Chapter 6

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I had successfully gotten into Gerudo Town without a hitch, thanks to my new outfit. I looked around Gerudo Town was nicer than I thought. It was definitely lively and vibrant as the guard at the bazaar told me, I asked around for anyone who could help me with the Divine Beast. Most people pointed me in the direction of the Gerudo Chief up top the town. I was expecting the chief to be a grown women like the majority of town but when I walked into the Chief's room, there was a little girl on the throne. It was fair to say I was shell-shocked, how am I supposed to get information about the Divine Beast from a little girl who looks to be several years younger than me?

She looked at me as I walked further into the room, there was a large woman standing next to the throne whom I assumed was a guard. "Yet another traveler.... How did you get in here?" The Chief spoke to me, I still didn't how to judge how helpful she'll be. She looked at my hip and her sight landed on the Sheikah Slate, she gasped and began to speak again. "Oh, it seems you have something rather interesting there...." I walked closer to the Chief but as I neared the steps to the throne the guard stopped me. "You stand before Lady Riju, chief of the Gerudo! Declare your business, but come no closer!" I stepped back and raised my hands to show I wouldn't take another step. "Hold on, Buliara.This one appears to be more than a common traveler. You there-what is your name? Link....and what is it you've come all this way to tell me, Link?" I cleared my throat before answering her question. "I can calm Naboris." I said with confidence as I felt less nervous about doing this Divine Beast than I was when I faced Medoh.

The guard spoke to me again, in a mocking kind of tone this time. "You think you what it takes to subdue something so powerful as a Divine Beast? The only ones who could ever control them were Champions like Lady Urbosa. And all of the Champions died in the Calamity 100 years ago." Riju stopped Buliara from speaking any further and spoke herself. "Hmm....Buliara, a memory just jumped into my head-something my mother spoke of. When the Calamity happened, the princess of Hyrule placed a swordsman into a deep sleep. That swordsman, much like our new friend here, was named Link....though it always seemed more legend than fact." Buliara piped up as Riju finished to correct her of the legend she was speaking of. "But, Lady Riju! Do those same stories not also say that the Hylian Champion carried a legendary sword? I see no such weapon in this person care." Riju hummed and thought of Buliara's words. "They do indeed...If I recall correctly, it was called the sword that seals the darkness. The princess supposedly hid it in the Lost Woods."

I knew they were confused by my appearance and I knew that they were in fact talking about the same sword Kaneli told me of after calming Medoh. I teared away from my thoughts and back to my conversation with Riju. "What of the device on this one's hip? It appears to be a precious relic of the Sheikah. I can't imagine they would give something so valuable to a simple drifter-can you?" She asked Buliara who replied with another statement. "I don't remember ever hearing of a Hylian vai among the Champions." Before staring intensely at me with a realization. "Wait a moment.....You're a voe!" Riju laughed as Buliara was furious with the fact I was a man disguised as a woman. "A voe within our walls is a great crime. But a voe that is a Champion. Well, we'd never mind mistreat a friend of Lady Urbosa. And if you're here to help us with Naboris, then we are allies." She told me, smiling.

"You saw it on your way to our town. Divine Beast Vah Naboris, cloaked in a massive sandstorm, hurling lighting at any who dare approach. We have to do something to stop it, but we have yet to find any way to appease the Divine Beast on our own. If you truly are a Champion, perhaps you will be able to enter Naboris and calm its anger." Buliara piped up again with anger. "Lady Riju! I don't see how you can trust a complete stranger with something as important as this task. Perhaps if this person were first to prove his worth by recovering your stolen Thunder Helm....." She smirked, looking me. "Ah. yes....An interesting suggestion. You see, there is only one thing in all of Hyrule that can withstand the lighting from Naboris. The Thunder Helm, a family heirloom and relic of the Gerudo. But as Buliara says, it was stolen from us." She said solemnly. "You needn't worry, Lady Riju. If he truly is a Champion, this should be as an easy task for him." She assured Riju and looking at me.

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