Chapter 38

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3 months later*

Link's POV

bang bang bang.

I slowly woke up and raised my head off the pillow tiredly, what the hell was that? I was about to shove Sidon to get him to go check and I realised he wasn't there. As part of tradition Sidon decided that we should sleep a part at least 3 days before the wedding. It was suppose to be a week but I told Sidon I couldn't be without him for that long, especially not at night time. "Link, up please! Big day, big day!" Dad burst into my room that was the room I lived in growing up while Sidon was in our room, he threw the covers off me without a second thought, glad I thought to wear boxers last night and opened the curtains over the small window which filled the room with morning light which made me bury my face into my pillow more.

Dad went through my drawers and grabbed a towel and clean pair of boxers. "Get to the cleansing pools, off you pop!" I groaned and crawled my way out of bed begrudgingly, mumbling I was tired and why must this be in the morning.


After Dad stood by my side every minute since I woke up, making sure I had brushed my teeth and cleaned properly like a child. He straightened the suit I was wearing and ran his hand through my hair again he sighed. "You okay, dad?" He smiled. "Yes, son I just never thought I'd get to see this day. I am so happy for you, and I am certain Sidon will make a fantastic husband, if he's anything like his father." He raised an eyebrow smiling. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "OK, dad I'm sure he will too. Do you think he's nervous cause I'm feeling a bit nervous." Dad chuckled and set his hand on my shoulder. "Link, there is not a man in this world who doe not freak out on his wedding day, trust me, I know I married the most nervous man in the world. He may not look it but under pressure, Dorph is a bag of nerves."

I chuckled, there was times where I saw that nervous side of Uncle Dorphean. I remember when I was 12 I fell off one of the cliffs and broke my arm and I had never seen Uncle Dorphean so nervous as he talked to Muzu about the incident after it happened. "Sidon will be nervous but that's good, I'd be worried if he wasn't nervous. Just keep this in mind: You know how much Sidon loves you and how much you love him. You are marrying your best friend today and he will never leave your side. Ever. I've never met a more committed man in my life, he will be fine." I nodded as we got a knock at the door, Mipha popped her head in. "Hey, groomie, you ready?" I nodded as Dad patted my shoulder and held the door open for me as Mipha smiled and headed to sit down with the others. "Come on, time to make Sidon your husband." I smiled, nodding as Dad lead me to the bottom of the aisle with a deep breath.


After we got to the altar, Dad hugged me and patted my shoulder before sitting down in the front row with Uncle Dorphean, Teba, Yunobo, Riju and Urbosa. Zelda and Mipha stood behind me as Revali and Daruk stood behind Sidon. We smiled at each other, "you looked gorgeous pearl." "You look handsome too, Sidon." We whispered to each other as Muzu began the ceremony.

It come the time for us to say our vows and Sidon took my hands in his as he spoke.

"I love you so much my pearl. When I was young, I didn't know who this boy was that always hung around my sister and laughed so much with my father, I wanted to know deeply but as time when on after Mipha passed, I forgot. But it all came rushing back to when I met you during Ruta's rainfall, back then during my childhood I didn't like you for being around so much but when I saw you during the calamity I wanted to have you around all the time because I thought you were beautiful and when I found out you were the Hylian champion, I thought how could he get even better, you are just so amazing. I always admired your skill and valor and hope to ever live up to your standards, I never thought I would be good enough to be your boyfriend never mind your husband but here we are on our wedding day and I am the luckiest Zora in the world to call such an amazing, loving, kind, caring and fearless warrior my husband and my love for you will never cease even after my last breath. I will love you always my precious, precious pearl."

I teared up at Sidon's wonderful vow, I was so close to tears as I spoke. "Sidon, when I awoke in the shrine of resurrection with no memories, no nothing. I was scared, I was lonely and I had the whole weight of Hyrule on my shoulders. I thought many times that I wasn't cut out to be the chosen hero who destroys the calamity, I was so close to giving up even though I'd come so far. Even though I had some memories and I was better than when I awoke, I still had that feeling of scared and loneliness, I wanted someone to take it away and make me feel better and when I met you, my prayers were answered. Your kind, energetic, caring and positive nature made me feel safe. I knew I always felt at home at the domain and there was of course the reason of I grew up here but now I had another reason I had the love I had been searching for and I know that I'll always feel safe if I have you Sidon, my kind, upbeat, handsome prince. I will love you Sidon, always and forever."

I had never seen Sidon so close to tears from happiness, he took a breath to hold it in and kissed the hand my ring was on. Sidon smiled and kissed me, dipping me down smiling and bring me back to stand. A chorus of cheers and congratulations echo through out the domain as Sidon and I were pronounced as husbands.

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