Chapter 16

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I walked up the long platform, and greeted Sidon who was standing at the end of it. I think it was the first time from meeting Sidon I had saw him looking distressed. I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and smiled once he saw me. "Glad to see you're ready to go, Link!" He flashed me that signature smile at me again and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Are you ready for this? Do you have your Zora armor and enough shock arrows?" He asked enthusiastically, I laughed at his positivity that I loved so much. "I'm ready!" "Wonderful!" He exclaimed before blushing slightly as he continued. "You never cease to amaze me, Link! Now then, let us go and appease that Divine Beast as one! Here we go!!"" He backflipped into the water as I stared in awe.

"Gaze now upon the Divine Beast's back!" He said while in the water. I looked up at the Divine Beast's shoulders, "do you see those glowing, pink orbs? You will need to shoot each of them with a shock arrow! With your Zora armor, you now have the ability to ascend waterfalls!" He explained. "So I shall take you right up to the side of the Divine Beast, and from there you can swim up and take aim!" Sidon beamed at me. "I know you can do it! I believe in you! Now hurry up and get on my back!" I tilted my head at Sidon's words, as I didn't want to hurt him or his back with my weight. "Are you sure?" Sidon was quick to reassure my uncertainty with that brilliant smile. "What are you talking?! We can do this! Let's get going!" I smiled and climbed onto his back, I held onto his shoulders as he started to swim near the Divine Beast. "Here we go!!" Sidon started to speed up as we got closer. "Ha! I am unstoppable in the water!" He laughed as neared Ruta.

Sidon started to circle the area. "Ruta is responding to our presence! I'll move away and wait for an opening before we approach! I'll keep going at full speed! It's up to you to ward off Ruta's attacks! Are you ready? Divine Beast Vah Ruta will undoubtedly use its ancient and mysterious powers against us..." Sidon explained. "That includes hurling giant ice blocks that we will need to watch out for. I shall leave those to you" He said explaining a little more before putting our plan into action. Sidon swam straight along the lake as I started to ward off the ice blocks flying at with arrows. As soon as the ice was gone "Get those shock arrows!" I heard Sidon say as he took me to the waterfalls at the side of Ruta, when we got close enough I let go of Sidon's shoulder and leapt off him to swim up the waterfall. "Go on Link!" I heard Sidon in the distance, I swam up the waterfall and took out my paraglider giving me more time to aim the shock arrows which hit the orbs right on.

I only had enough time to hit one before I dropped back into the water. I gasped as I swallowed water as I felt Sidon's arm pull me up and placed me gently back on his back. A few more times later Sidon smiled at me as Ruta started to calm down and stop raining over the domain. "WOW! that was astounding! An absolute thrill!" Sidon exclaimed as moved away from Ruta. "Link, look! The water spouting from Ruta has slowed down! Ruta is floating higher now! You wanted to venture inside it, right?! Sidon asked I nodded as he swam closer. "I'll bring you closer! We're counting on you, hero! Do good work in there!" He encouraged me smiling. As we got to Ruta's platform, we looked up at the Divine Beast itself.

"Well, Link, here we are. Looks like this is where the real work starts. Best of luck." Sidon gave me that beautiful smile. "Nice job cutting off the water flow from this Divine Beast." He let me of his back and onto the platform that would take me up to Ruta. "Show the enemy no fear. I'll see you back at Zora's Domain" Sidon promised me as his positive personality beaming though in his words. "Farewell." He nodded as Ruta began to move, the platform did. Sidon began to swim away backwards and I felt my smile dropped as Sidon got further and further away. I had to tell him my feeling after I do what I have to do in this Divine Beast. I couldn't keep it in any longer, I had to tell him. I felt bad as I didn't want to disrespect Mipha's feelings she had towards me 100 years ago but I did feel strongly towards Sidon. I walked up to the Sheikah slate stone and activated it.

'Travel Gate registered to map' A circle behind lit up in the same blue light, I heard a familiar voice speak as the stone activated. "You're here." It was Mipha. Her spirit was speaking to me. "I must say...that I am so happy to see that this day has finally arrived. Now Ruta can be freed of Ganon's control." It felt good to hear her voice. "You'll need a map to prevent you from getting lost. The guidance stone there contains the information you will need." She explained. I walked into the interior of the Divine Beast, and got the map from the Guidance stone. 'Sheikah Slate authenticated. Distilling map of Divine Beast.' "Good! You've obtained the map of the Divine Beast." Mipha said, "you will see several glowing points on your map which represent the terminals that control Ruta. Take Ruta back by activating all of the terminals." Mipha explained. "Be careful." She warned the dangers of the corrupted Divine Beast.


After activating all five terminals, just like Revali, Urbosa and Daruk did on their Divine Beasts, Mipha told me to go activate the main control unit. Now I was hoping that the malice-like air to come out of the terminal was a lot less stressful than it was the last three times I had seen this. But no the malice from Ruta formed into another one of the most ugliest looking fuckers I had ever seen in this lifetime yet. Just like the others, this monstrosity also had a name. Waterblight Ganon it was called, I was not liking the look of the giant spear it was holding. "Please take care." I heard Mipha say quietly, "that thing is one of Ganon's creations. I put up as much of a fight as I could, but it proved to be my demise 100 years ago. Regardless...I believe that you are well prepared for this moment. I have faith in you." She encouraged me. After the literal 15 minute fight 20 at most which was shorter than Windblight's fight, definitely shorter than Thunderblight's but slightly longer than Fireblight's. I would be lying I said that asshole didn't get me a good few times which it did and it hurt like hell's fire. But with Mipha's encouragement and help I managed to best Waterblight and reactivate Ruta and free from Ganon's corruption. As I activated the main control unit, I have never been so happy to see that glowing blue knowing that the last Divine Beast was free. I placed the Sheikah Slate back on my hip and turned around.

"Hello, Link." I heard that same voice I had been hearing all through this Divine Beast. "Because of your courage, my spirit is now free. And Ruta, as well." I turned around and saw Mipha in spirit form, smiling. I felt happy to see her, if she was a spirit. "Thank you. For I am now allowed by this be with you once again. Since I am now a spirit, my healing power would be wasted on me. I have no need of it. So therefore...I would like you to have it. Please accept. Mipha's Grace. She pushed a ball of light towards me which surrounded me and lifted me off the ground. It made me feel like I could breathe underwater and I felt invincible. It put back on the ground as Mipha continued to speak. "Yesterday, I was awash in a pool of tears. I had nearly given up hope and resigned myself to being trapped here, as a spirit, for the rest of eternity. But now you're here. All this time, my hope...was to see you once more. Promise me that you will not hesitate to call upon my power if you ever find yourself in need. Knowing that....will let my spirit rest in peace. I must go." She said as I felt her presence leave me.

"Ruta and I have our roles to fulfill. We are both honored to be able to play the role of support. We'll annihilate Ganon together." She said as I started to leave the interior of the Divine Beast in a ball of light. "Save her, Link. Save the Princess. Save Princess Zelda." That was the last thing she said to me as I fully leave the Divine Beast and was transported back to Zora's Domain.

My next stop Hyrule Castle........after dealing with some remaining things at the domain first of course.

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