Chapter 40 (Final)

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Sidon and I giggled as we made our way out of the reception, my feet were still killing me so I complained until Sidon picked me up and started to carry me back to our room for our wedding night. As we clumsily made into our room, Sidon locked it behind us and kissed me passionately while pinning me against the door. His hands started to wander my body, running his fingers through my hair, kissing my collarbone and rubbing his hands over my chest. They roamed my down my hips, pulling my body against his, the bulge in my trousers growing my the minute. Sidon chucked as I moaned against his lips. "Excited, pearl?" He growled, low and seductive. "Could say the same thing about you." I half said, half moaned.

He chuckled again and rolled his eyes. "You're too cute, pearl and this time you can't deny it." He lifted me into his arms, kissing me and carrying me to the bed. He set me to the soft pillows and set his hands on the top of my pants, unclasping my belt, and pushing them down slowly, teasing me to stay in my boxers. "Come on then, if you insist to make those crude jokes you could at least live up to them." I saw Sidon shiver as I breathed warm air into his ear as I spoke. He removed his regalia letting it fall on the floor beside my suit and climbing over me on the bed, sliding his member up and down my entrance teasingly. "Are you ready, pearl?" I bit his ear, growling. He chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes." He pushed in slowly, moaning and biting his lip. I kissed him passionately as he started to move his hips, I myself had to bit my lip too, to keep myself from being too loud. "Pearl, you don't have to worry about being too loud it's our wedding night and it's our turn to serve revenge."

I chuckled. "Everyone is going to hate us in the morning." He shrugged and kissed me again with all his love, I kissed him back and drew my nails down his back in pleasure. I breathed a heavy moan and started to rock my hips more. "You can do better than, my prince unless you've bitten off more than you can chew with your jokes." Sidon started to move his hips faster and harder, thrusting deeper into me to enhance my pleasure. I bit my lip and buried my face into Sidon's shoulder, "I'm close, do want to mark again?" I asked as he breathily chuckled. "Me too pearl, does it turn you on when I mark you?" I buried my face more into Sidon's soft scales as he kissed my shoulder. "I'll take that as yes." He moaned a little louder, releasing inside me and refreshing my mark again. I moaned and threw my head back as I felt him pulse inside me and mark my shoulder yet again.

We fell back against the pillows and Sidon kissed my head. "I love you, Link, so much." "I love you too Sidon, I am happy to call you my husband." He chuckled. "Me too pearl, I couldn't be happier." We fell into a blissful sleep as we cuddled into each other.


I awoke the next morning, warm and content. I looked up to see Sidon waking up from faint knocks on the door. I groaned into Sidon's chest as he chuckled sleepily. "I'd tell whoever it is to come in but we are not decent in the slightest, pearl." I chuckled. "They'll go away if think we're still asleep." He nodded, pulling me back into a cuddle and kissing my head. I wanted to just go back to asleep but I knew that someone else would come knocking soon enough, I pushed myself up and patted Sidon's chest. "I'd love nothing more to just lie here with you but I'm afraid our peacefulness is over I don't think we'll get that again for a while."

He chuckled and sat up himself letting out huge yawn that turned into a low roar. "Yes, pearl, I believe you're right. We should get dressed, don't you have a training session with Jakok this morning?" I groaned, falling back against the pillows. I forgot that as a congratulations wedding gift, I promised Dad we could have a training session as father and son because we didn't get a chance to do that growing up. He also wanted to see how well both the knight school at Hyrule castle and Uncle Dorphean has trained me and well I wasn't going to argue with him, I owed him this after everything we have both been through. "Yes, thank you reminding of that, Sidon." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes but smiling at him and kissing his cheek after I got up.


"Ah, there's the newlyweds! Good morning, boys!" Unce Dorphean's loud voice boomed throughout the throne room as Dad came up to us and hugged me. "Yes, good morning boys. I think it's fair to say you got your revenge last night...." Dad said smiled at me tiredly, I looked around noticing that everyone had a tired look to them. Sidon and I looked at each other before laughing. "We apologise everyone." Sidon chuckled. "But I think everyone will let it go on the count of it being your wedding night......unlike Dorph and I. We don't have an excuse, do we big guy?" Nope, my clam, we don't. Do not worry about it boys, everyone is happy for you." Everyone nodded as Sidon pulled me into his side kissing my head. "Right, my duties await. Have a good training session, pearl" I smiled, kissing him. "Thanks Sidon. I love you." "I love you, too." Dad smiled, giving Uncle Dorphean a quick kiss before patting my shoulder.

"Come on, son. Let's move out, we can maybe back by sunset." I nodded. "Yeah, where you want to go, Lanaryu area or further out?" I said, grabbing my sword, shield and bow before following Dad out of the throne room. "I don't so, we'll just see where the road takes us, we'll find the perfect spot for some sparring, yeah?" I chuckled, nodding as we left the domain.

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