Chapter 15

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As Sidon made his way to the East Reservoir Lake, I was left with Muzu at Mipha's statue. I thought the best next thing to do would be to check Zora's Domain as I hadn't really explored much because as I followed Sidon to the throne room when I first arrived. I walked into what I assumed was the market place and checked out their stock of arrows. I bought the entire stock of normal arrows and I stocked up on ice arrows in case I needed them too. After thanking the Zora who sold me the arrows I bought I walked out the store and continued to the Inn across from it.

They had a fire and pot for cooking, so I grabbed Hearty Radishes and truffle I had picked up on my travel to Zora's Domain and cooked them to give me food with a little boost if I needed if in facing the Divine Beast. I also cooked some Raw Prime meat some meat skewers as I was feeling a little peckish right now. After cooking what was necessary I walked to the back of the inn to speak to the innkeeper about sleeping a night here before going to meet Sidon. "Hello! Welcome to the Seabed Inn. Wait....It can't be...Y-you're Master Link! From 100 years ago!" The innkeeper exclaimed, clearly recognising me immediately. "*Ahem* Sorry. Back to work I go." He excused himself from being distracted. "My name is Kayden and We're always happy to provide some sound sleep to weary travelers. Would you like to rest here? Our normal bed will cost you 20 rupees. Our blissful water bed is 80 rupees." Kayden told me.

I was feeling a little sluggish and drowsy, so the water bed sounded good to me plus it was described as blissful. "I'll take the water bed, thanks Kayden." I handed him the 80 rupees for the waterbed smiling."of course Master Link! Have a good rest!" He smiled as he lead me to one of the rooms with a waterbed and I collapsed on it. I was so tired from the road from Kakariko to Zora's Domain, but if I'm being honest it was worth it meeting Sidon. I couldn't stop thinking about him, he was the most positive person I had met so far and honestly I found him quite attractive. He was muscular, handsome, kind, caring, energetic and there was just something about him that I feel every time I see or speak to him. I told Kayden to wake me up in the morning and I fell asleep dreaming about Sidon and the possible future I could have with him if I worked up the courage to tell him my feelings.


I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, the waterbed felt great to sleep in, it was very comfortable to sleep in and I don't how but I felt closer to Sidon sleeping on it but that may just because it was a waterbed. I yawned and stretched, slowly getting out of the bed I grabbed my equipment and walked out of the room. "Good Morning Master Link!" Kayden greeted me, I yawned again. "Good Morning Kayden, thanks for that I slept great." He smiled. "It was no problem Master Link, I'm glad you slept well!" I nodded and thanked him once again, heading out in the Domain's square wanting to explore more before going to meet Sidon. I walked to the front gates of the domain and greeted the guard at the front gate.

"Hm? Master Link! Is it truly you? The Hylian Champion?" He asked, I nodded at him. "It's me! Rivan! We used to swim together when I was but a child.....Remember?" I thought about whist staring at Rivan and a faint memory popped into my head but I could still make out that it was Rivan playing with me as a kid. "That sounds familiar....." I told him, he sighed. "Well, it has been 100 years since then. And now I'm over 130 years old.... I must say you've aged well for a Hylian. Unbelievably well!" He said in a shocked state before continuing. "Now that I think about it- shouldn't you be dead?" he asked, I snickered a laugh as he got embarrassed immediately after. "Sorry. That may be too personal a question." He apologized as I waved him off "It's fine Rivan, really." I said before a cough interrupted us.

"*AHEM* Father....We are on guard duty right now." They said, as Rivan stood up straight. "Oh, right.....Sorry." He said before turning back to me to inform me about people I used to regularly see in the domain 100 years ago. "The leader of the pack, Bazz.The heroine, Gaddison.and my father Trello....They have all aged quite a bit, I'm afraid. But they are all doing well." He stopped whilst thinking. "Oh....But, Master Link, you probably shouldn't speak to the elderly." He warned me. I could have used that advice before talking Muzu. I thought, before continuing . "Oops! Sorry for keeping you too long." Rivan chuckled, I smiled too as I bided goodbye to him. I walked back into the square and was greeted by another guard. "Hello, and welcome! Zora's Domain is currently searching for a Hylian like you. That said, this Hylian...I get the feeling I've seen him before....Perhaps a long time ago...." He said in a quieter voice, he stopped to think before I spoke to him again. "Now I remember! This person is....However if this person is the Hylian that Prince Sidon brought, this all sounds good to be true." He whispered more. "I must ask something of you, traveler. If you know it, speak it now. What is the Big Bazz Brigade password?" He asked, I thought about it for a few minutes before he continued.

"Fluffy white clouds! Clear blue...." He trailed off, looking for me to finish the sentence. I said the most logical thing that first came to my mind. "Zora?" He smiled and pumped his fist in the air. "Yes! There is no mistaking it! You are, indeed, the real Master Link!" I smiled back at him. "It's true." "I knew it! The only people who know that password are the members of the Big Bad Bazz Brigade! That said, you haven't changed at all...But what have you been doing for the last 100 years?" I decided to tell Bazz the truth as I have everyone else. "I was sleeping." Bazz laughed "As though you could sleep for that long. Now then Master Link....What do you need from me?" I decided to ask him who he was just to get more information for my memories. "Me? I am Bazz. A hundred years ago, you frequently trained me in the art of the blade. Remember? Thanks to that, I made great progress with my sword training and now I am captain of the Zora's Domain guard!" He smiled widely at me.

"I am in your debt, Master Link! Is there anything else you want to ask?" I shook my head and said goodbye to Bazz. "Farewell then!" Bazz said walking away. I looked around and saw the reservoir in the distance, I looked to the bridge that connected from the domain to the road that lead to the East reservoir and started to make my way across it. I greeted another guard near the end of the bridge. "Yes, sir! East gate is all clear, sir!.....Hm.....Oh! Well, if it isn't Master Link! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes? We.....used to play together all the time. That was 100 years ago. My name is Gaddison. The Hylian that Prince Sidon brought here....Don't tell me that was you, Master Link! And what's don't seem to have changed much in the last 100 years.....Oh! but I shouldn't be making idle chitchat just now. I'm supposed to be fulfilling my officially appointed duty by keeping watch at the east gate. I must maintain my surveillance of the East Reservoir Lake. We can chat later." Gaddison said before walking away further down the bridge.

I made my way closer to the East Reservoir, smiling at the thought of seeing Sidon. My smile dropped as I reached the reservoir and noticed the two massive staircases, my jaw dropped and I knew my feet will be killing by the time I reach the top. I sighed, annoyed and began to climb the stairs. After I good five minutes I finally reached the top and collapsed. Yep, I was right my feet are killing me and I still have help Sidon appease Ruta. I huffed, and got up noticed a bed in the middle of the reservoir platform. I sat down on it and slowly took my boots off, I rubbed my feet to try and get some pain out before telling Sidon I was ready. I put my boots back on and stood up shaking off any left over pain, and walked to the left side of the bed. There was a chest with a shield, I smiled and tucked it away before facing the long platform which lead to Divine Beast Vah Ruta.

I smiled, taking my shock arrows out of my quiver and attaching them to my bow before tighting my Zora Armor and making my way towards Sidon.

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