Chapter 35

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"I'm sorry, Sidon. I know things got out of hand and I am sorry for that but I just couldn't help how I felt about Link." I rolled my eyes and looked at Revali. "How could you, Rev? How could you do that to him? What were you thinking? And all of this just because you didn't feel like we ended our relationship properly?" He looked guilty and breathed shallowly. "How do you know about that? Were you-" "Yes, I was eavesdropping!" I cut him off as he gasped. "Oh, get over it! What were you thinking, attacking him?" "I didn't mean it-" "You didn't mean it?! You didn't mean to break his leg?! You didn't mean to slash his face and shoulder?!" I asked sarcastically at his choice of words while shouting slightly.

He opened his beak to speak but I didn't let him. "He's a bad guy Revali! I know you don't approve and you still have lingering feelings for me but there's no need for that kind of violence!" "Violence? You want to talk about violence? I didn't start it, he barged into my room and started arguing with me." He pointed at Sidon accusingly.

"I only wanted to talk to you, you're the one who started arguing with me about Link. You lunged at me and attacked me, I tried to lunge at you but you pushed me into the bookshelf which collapsed from impact." Sidon said to Revali speaking for the first time. Everyone stared at Revali, then beginning to shout over one another accusing Revali of things, accusing Sidon of things. "QUIET! EVERYONE SIT DOWN NOW!" Uncle Dorphean bellowed as loud as he could over the noise.

Silence fell the room and everyone sat down, not breathing a word. "Thank you." He started. "This is unacceptable. All of it. Now I want to get to the bottom of this now and then we can move on and I don't to hear another word from any of you expect for the person speaking. Now, Revali, do calmly explain why in the name of Hylia you attack my son and vandalised his body." Revali took a breath before speaking.

"Sidon asked why I always insult Link, saying that Link has never done any harm to me and I told him that he was the problem not Link. I told him that he stole Link from me, Link was my mate first our relationship never really ended as we never got actually end it. I knew that Link missed me but Sidon refuse to believe that and the arguing started. Eventually he just made me rage and I lunged at him and the fighting started and this is how it ended." Everyone just stared at Revali until as I started to speak.

"I've never had anything against you, Revali and I'm sorry that our relationship ended the way it did but you want me to be happy don't you? I am happy with Sidon I mean I don't think I'll ever fully forgive you for this for a while at least. You have to let this grudge go, Sidon hasn't hurt you in any way and hasn't hurt me in any way if you want to be a good friend that's what you'll do. I mean you could leave but you're part of this group and I still want you as my friend but you have understand that's it. Nothing else." I turned to my injured boyfriend. "Sidon, I love you with all I am. I know Revali's a tough one to get along with, trust me I know." Everyone slightly chuckled at that, even Revali. "But on the inside, when he's not an asshole. He's a good friend and he was a good boyfriend. Now I'm not saying you or anyone has to forgive him, no....Definitely not." He looked at Revali.

"He has to earn forgiveness and trust back. But I know it will all be fine, because despite everything, we're family. All of us. We survived a calamity together, twice and that's what's important. Not these stupid fights, stupid bickering and name calling. But what we get through together, that's what matters."

A chorus of cheers filled the room as everyone laughed despite the crazy morning and afternoon we've had. I smiled and kissed Sidon as he spoke. "I can't do anything now, how am I gonna get my duties done at the domain." I smiled, kissing his cheek. "Well, maybe Uncle Dorphean will let you off and you could just stay in bed all day and I'll take care of you." I smirked as he chuckled. "Oh, you never cease to surprise me, pearl." Maybe it won't be such a bad idea if we just use this a second house to avoid any more brawls, I thought to myself.

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