Chapter 14

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I watched Sidon walk away to talk with Muzu as King Dorphean turned to talk to me. "Link......Muzu is most likely at the square down below. Would you mind going down there? I would like you to try and speak with him, please." I nodded and walked out of throne room and towards the square under the statue of Mipha was Sidon and Muzu arguing. I waved to get their attention and Muzu began to degrade me again. "Hmph. You came all the way here, but it was in vain. I have no desire to speak with you." Sidon turned to Muzu, "listen well, Muzu. There is something you need to know. He who stands here....the man called the one whom my sister, Mipha, had feelings for. I was only a child then, so I did not know it myself at the time. But it is so. I grew up hearing my father tell stories, some of which were about my sister's undying love for a Hylian named Link." Sidon said slowly.

Muzu gasped, "what?! No.... You cannot fool me with such a fanciful lie. Not this Zora!" He looked at grimacingly. "How could Lady Mipha possibly have feelings for a Hylian like him?! The facts are clear. He remembers nothing. Even when he looks upon Princess Mipha's statue...." I looked up at the statue and stared as Sidon spoke. "It is the truth, Muzu. Though you never knew it, he was ever in Mipha's heart." I kept staring at her statue, something was becoming familiar about it. I felt that same weird sensation as I did when I went to that first photo location. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine Mipha, to see if my mind could spark any memory of her from my past...

*Start of Memory*

Then something did....I saw one of the Divine Beasts, it was Divine Beast Vah Ruta. I was sitting upon it's trunk.....and beside sitting was Mipha She was beautiful. She the same red scales as Sidon did and she was holding one of my arms which had a big gash on it, covered in blood. I looked up at her as she began to speak. "I was thinking this reminds of the time we first met, You were just a reckless child. Always getting yourself hurt at every turn, every time I would heal you just as I'm doing right now." She gestured to my arm wound she was healing at the moment. I thought it was funny, how being a Hylian, you looked grown-up so much faster than I did." She looked up at me, "I was always willing to heal your wounds, even back then." She as the she lifted her hand from my arm and the wound that was covered in blood seconds ago was gone. I looked at my now healed arm as she continued. "So if this Calamity Ganon does in fact return...what can we really do?" I wanted to answer her, I wanted to speak to her but then again it was only a memory.

"We just don't seem to know much about what we'll be up against. But know this: that no matter how difficult this battlefield may get....." I listened intently to what she was saying. "If you-if anyone ever ties to do you harm....then I will heal you." She looked away, "no matter when, or how bad the wound....I hope you know that I will always protect you." The way she felt about me in this memory was evidently clear. She then asked if we could perhaps spend sometime together after the Calamity was over. I felt bad that I was never able to give her that time because of the Calamity's victory and my 100 year sleep.....and my lost memories. The memory started to fade like the first one with Zelda did.

*End of memory*

I gasped quite loudly as I opened my eyes and began to shiver from the memory's events. Sidon turned to me with concern in his voice and eyes. "What is the matter, Link? Are you unwell?" He asked as he saw my shaking state. "Hm? You are quivering like a hatchling.... Whatever is the matter?" Muzu spoke out again to no surprise. My voice shook as I spoke "I remember her, Mipha I remember her from 100 years ago." I told them both. "WHAT?! Do not mistake me for a fool Hylian! There is no way you remember her just now, when it is most convenient." He grumbled. "In any case, without solid proof, I cannot possibly take you at your word! If you have any proof, now is the time to show it. Do so, and.....and I.....I shall tell you how to get those shock arrows! Yes, as well as anything you wish to know." He told me, still grumbling. I nodded and pulled out the Zora armor that King Dorphean had given me, removed my Champion's tunic, shivered from the rain hit my bare skin and place the Zora armor on before turning back to Sidon.

He gasped and smiled at me before turning to Muzu. "Muzu! Look closely at the clothes Link is wearing!" He told him as Muzu started to inspect my clothes, he looked me up and down briefly before talking. "Hm? You really think changing your clothes is going to make me....." He stopped mid sentence before gasping. "Eh?! What in the.....That is the Zora armor from before! Lady Mipha made that by hand....and yet it fits you so perfectly! What is the meaning of this?!" Sidon spoke after the initial shock had worn off Muzu. "Now you understand, do you not? Now you know who her heart belonged, and who she made this special armor for. The fact that this armor fits Link perfectly should be proof enough that Mipha made it for him and him alone!" Sidon tried to reason and explained to Muzu. "You have always disliked Hylians, even before the Great Calamity. That is why Mipha never told you." Sidon smiled and shrugged. "Now that you know, you must promise to help him save us all, Muzu. Please.....Tell us where we can find the shock arrows we need. Knowing you, I bet you have already figured it out." He pleaded to Muzu.

Muzu huffed. "Hmph. I would never have imagine she would make that special armor for one such as he..." He looked up at Mipha's statue before continuing. "I do not approve of asking for help from a Hylian. but I suppose it is our only option at this point. I am a proud Zora. That means I must take responsibility for my unwarranted behaviour towards you." Muzu nodded at me to which I nodded back, accepting his apology. "As promised I shall tell where you can collect as many shock arrows as you will need." All of us turned to a mountain in the direction of the east reservoir. "That tall mountain over yonder....It is called Ploymus Mountain, and there you will also find Shatterback point. A terrifying creature has made its home up there. This awful beast shoots volley after volley of shock arrows. Even a single one could be fatal to a Zora."

As he finished, Sidon gasped. "Aha! You must mean that Lynel! He is a man-beast, that one!" Sidon turned to me. "That beast does indeed wield shock arrows. That is certainly one way to collect them quickly. He is vicious, to be sure. But I am certain that Link will rise to the challenge." Sidon explained. "In order to appease the Divine Beast, I estime that you will least 20 shock arrows. Do you think you can gather that many?" Muzu was now underestimating my skills to add to his list of things he disliked about me. But what they didn't know was upon my travels I had stumbled upon a little village near the coast of Hyrule named Lurlin Village. They sold shock arrows on their docks for a reasonable price so I gathered around 30 of them incase of need which I was now glad of.

"Hm..." Sidon looked at my quiver around hips and smiled. "Well, well! What have we here? It seems you have already have gather some shock arrows. Still if you need any more, you can always go to Ploymus mountain to restock! Link.....I will be waiting the East Reservoir Lake, right by the Divine Beast. When you are ready, come join me there!" He smiled cheerfully as he was. I smiled too "I'm on it!" Sidon beamed that perfect smile that I had seen many times today. "Wonderful! Together we shall stop that Divine Beast's onslaught!" Sidon pumped his fist in the air as a reassuring motion for us to succeed.

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