Chapter 10

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I returned to Hateno Village after calming Rudania and taking my thanks from both Bludo and Yunobo for appeasing the Divine Beast. I had grown fond of Hateno, I was thinking of where I was going to live after this was all over and I would quite like to live in Hateno. It was a quaint little village, it wasn't too busy but it wasn't empty either. I got back and left my horse at the gate before entering and greeting a few villagers I asked around if there was any vacant houses anywhere I could either buy or rent out or something. Some villagers told me there an old abandoned horse up the north end of the village but it had stood vacant and empty for years and it was in need of a good refurbishing.

That's was my ticket, I headed up towards with a few pointers from the villagers to help until I crossed a bridge which connected the vacant house to the rest of the village. There was construction worker who appeared to be tearing the house down and I couldn't let that happen, so I looked around until I found someone who didn't have a sledge hammer. I assumed he was the boss and decided what was happening with the house and what not so I greeted him to start a conversion. "Hey, need something from me?" He asked, I nodded answering. "What are you doing?" "In case it's not obvious, I'm demolishing a vacant house. Times are rough. Not a lot of buyers, y'know? So the villagers decided it was best to just tear it down." I hummed before responding. "I can buy it!" I told him, smiling. He smirked, "whoa, get a load of young moneybags... Just wants to 'buy' it, huh?" He muttered under his breath.

"Okey-doo...Let me lay it out for you. See this house? Been vacant for years. So the villagers had a meeting, argued, voted, and decided to tear it down. The demolition costs, with associated fees, permits, and other such details.... come in at 50,000 rupees. So when you say you want to 'buy' it, you're talking 50,000 rupees You got that?" It was a steep price, I but reckon it could be lowered. "I'll pay!" He gasped with an expression of shock. "Well! Who would have thought?!. Little go-getter, aren't you? Heh. Reminds me of me back in the day.....All right. All right, look. Here's the deal! Just for you! I'll cut you a special price of 3,000 rupees." I smirked, "that's a big price drop, man. Like wow." He sighed and huffed at the realization of the price. "BUT IN RETURN!" I stepped away from the loudness.

"I'm going to need you to bring me 30 wood bundles. Building materials.... You know how it is Anyway, you understand the terms? Then get to it. And show me what you're built of..... That's a construction joke." He said awkwardly, I snorted before he turned to his workers. "Hudson! Karson! Stop what you're doing!" They stopped and agreed with their boss. I thought I better get a move on with collecting that wood so I paraglided down to the nearest wooded area and starting bombing trees.


After around 15 minutes later, I made my way back to the house where I found the three construction workers sitting by the campfire. I talked to the boss called Bolson again and handed him the wood bundles. "I'll pay your price!" I told him, he smiled. "All I needed to see...Good-faith wood. You're obviously serious about this, and now I know it. So, as promised, I'll sell you this old house for the low price of 3,000 rupees. Once you've got the money together, come grab me." Luckily for me, I only went and sold lots of gems and ancient parts from guardians, I got over 4,000 rupees for the lot so I was kinda set. "I'm ready!" I told him and the look of shock expanded from earlier. "Seriously?! You're really gonna give me 3,000 rupees? Like, with three zeroes? You aren't just posturing?" I smiled. "I'll shell out!" His face lit up. "No way! Talk about studly! I'll just take that off your hands. Thanks for the sweet investment. Spending so much money on ANYTHING at your age... It's just so... studly!" I nodded at the compliment as he continued.

"There's a weapon mount in there that never sold...Consider it a housewarming gift. Hope you get some use out of it. time, baby! What'd I have lined up next again? Oh, yeah, that's what's next. I was going to send Hudson up Akkala way to clear some land!" He told me, I thanked him and looked at my new house and inspected it. The weapon was indeed there but the house was still sorta empty.


After another long talk with Bolson and his worker Karson, they had completed refurbished my house, after sending Hudson off to Akkala. Of course, every new thing whether it was interior or exterior cost me 100 rupees apiece but I was ok with that. I mean my house looked amazing, now I didn't have to pay for inns or sleeping under a tree somewhere. Bolson and Karson had given me tons of gear displays three of each: Weapons, shields, and bows. They had also installed lighting, a door and put in a bed for me, planted flowers, trees and made a custom name sign for the front of my house. After buying everything Bolson was even more shock if possible. "AHH! YOU HOUSING MONSTER! You got EVERYTHING?! Ah, such is the way of youth... Driven! Even reckless, some might say. Well, since you bought everything. I'll throw in some free furniture! Yeah! Least I could do! Karson! Look lively!" They more furniture to make my house look less empty.

I was beaming with the end result, I finally had a place of my own and it looked magnificent.

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