Chapter 23

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Zelda and I were currently walking up to Ruta when she turned to me. "Link. I'm going to ask you two questions and I want the answers honest and quick, OK?" I nodded. "Sure, Zelds. What's up?" "When were you going to tell me you are either somewhat related or very close to King Dorphean? And when were you going to tell me that you and Sidon got together?" She placed her hands on her hips when she's angry about something. I thought it be best to get this over with so then we can fix Ruta.  "Ok listen, when we got here yesterday King Dorphean told you and Sidon to leave the room. It was because he wanted to talk me privately about something. Turns out he knew my parents, he was actually my father's best friend and he's my godfather but I call him Uncle." I said quick and honest just like she asked.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh, wow. That's why you were calling him Uncle Dorphean, this makes so much sense now!" She smiled but not for long. "You were eavesdropping?!" "I'm sorry, ok Sidon told me it was a bad idea and that you would find out eventually because you are so brilliant in his books. That also make so much sense, He loves you so much you two are perfect for each other." I smiled and hugged her. "Yes, I love him, he loves me. Can we move on to the reason why we are here now? I think we've definitely wasted enough time." She giggled, hugging me tighter. "Of course, now let's see what we can do about this. Ruta is sporting that same neon blue the slate is in the bottom right corner. Now we need to get near or better inside Ruta. To have a better idea of what's wrong, we can get up onto that platform up there and see if everything is all right inside.

Zelda asked me how I got in before, and I told her that Sidon and I had managed to get in but she was at water level then, now she's standing proud atop a mountain. Zelda sighed and tried to think of another way we could get access to Ruta, "why not just try paragliding in from a high cliff?" Zelda asked me, I scoffed at her question and gave a dagger of a look. "What? What's the problem?" I sighed heavily before answering. "The problem is that.....ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! THAT IS RECIPE FOR DEATH!" She was a little taken back by my response, but soon rolled her eyes and yelled back. "WELL DO YOU HAVE ANY BETTER IDEAS?!" I huffed and replied quietly. "The ledge over there is crumbled so it is lowered a little, therefore we can get in without having a suicide wish."

Zelda was about to protest with when she saw I was right. "Ok, you're right. Enough arguing, let's just go in." Another painful ten minutes of Zelda's whining later, we were inside Ruta and headed straight to the main control unit to find out what the problem is. As we approached the main control unit, Zelda and I noticed that same neon blue was pulsing through the console, the same blue that appeared on the Sheikah Slate after Ganon's defeat. We looked at each before placing both of our hands on the slate and pressing it to the console together.

Blue filled the room, swirling and crashing from the console just like the malice air did the previous time I did this. It against the walls like waves. Zelda and I stepped back from the console and stayed close to each other, the wave slowly moved to in front of us and the console. The wave began to form into the shape of Vah Ruta with a trident struck through the divine beast, it wasn't just any trident but the light scale trident created just for the Zora Champion.

Zelda and I gasped, knowing exactly what the symbol in front of us meant. The form lowered itself to the ground and laid still. Zelda and I took a cautious step towards the form and it was as if the divine beast shell broke to reveal someone very special.


She laid on the ground and her trident too place beside her. I bent to my knees to inspect her for injuries, she had a few cuts but other than that she was fine. "So that's what was wrong with Ruta." Zelda said after a few moments, I nodded still looking at Mipha. "Yeah, I don't know how this has happened but I'm glad to have her back. Do you think the other champions at alive too? We need to go to their divine beasts and save them!" Zelda laughed before kneeling down beside me and placing her hands on my shoulders. "Ok Link, calm down. Yes I think the others are alive and we will save them but first we need to get Mipha back to the domain so she can be care for properly." She said, taking a blanket she had with her and wrapping it around Mipha carefully.

I moved over and lifted her off the ground, holding her tight in my arms. "I'll get her back safely, you go on ahead, tell Uncle Dorphean and tell Sidon to meet me at the entrance of the domain." Zelda nodded, heading off immediately. I picked Mipha up securing her in my arms before heading off back to the domain.

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