Chapter 4

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Rito village was nice. It was homely and had a country feel to it, I walked upstairs from the goddess statue and started to explore the village. I walked up more stair until I reached what appeared to be the inn. "Welcome to the Swallow Roost, the finest inn you will ever step foot in. You must be tired at this late hour. Our inn is the perfect place to snooze your troubles away!" I tilted my head in confusion. "Troubles?" I asked him, "haven't you seen it? That monster just appeared one day!" He exclaimed.

"It's been terrorising the village nonstop. We can't take much more of this. Look, I'm just running my mouth here. If you want to know the details, talk to the elder on the top floor." I thanked them and continued up the stairs, I passed another store but I ignored it because I what I really wanted to find was a clothing store as I was started to get a bit chilly so I was hoping I would find some warm clothes there. Another set of stairs later my eyes caught clothes store with mannequins modelling clothes. I walked up to the counter and greeted the shopkeeper. "Hey, thanks for coming out so late! The brazen beak is open 24 hours." I nodded "thanks, I'm here to sell some stuff." He nodded, "of course what have to got?"

I sold some monster parts I wasn't using and some gems I had found around Hyrule field which nabbed me a decent amount of rupees, enough to buy the snowquill tunic and trousers which would warm me up a little I hoped before I talked to the elder. The tunic was nice and cozy which I welcomed in the chilly environment, the trousers were a little short but they were just as cozy and comfortable. After another couple set of stairs, I reached around a bend to find the elder at the end of the round corridor, I walked in and greeted them before they spoke.

"Ah, a visitor. Welcome, to....." He trailed off before gasping, "oh. OH! That object on your hip..... Could it be.....Forgive me. Where are my manners? I am Kaneli, the elder of Rito village." He apologised and introduced himself. "Now that not a Sheikah Slate dangling from your hip?" I nodded, "that right." He continued. "Oh, my! So it is true! That means you must be a Champion like Master Revali- one of the few able to board Divine Beast Vah Medoh!" He lowered his voice to a whisper, thinking. "No...What am I thinking? The Champions have all been dead for 100 years. This boy must be a mere inheritor of the Sheikah Slate."

He spoke up to me again. "Ah, forgive me. Champion descendant.....If you would listen to this old man's request, you would have my eternal gratitude." I nodded. "I'll listen." He sighed in relief. "Thank you. Truly. Now that I know you have the blood of a Champion, there is something I must ask of you. How shall I put this? I would like you to deal with Divine Beast Vah Medoh. The giant beast circling above us. Only a chosen one, a Champion, can stop a Divine Beast. You must enter the beast and bend it to your will. I tried explaining this to the more headstrong Rito warriors, but they wouldn't listen to reason. Teba and Harth tried to confront Medoh, but it did not go well, and Harth was injured. Teba escaped unscathed, but I fear he now plans to face Medoh alone. As a descendant of the Champions, perhaps you can help us. Please. Find Teba. If work together, you may be able to stop Divine Beast Vah Medoh." I knew he was desperate and gravely worried for Teba and his safety, I walked to the hut next to Kaneli's where there was a purple Rito eager to get my attention.

"Forgive my intrusion, but I overheard you speaking with the elder. It sounds like you intend to help my husband, Teba, in the fight against Medoh. But to tell you the truth, there is not much I can do for you right now beyond telling you where my husband went." I tilted my heard and asking a stupid question which I'm sure she was going to tell me anywhere. "Where did he go?" "My husband headed to a place called the Flight Range. It's in Dronoc's Pass at the base of the Hebra Mountains. It's a place where Rito warriors prepare for aerial combat...I imagine he's gone to gather weapons there for another run at Medoh. As it happens, he made his way to the Flight Range on foot this time."

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