Chapter 30

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Link's POV

Zelda and I were walking down the trail from the Lanaryu tower area when I heard the snarling of a Bokoblins I thought it was behind us but then Zelda pointed to further down the trail. The Bokoblin wasn't just growling its usual, it was away to attack and was staring at someone. I ran ahead as I saw it raise its club and swung my sword at it before it could do anything. It groaned in defeat and fell to the ground. I turned around behind, sheathing my sword and Zelda had ran down behind me and was now comforting a man who I assume was going to be the victim of attack. "Are you ok?" She asked the man, he nodded as I spoke too. "Are you sure you're okay? These damn Bokoblins are everywhere despite the Calamity being over." He chuckled, "yeah I noticed that, I managed to avoid a few of them but that one just wouldn't get off my back."

We nodded as he spoke. "You two couldn't help me couldn't ya? I need to get to Zora's Domain. It's urgent." Me and Zelda looked at each other, why would he need to get to Zora's Domain and so importantly? I don't remember Uncle Dorphean or Sidon telling me they had any business to deal with today. The man looked worried and genuine so I spoke. "What's wrong? I mean we can take you there but how urgent is it cause it may take a while to walk." "Oh, I need to see my son. I haven't seen him in a long time and I'm assuming he's at the domain under the care of my friend." Zelda and I nodded at the man, smiling I mean we wouldn't get to the castle today now because it will probably be near nightfall by the time we get back to the domain but I don't she minded.

We had made it up the trail when the man spoke again. "Thank you for this, I know it's a lot to ask but I need to know he's ok." I smiled nodding, "It's absolutely no problem at all, as a hero it's my job to help people and  it's nice you're so eager to see your son, my father died when I was four years old, I don't really remember him much so I was raised by his best friend, my godfather although I call him my uncle." He smiled must have been at the fact that Uncle Dorphean had took such a role, but he frowned sympathetically must have been at that the fact I lost my father so young. "I'm sorry, how old are you now?" "It's kinda awkward cause I put to sleep in a chamber of resurrection for a hundred years when I was 17 so that's makes me a 117." he looked shocked before speaking.

"Wow, a hundred years? Things must different for you with how long it's been." I shook my head smiling. "No actually it's quite good for me considering I was raised by Zoras I get to spend more time with my uncle and my boyfriend who is also a Zora." I blushed at the mention of Sidon, but it was true I preferred being this age at this time, the man nodded. "So what's you two's names?" I smiled at did Zelda. "I'm Link and this is Zelda, it's nice to meet you sir." He looked like he had seen a ghost. "Um, sir are you ok?" He nodded, "yes just a little shocked. Link, did you say?" I nodded. "Oh, it's just my son's name is Link. I really miss him and hope that he's where I think or I don't what I'll do. Anyway, my name is Jakok, it's nice to meet you too."

Now it was my time to be shocked. Was this my father? No it couldn't be.... But then I took in his bloodied knight uniform and massive chest wound under the uniform that had been slashed, I also took in the fact that he said he has to get to Zora's Domain urgently as his son was under the care of his friend which he said with a frown. "Oh my goddess...." Zelda shook my shoulder. "Link, are you ok?" I shook myself out of my thoughts as they both looked at me. "Dad?" He looked up at me. "Link?...." He held his hands up to his mouth and shook his head. "No, it couldn't be.....could it? I'm a little skeptic if you really are my son or not." I nodded. "Ask me anything, because I know I can assure you I'm your son, just grown up."

"Ok. What age were you the first time you held a sword?" I smiled. "Two years old, I always came with you to your trials and I bested most of your colleagues in sword combat at the age of four." He nodded, knowing that only I myself or him or Uncle Dorphean would know that but he still looked unsure. "What age were you when you became a knight?" "I was fifteen years old when I said I wanted to be a knight and I had two years of training before I became Zelda's appointed knight and my duty was to keep her safe at all times under the order of the King of Hyrule, I returned to Zora's Domain at the age of seventeen with Zelda as her knight as we needed to search for a pilot for Divine Beast Vah Ruta for the battle ahead against Calamity Ganon." His jaw stood open. "Little more than I asked but I guess that just gives me more information. Ok, last one. What is your godfather's his actual name and what did I tell you to call him the first time you met him?"

I smiled. "Dorphean, King of the Zoras or as I call Uncle Dorphean even though he's my godfather it's easier to call him that." He smiled, eyes tearing up at my answer. "You still call him that?" "Course, I mean I didn't the first time after my hundred year sleep because I lost my memory and I ven know my name so I didn't know who he was either but told after the Calamity had gone and it all came back to me, so all good now." He smiled, "you lost your memory?" "Yeah, long story pretty sure you'll get it from someone trust me." He sighed, holding my shoulders. "I just can't believe it's you, son. You are so grown up but Dorphean did a good job I could see." I nodded as I looked at Zelda she was smiling at our reunion and nodding her head back in the direction of the Domain. "Oh, yeah of course. We're not even half way to the domain yet, we still got like four bridges to pass before we're even close. I only remember that cause of the constant reminders from my boyfriend the first time we met." I told him, remember it fondly of how Sidon met at each step of the way to the Domain.

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