their arrival." Zelda pointed out as everyone left in their own directions to prepare.


Back in our room, Sidon and were just cuddling and I cherished this moment. It had been ages since we were able to just relax like this with no worries or agenda to keep track of, Sidon was gently stroking my hair while peppering kisses along my neck and shoulder, over his bite which was beginning to fade a little but he kissed it lovingly nonetheless. I lent back against his chest and sighed happily, it was to feel like this. Peaceful, in a loving embrace. "I love you, Sidon. I've missed you so much even though it may have been only a few days, I still missed you." He chuckled and kissed my head before resuming stroking my hair. "I missed you too, my pearl. I know what you mean, a few days felt like months and I don't think there wasn't a day that you were gone that I didn't talk about you. I'm sure people were getting tired of me constantly babbling about you and how amazing you are." I chuckled and kissed his chest before looking up at him with a smile.

Sidlink: My precious pearl (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now