Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning content and warm, I sighed as I felt a larger body that I was lying on top of. A strong masculine arm draped around my shoulder and the hand splayed across my chest and stomach, I noticed that I was naked against said body. I smiled as the memories of last night come to me, I pulled the bed covering closer to me and snuggled to the large warm body of my bedmate. I turned my head to look at Sidon's sleeping face, he looked so peaceful and content. I kissed his chest and he hummed happily, opening his eyes slowly. I giggled, smiling up at him. "Good morning, my elegant prince." He chuckled lightly and bent down to give me a kiss, I returned it happily with shivers of joy running splendidly through my body. "Good morning to you too, my pearl. I cannot believe what happened last night, it was excellent." I laughed. "Yes, my prince it was." I said, as he stroked my hair lovingly.

I sighed happily, "That was the best sex I ever had, and waking up with you is even better. But I do  think we need to bathe, want to join me?" I asked, standing up and walking to the mirror in the room, winking at him. "Absolutely pearl." He said, sitting up. "Link, was I too rough on you last night? Are feeling alright?" He asked concerned, looking my backside, hips where there was bruising and at the back of my left shoulder which there was Sidon's mark where he bit me. He got out of the bed and looked upset, like he had hurt me and he begin to babble apologies about leaving marks and I stopped him. I put a finger to his lips and spoke. "Sidon, cease. I'm fine, I'm not sore, alright." I calmed him. "Alright, I just noticing bruising and the mark on your shoulder. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't hurt you." I smiled at his caring manner and kissed him as we started to walk towards the cleansing pools.


After bathing and getting dressed, Sidon and I headed towards the throne room where Uncle Dorphean and Zelda were waiting for us it seemed. "Ah boys, good morning I see you indeed had a good first night together." Uncle Dorphean gestured to Sidon's mark which was peeking out my tunic. He chuckled as Zelda giggled too. "Father, that is irrelevant. Yes, Link and I are in a new relationship and yes I have chosen him as my mate. End of story." Sidon blushed furiously as he spoke as did I. "Well, Link I think we've stalled enough. We need to go see Vah Ruta before something ominous happens." Zelda scolded me, walking down the step of the throne room and making her way to the path to Ruta. "Well, Link I think you better do what she says whilst she's in a working mood. Sidon, come I'll give you your duties for today." Uncle Dorphean said, gesturing Sidon to come stand beside him. I nodded sheepishly, walking over to Sidon, giving him a quick kiss as Uncle Dorphean chuckled as Sidon's lips met mine. I pulled away reluctantly after a few minutes and exited the throne room going to meet Zelda.


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